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Thread: Oklahoma Breweries

  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma Breweries

    I for one am really excited to see the list of Oklahoma brewers expanding, especially with the high quality we are starting to get.
    Here is the list of all the ones that I have been able to track down.
    Choc Beer Co
    Prairie Artisan Ales
    COOP Ale Works
    Roughtail Brewing Co
    Mustang Brewing Co
    Anthem Brewing Co
    Battered Boar
    Black Mesa
    Dead Armadillo
    Huebert Brewing
    Redbud Brewing
    Marshall Brewing

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    For those that don't mind a drive to Tulsa and have a friend that owes you a favor to serve as DD
    Tulsa Craft Beer Week

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    I for one am really excited to see the list of Oklahoma brewers expanding, especially with the high quality we are starting to get.
    Here is the list of all the ones that I have been able to track down.
    Choc Beer Co
    Prairie Artisan Ales
    COOP Ale Works
    Roughtail Brewing Co
    Mustang Brewing Co
    Anthem Brewing Co
    Battered Boar
    Black Mesa
    Dead Armadillo
    Huebert Brewing
    Redbud Brewing
    Marshall Brewing
    Where are all of these located? I know Coop is in OKC, Choc is in Krebs and Marshall is in Tulsa but don't know about the others. I would love to see some tasting rooms. I know Marshall has one, any others?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Not sure which have tasting rooms. Roughtail does and as a matter of fact
    Roughtail Brewing First Anniversary!, Midwest City | Events | Yelp

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    Most of them are way too hoppy for me, don't understand the current (been ongoing for a few years) fascination with hops. Had a Roughtail stout that I couldn't drink because the hops were too strong - friends agreed this was a bad beer, stouts don't need that much hopping! Having said that, Prairie does good stuff, I like their Prairie Bomb, but the Prairie Noir was better, IMO. Haven't seen the Dead Armadillo yet, might have to try that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    I've like everything by Prairie that I've tried so far.
    As far as the hops go I'm starting to develop a taste for it. I have a friend that cant get enough hops. If it doesnt smell like a pinecone in an old sock he doesnt want it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    I have actually been doing a lot of research on this because I am on the board for an event we are having Friday May 2nd at the Myriad Gardens called Broadway and Brew: Broadway & Brew

    The event is a fund raiser for Lyric Theater of Oklahoma & we had over 500 people attend last year. Tickets are $65 for all the free beer and food from 10 local restaurants if anyone is interested!

    Breweries that will be there:
    Dead Armadillo
    Belle Isle Brewery

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by OklahomaNick View Post
    I have actually been doing a lot of research on this because I am on the board for an event we are having Friday May 2nd at the Myriad Gardens called Broadway and Brew: Broadway & Brew

    The event is a fund raiser for Lyric Theater of Oklahoma & we had over 500 people attend last year. Tickets are $65 for all the free beer and food from 10 local restaurants if anyone is interested!

    Breweries that will be there:
    Dead Armadillo
    Belle Isle Brewery
    The website doesn't give much information about what will be offered. Are you able to add any information?

  11. Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Most of them are way too hoppy for me, don't understand the current (been ongoing for a few years) fascination with hops. Had a Roughtail stout that I couldn't drink because the hops were too strong - friends agreed this was a bad beer, stouts don't need that much hopping! Having said that, Prairie does good stuff, I like their Prairie Bomb, but the Prairie Noir was better, IMO. Haven't seen the Dead Armadillo yet, might have to try that.
    I'd recommend trying the COOP Grand Sport Porter. Probably the truest to style of any beef they make, and one of the most underrated beers brewed on the state (porters are a bit out of fashion these days). Personally I prefer solid non-IPA ales that are more of a medium hop profile, but everybody's into IPAs these days.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I'd recommend trying the COOP Grand Sport Porter. Probably the truest to style of any beef they make, and one of the most underrated beers brewed on the state (porters are a bit out of fashion these days). Personally I prefer solid non-IPA ales that are more of a medium hop profile, but everybody's into IPAs these days.
    Thanks, already know about the Gran Sport Porter - fantastic beer, I have it on tap at Iron Starr with the quail breast appetizers and pulled pork dinner, great meal...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Great thread!

    It's nice to finally have some options in our state. I won't go off on Oklahoma not being able to get some of the better beers…I'm just glad the local breweries are coming to the rescue with great, Oklahoma brews.

    A friend came up from the Dallas area and as usual he brought me about 12 different beers we can't get in Oklahoma. I surprised him with as many Okie beers as I could get to. Of course we exchanged IPA's and Pale Ales cause I guess we are into those like some of you have said. He's really enjoyed the OKIE beers!

    As far as IPA's being trendy or the new thing…I guess to each his own! I love 'em. They have character and a unique flavor. They are a bit of an acquired taste as well. I will ease off them a bit this summer as they tend to be heavy and when it's hot I sometimes want something lighter.

    Absolutely love F5!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    In Steve Lackmeyer's chat today, he said this, and I was just lurking, so I couldn't ask what he meant, but maybe someone here does:

    "But the beer industry has been changing in recent years, and even one of the largest companies locally was sold to one of the nationals."

    Any idea which one he was talking about? I poked around a bit and couldn't really find anything...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    In Steve Lackmeyer's chat today, he said this, and I was just lurking, so I couldn't ask what he meant, but maybe someone here does:

    "But the beer industry has been changing in recent years, and even one of the largest companies locally was sold to one of the nationals."

    Any idea which one he was talking about? I poked around a bit and couldn't really find anything...
    Our big Bud distributor sold back to Bud itself, I believe.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    In Steve Lackmeyer's chat today, he said this, and I was just lurking, so I couldn't ask what he meant, but maybe someone here does:

    "But the beer industry has been changing in recent years, and even one of the largest companies locally was sold to one of the nationals."

    Any idea which one he was talking about? I poked around a bit and couldn't really find anything...
    I'm not sure how "local" he was talking about, but Boulevard Brewery up in KC was recently sold to the Belgium company that owns Ommegang and others.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Article in the Tulsa World about Fayetteville's growing beer scene. This was an interesting tidbit:
    Breweries are popping up everywhere in Fayetteville, and they still can’t keep up with the demand.

    Friendly alcohol laws let breweries start without a lot of hassle. They can brew the beer, sell it on site, fill growlers for customers to take home, self-distribute if they choose, and they can have a restaurant at the brewery. Patrons can even enjoy the company of their kids and their pets while having a pint.

    Ozark Beer Company’s brewmaster Andy Coates started out at a Denver brewery called the Great Divide, then moved to Goose Island in Chicago before starting Ozark.

    “We chose Arkansas because the laws here are very favorable for breweries — it affords us to do multiple things: sell beer on a retail side in pints and growlers (64-ounce glass containers) to go, and we can also distribute ourselves, which is great for us,” said Lacie Bray of Ozark Beer Company.
    Why has Arkansas been able to have much more progressive and favorable laws for craft breweries? Although this does make me want to check out Fayetteville's beer scene.

    Fayetteville's Ale Trail offers taste of breweries in northwest Arkansas - Homepagelatest - TulsaWorld

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    Article in the Tulsa World about Fayetteville's growing beer scene. This was an interesting tidbit:

    Why has Arkansas been able to have much more progressive and favorable laws for craft breweries? Although this does make me want to check out Fayetteville's beer scene.

    Fayetteville's Ale Trail offers taste of breweries in northwest Arkansas - Homepagelatest - TulsaWorld
    Arkansas laws depend on the county.

    They have very progressive laws in much of the state, but they also have numerous counties which are completely dry. Other counties are somewhere in the middle.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Mustang is having their 5th year anniversary open house this Friday.
    If you haven't tried Rocketfuel, you really should. Quite tasty.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Speaking of breweries/brewpubs/etc., I watched BeerGeeks (just got turned on to it, Channel 7 on Saturdays, 9 PM or 2 AM or whenever they feel like running it) and Great Divide Brewing Co. in Colorado had an interesting way of serving their beer *and* food, even though they're strictly a brewery - they have a tap room where they have 16 of their beers on tap for tasting/purchasing, a room with tables/chairs/benches, and food trucks that set up outside.

  21. Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Been there. Great place.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    So these two guys called "Brews Travelers" have been touring the country going to "365 Breweries in 365 Days." I read their blog and follow their journey because I found it really interesting and because I randomly happened to be at their send off party at Deep Ellum when I was in Dallas for the New Year. Heck they even slept in my basement when they traveled through Omaha to visit.

    Anyways, they just posted their blog update on their visit to COOP Ale Works. I thought you guys might find the post interesting and maybe give the guys a follow for the rest of their trip.

    #132 ? COOP Ale Works in Oklahoma City, OK | Brews Travelers 365

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Quote Originally Posted by UrbanNebraska View Post
    So these two guys called "Brews Travelers" have been touring the country going to "365 Breweries in 365 Days." I read their blog and follow their journey because I found it really interesting and because I randomly happened to be at their send off party at Deep Ellum when I was in Dallas for the New Year. Heck they even slept in my basement when they traveled through Omaha to visit.

    Anyways, they just posted their blog update on their visit to COOP Ale Works. I thought you guys might find the post interesting and maybe give the guys a follow for the rest of their trip.

    #132 ? COOP Ale Works in Oklahoma City, OK | Brews Travelers 365
    That is interesting but seems to be mainly just statistical in nature instead of trying to give any evaluations.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Updating the list...

    Choc Beer Co
    Prairie Artisan Ales
    COOP Ale Works
    Roughtail Brewing Co
    Mustang Brewing Co
    Anthem Brewing Co
    Battered Boar
    Black Mesa
    Dead Armadillo
    Huebert Brewing
    Redbud Brewing
    Marshall Brewing
    Iron Monk
    Elk Valley
    Willows Family (think its an offshoot of Prairie?)

  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma Breweries

    Don't Forget 405 appears to have their first commercial batch in the fermenter. Should be coming out soon.

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