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Thread: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

  1. #176

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    In this industry opening on Sunday won't increase sales by much. It will mostly steal sales from the other 6 days.
    Still, I don't have a problem with granting the liquor store owner the freedom to determine if opening on Sunday is a good sales plan.

  2. #177

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Chick Fil-A manages to be closed Sunday and they do just fine business-wise. I doubt Sunday sales would make up a large enough percentage of alcohol sales to really make or break a store unless its a special event like the superbowl.
    And Kentucky Fried Chicken, which opens on Sunday, recently gave up its position of being no. 1 seller of chicken to Chick Fil-A.

  3. #178

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    So the 24, or so, counties in Oklahoma that still ban liquor by the drink are nuts?
    Kind of a jump, wouldn't you think?

  4. #179

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Well, I certainly understand full well what the conservatives mindset is about. It quite clearly means to be resistant to change and defend keeping the status quo.
    Well, it probably means that needing to shop on Saturday instead of having the option of shopping on Sunday isn't deemed some sort of tragedy or cause to feel like a victim. There are worse things than not getting hysterical at the lack of humanity evidenced by apathy on the subject. I can't recall any conservative I know in real life particularly concerned the law will change or not change. Last I checked, there was no big groundswell of Conservative soldiers trying to block this. Pretending this is even a deal to the right, much less blaming them for being backwards or - gasp! - Christian - is dumb. Sure, there is always someone they'll stick a mic in front of but for most conservatives, it ain't broke. There are plenty of bigger issues. The implication that that makes them less progressive or stuck in their ways is just a progressive hammer looking for a conservative nail.

  5. #180

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    As far as the car dealers not being open on Sunday, I am against that to. One could argue I am biased on that, but whatever. The government should not be regulating who can be open when.

    I believe a poster on here said at one point or another, the reasoning behind that was car dealers shouldn't be open on a day of worship; is that true?

  6. #181

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Since everything under discussion here is all in various minds . . .
    May I suggest a back-to-back reading of;
    "Homegrown Democrat" (Garriison Keillor) and "The Mark Iniside" (Amy Reading")?

    Between the two of them, it would definitely be a good collection of ideas and concepts pointing in the direction of a "better" OKC
    Without simply giving it (OKC) the Finger . . . as Noobs and Temps are prone to do.... =).

    PS: It's too damn hot here. I'm glad I found a shady spot. GeeZ.)

  7. #182

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Kind of a jump, wouldn't you think?
    One of the very few "original" thoughts I've ever had--with a tip o' the proverbial hat t' Jimmy Buffet a long time ago was--"It Ain't Where you are At, It's Where YOU 'are at'."

    I actually met an actual "Quilting Law Practitioner."

    It was in a suburb of The Cities, about an hour north of there.
    She was a nice person and not offended by my grumpy, know-it-all attitude.

    When we conversed, I thought of you.
    (as my wife purchased some fabric for a quilt she has yet to make. =)

    The coolest part of all is the name of their little tiny place of business
    Just off the old Main Street of Town: Quilterati.

    OKC needs spots like that. To make it better and help it to 'run with the Big Dogs . . ." =)
    (and somebody needs to file a complaint with whomever to lower the temperature, fer cryin' out loud, doncha know . . .)

  8. #183

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Since everything under discussion here is all in various minds . . .
    May I suggest a back-to-back reading of;
    "Homegrown Democrat" (Garriison Keillor) and "The Mark Iniside" (Amy Reading")?

    Between the two of them, it would definitely be a good collection of ideas and concepts pointing in the direction of a "better" OKC
    Without simply giving it (OKC) the Finger . . . as Noobs and Temps are prone to do.... =).

    PS: It's too damn hot here. I'm glad I found a shady spot. GeeZ.)
    Maybe even mix in a lil bit of Lewis Grizzard..."It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato."

  9. #184

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    It looks like Arkansas may beat Oklahoma to the punch when it comes to establishing truly progressive, modern laws. It helps that the state has a couple of progressive bastions in Little Rock and Fayetteville - something Oklahoma does not have. It will be interesting to see if this passes. The rural areas of Arkansas in the western and northern part of the state are extremely conservative with a population largely holding firmly to the idea that all alcohol consumption is sinful and should be banned. Those areas of the state are also where most of the dry counties are. You can bet pastors will be getting their flocks out to vote against this constitutional amendment.

    Arkansas Voters May Get to Decide on Minimum Wage, Alcohol Sales | Arkansas Business News | ArkansasBusiness.com

  10. #185

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Sinful. Really? What's your proof of this?

  11. #186

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Wow.... Oklahoma really needs to get with the times here.

  12. #187

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    It looks like Arkansas may beat Oklahoma to the punch when it comes to establishing truly progressive, modern laws. It helps that the state has a couple of progressive bastions in Little Rock and Fayetteville - something Oklahoma does not have. It will be interesting to see if this passes. The rural areas of Arkansas in the western and northern part of the state are extremely conservative with a population largely holding firmly to the idea that all alcohol consumption is sinful and should be banned. Those areas of the state are also where most of the dry counties are. You can bet pastors will be getting their flocks out to vote against this constitutional amendment.

    Arkansas Voters May Get to Decide on Minimum Wage, Alcohol Sales | Arkansas Business News | ArkansasBusiness.com
    Ever been to Eureka Springs? Not exactly conservative.

  13. #188

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Ever been to Eureka Springs? Not exactly conservative.
    True. Arkansas is fortunate to have small pockets of cultural liberalism and diversity. However, go to Harrison, not far from there, and its a far different story. The most conservative part of the state is the areas surrounding Fort Smith (which might as well be Oklahoma). Go to Fayetteville near the college or much of inner-city Little Rock however and you can forget you are in a maroon-red state.

  14. #189

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Wow.... Oklahoma really needs to get with the times here.
    Old ideaologies really kill it here. Nothing will change in Oklahoma until the old money dies out cause they'll just keep on lining young politicians pockets.

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk

  15. #190

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Old ideaologies really kill it here. Nothing will change in Oklahoma until the old money dies out cause they'll just keep on lining young politicians pockets.

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk
    So, the "new money" is better? I guess we should define some terminology here.

    What a waste of a thread that could have been about more than state politics - and pet issues that only matter to very few.

  16. Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    It looks like Arkansas may beat Oklahoma to the punch when it comes to establishing truly progressive, modern laws. It helps that the state has a couple of progressive bastions in Little Rock and Fayetteville - something Oklahoma does not have. It will be interesting to see if this passes. The rural areas of Arkansas in the western and northern part of the state are extremely conservative with a population largely holding firmly to the idea that all alcohol consumption is sinful and should be banned. Those areas of the state are also where most of the dry counties are. You can bet pastors will be getting their flocks out to vote against this constitutional amendment.

    Arkansas Voters May Get to Decide on Minimum Wage, Alcohol Sales | Arkansas Business News | ArkansasBusiness.com
    On what punch is Arkansas beating Oklahoma? Arkansas has true dry counties where package sales are illegal. Oklahoma has no dry counties. Retail package sales is legal in all 77 counties, and always has been. County option package sales was rejected the year Oklahoma repealed prohibition.

    What Oklahoma has are counties where liquor by the drink is not legal.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  17. #192

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Old ideaologies really kill it here. Nothing will change in Oklahoma until the old money dies out cause they'll just keep on lining young politicians pockets.

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk
    maybe I need to become a young politician then Would you guys support me? Decent liquor laws are only 300 miles away....

  18. #193

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    We aren't talking about things being banned. We are talking about the ability to exchange money for a legal product.

    Why is buying legal alcohol on a Sunday or holiday any different than purchasing it on any other day of the week?

    Why is purchasing a legal, roadworthy vehicle on a Sunday any different than purchasing it on any other day of the week?

    If the item is legal, why is the transaction restricted to certain days of the week?

    As far as I know, gun sales in NY are highly restricted equally no matter the day of the week.

    If the item is legal, there should be no restrictions on what time of day you can engage in a transaction.
    I think it's much ado about nothing. Are our liquor laws the best? No. but it doesn't take a genius to plan ahead for a cold beer.
    It's not degrading to our quality of life, even in a minor way. Germany has a great overall quality of life in spite of the fact that there are so many things you can't buy on Sundays that it's easier to say what CAN be legally sold on Sundays.

  19. #194

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I had an entire response typed up, but I will simply say I was raised in the Independent Baptist movement. They are extremely legalistic, very political, and far more numerous than most people realize.
    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    There is one church in OKC that has probably 3,000 people on a given Sunday as well as operates its own school and Bible college. If you ask most people in this city if they've heard of that specific church they would probably say no.
    ... which goes to prove my point.
    The independent baptist movement may have played a major role in your upbringing, but in no way does is it anything more than a blip on Oklahoma's political radar. It's like a small blemish on a nice piece of furniture that is noticeable, but still just a small part of the overall product.

  20. #195

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    It's not degrading to our quality of life, even in a minor way.
    Quality of life is highly subjective. Personally I feel Oklahoma City's quality of life suffers due to many small negatives - little things that by themselves don't really matter that much with liquor laws being just one of them. I don't know that much about Germany, but while they may have backward laws, they also have beautiful scenery, rich history going back thousands of years, amazing walkable cities, a livable temperate climate, etc. Another place that has backward liquor laws is Sweden, but its highly considered to have a very high quality of life for a multitude of other reasons.

  21. #196

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Quality of life is highly subjective. Personally I feel Oklahoma City's quality of life suffers due to many small negatives - little things that by themselves don't really matter that much with liquor laws being just one of them.
    My first reaction: Maybe if you tried buying your beer on a different day
    led me to this remembered joke: Doctor, doctor, I broke my arm in three places. (response Stay out of those places.

  22. #197

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    True. Arkansas is fortunate to have small pockets of cultural liberalism and diversity. However, go to Harrison, not far from there, and its a far different story. The most conservative part of the state is the areas surrounding Fort Smith (which might as well be Oklahoma). Go to Fayetteville near the college or much of inner-city Little Rock however and you can forget you are in a maroon-red state.
    Arkansas culture has had more time to evolve than Oklahoma's. But doesn't explain why some of Arkansas is as conservative, perhaps even more than Oklahoma.

  23. #198

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Arkansas culture has had more time to evolve than Oklahoma's.
    Yeah, but a good anti-fungal cream would solve that.

  24. #199

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Quality of life is highly subjective. Personally I feel Oklahoma City's quality of life suffers due to many small negatives - little things that by themselves don't really matter that much with liquor laws being just one of them. I don't know that much about Germany, but while they may have backward laws, they also have beautiful scenery, rich history going back thousands of years, amazing walkable cities, a livable temperate climate, etc. Another place that has backward liquor laws is Sweden, but its highly considered to have a very high quality of life for a multitude of other reasons.
    Likewise, if you choose to focus on the negatives while ignoring the positives here than you have nobody to blame but yourself.

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