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Thread: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

  1. Default The greatest live performance ever. Period.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Performances we've seen live or live performances we've seen on media?

  3. Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    You pick 'em.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Two come to mind.............
    Robert Plant and Jimmy Page in 1998 at the Myriad.

    Van Halen in 1979 at the OKC Civic Center.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    1975 Beach Boys and Chicago together same stage.

  6. #6

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Jethro Tull, Red Rocks Amphitheater, 1971

    Here is a post apocalyptic link to the past . . . (sans live video)
    Jethro Tull's '71 Red Rocks concert forged a place in rock history - The Denver Post

    What made it great was that Ian Anderson never missed a note on his flute through all of the teargas and the chaos surrounding him (and us).
    To put this in perspective you might want to remember that this was a mere three years after the famous Chicago Police Riot at the Democratic National Convention.

    Not long after that I saw Jimmy Buffet live for the first time at . . .
    [was it the Lloyd Noble Arena . . .?]
    It was pretty darn good too.
    In a different way.

    I think the Original Coral Reefer Band was providing the background music.

    I won't mention Linda Ronstadt at Tulagi or Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention at The Denver Arena but they weren't too slouchy neither. =)

  7. #7

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    The finest I have seen has to have been the Four Seasons performing at the Theater-in-the-Round at Gaithersburg, Md. Not only did they put on a great show, but the crowd was superior, the encores cut into the first thirty minutes of the second show. They didn't want to leave us. As we walked out, everybody leaving was consoling the incoming telling them that it would be well worth the wait. And I found out later that they weren't unhappy about the wait for very long. As for an "up close and personal" performance, Ike and Tina Turner at the Acey Deucey Club (U. S. Navy NCO club) in San Diego. That wasn't too shabby either. Of course back in the early 60's, they were still pretty hungry.
    C. T.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Jethro Tull, Red Rocks Amphitheater, 1971

    Here is a post apocalyptic link to the past . . . (sans live video)
    Jethro Tull's '71 Red Rocks concert forged a place in rock history - The Denver Post

    What made it great was that Ian Anderson never missed a note on his flute through all of the teargas and the chaos surrounding him (and us).
    To put this in perspective you might want to remember that this was a mere three years after the famous Chicago Police Riot at the Democratic National Convention.

    Not long after that I saw Jimmy Buffet live for the first time at . . .
    [was it the Lloyd Noble Arena . . .?]
    It was pretty darn good too.
    In a different way.

    I think the Original Coral Reefer Band was providing the background music.

    I won't mention Linda Ronstadt at Tulagi or Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention at The Denver Arena but they weren't too slouchy neither. =)
    Agree 100%. My buddies and I hiked over the top of 2 mountains to get in free. Also, if the Tulagi's you mention is the one in Boulder, been there too. Drank massive quantities of ice cold Coors there numerous times.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    There have been so many great ones and most of mine have been rock concerts. AC/DC, Paul McCartney, Tull back in the 70's, TSO puts on a great show. Those were all one's I've been to. Seen good ones on TV and movies. Several performances from Woodstock come to mind and of course one of my favorite was Pink Floyd's Pulse.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Jay Leno. Joker's. (second incarnation of the comedy club).
    (a little further south on May Ave. than the current location of Kim Wah and long before the Bricktown attempt)

    Way Pre-Tonight Show. Got to shake his hand and say "Well done."
    He seemed to really appreciate it. =)
    (and so did I)

    Garrison Keillor, Civic Center, (venue messed-up, under improvements)
    Two hour monologue, touching on everything that matters.

    Compared favorably with Rush Limbaugh, live, at that venue over in Del City or thereabouts, at some Junior Community College (Rose State?) a few years earlier.

    Reminded me of The Lincoln-Douglas debates, with a little Mark Twain on the side. As a garnish. =)

  11. #11

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER8693 View Post
    Agree 100%. My buddies and I hiked over the top of 2 mountains to get in free. Also, if the Tulagi's you mention is the one in Boulder, been there too. Drank massive quantities of ice cold Coors there numerous times.
    Hope that none of you or your buddies were among the casualties of those who fell, while hanging precariously from the cliffs forming the amphitheater, needing to be picked up by the ambulances, waiting in line, behind the club thumping phalanxes of Denver Cops waiting to assist with the situation or bust heads. =)

    I know . . . I know . . . You had to be there to put it in perspective.
    Had this occurred, today, at a regular sports event or concert there would have been total mayhem.
    Not to mention more carnage and collateral damage.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Garrison Keillor, Civic Center, (venue messed-up, under improvements)
    Two hour monologue, touching on everything that matters.
    Yeah but how was the tailgating?

  13. Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    In 94 or 95 I won tickets to see Live. At that point they were still unknown. They put on one of the best performances I have seen, sounded exactly the same live as they did on the album. Amazing.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Two come to mind.............
    Robert Plant and Jimmy Page in 1998 at the Myriad.

    Van Halen in 1979 at the OKC Civic Center.
    I was at Page & Plant then.... cloudiest concert I'd ever attended when they played 'No Quarter'! Was quite hungry afterward...

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk

  15. Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by eatokc.com View Post
    In 94 or 95 I won tickets to see Live. At that point they were still unknown. They put on one of the best performances I have seen, sounded exactly the same live as they did on the album. Amazing.
    I saw them in (I think) 1992 at the fairgrounds with Blind Melon, Public Image Limited and Big Audio Dynamite II on the MTV2 120 Minutes tour. You're right; they were a standout. Really good.

  16. #16

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I was at Page & Plant then.... cloudiest concert I'd ever attended when they played 'No Quarter'! Was quite hungry afterward...

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk
    This bring back memories?

    The crowd there was one of the most diverse crowds at least age wise ive ever witnessed. Everyone from 15 to 65 seem to be in attendance.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Also I must mention Rocklahoma at Owen Field in Sept 1980 was pretty good. The following acts performed.
    Sammy Hagar
    Pat Benatar
    Van Halen
    Doobie Brothers....

    Of course after VH hit the stage all bets were off. I almost felt sorry for the poor Doobies there was no way in hades they could have followed VH.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    I still got to go with Fugazi at Will Rogers Nov 1998

  19. #19

    Default Re: The greatest live performance ever. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    This bring back memories?

    The crowd there was one of the most diverse crowds at least age wise ive ever witnessed. Everyone from 15 to 65 seem to be in attendance.
    If that had been filmed at the CCC, but you're right about the crowd. I was 20 at the time...

    Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk

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