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Thread: StarFlyer

  1. #26

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I like the idea and look forward to seeing the proposal. It seems the most recent trend has been giant Ferris Wheels and now they are ubiquitous - from Atlanta to Seattle. This attraction will gives the height without the ground area a Ferris Wheel takes up (which has to be as wide as it is tall). If it could include an observation deck it would be even better because I am getting too old to ride stuff like that .

    For comparison sake, here is a roller coaster set to anchor a new development in Orlando.

    And not to be out-done, here is the Orlando Wheel

  2. #27
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    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Maybe if they made the base the shape of that Rand Elliot tornado thing it would appease both sides...

  3. #28

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Although the agenda item specifically says "northwest corner of Reno and Mickey Mantle" in the proposal there is a photo of the *southwest* corner of that intersection:

    This would be on Randy Hogan's property, right by the huge fountain plaza.

    You wouldn't think that it would fit there... I guess we'll find out more on Wednesday.

  4. #29

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    that Roller coaster tower is pretty cool.. lets do that..LOL.
    I look forward to see the proposal and will hope for the best.

  5. #30

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This might be really cool! I wonder if they'll implement a really tall viewing area or perhaps a restaurant on top. Can't wait to see renderings!

  6. #31

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Although the agenda item specifically says "northwest corner of Reno and Mickey Mantle" in the proposal there is a photo of the *southwest* corner of that intersection:

    This would be on Randy Hogan's property, right by the huge fountain plaza.

    You wouldn't think that it would fit there... I guess we'll find out more on Wednesday.
    That photo is the NW corner of Reno & Mickey Mantle. The curb you see at the front is the alley north of Reno. The plaza-type area with crepe myrtles is the SE corner of Avis' lot.

  7. #32

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Steve's article is reporting Brandon Arthur, a landman with Drovers Trail Land Company is the man behind the ride:

    220-foot-high ?Star Flyer? ride to be pitched for Bricktown | News OK

  8. Default Re: StarFlyer

    the more I think about it, the more I don't like it. esp if It looks anything like the renderings. its such a prime location (granted nothing has really happened here, yet) that it would seem like a waste to put something that belongs at the state fair here. plus no one will ride it in the winter. hard no

  9. #34

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    That photo is the NW corner of Reno & Mickey Mantle. The curb you see at the front is the alley north of Reno. The plaza-type area with crepe myrtles is the SE corner of Avis' lot.
    Right. Now it makes sense.

  10. #35

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    From Steve's article:

    “He has been told if he should be able to get all the blessings of the city and go through all the hoops to even be able to say he can do all this, we will definitely entertain the idea of a lease with him,” Scaramucci said. “But we also want to feel comfortable with the design of the ride — that it will fit in with the entertainment district.”

  11. #36

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Instead of a star in the center of the ride make it a spur and the City will won't be able to approve it fast enough.

  12. #37

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    the more I think about it, the more I don't like it. esp if It looks anything like the renderings. its such a prime location (granted nothing has really happened here, yet) that it would seem like a waste to put something that belongs at the state fair here. plus no one will ride it in the winter. hard no
    There has been no rendering of what may be proposed for Bricktown. What is shown on this page is similar concepts at amusement parks. I am sure the Bricktown ride will be customized to fit in with everything already here. In addition, the amusement park rides shown don't have the observation deck that the Bricktown ride will have. What will be proposed here will likely be more palatable than what is shown in the images above.

  13. #38

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    the more I think about it, the more I don't like it. esp if It looks anything like the renderings. its such a prime location (granted nothing has really happened here, yet) that it would seem like a waste to put something that belongs at the state fair here. plus no one will ride it in the winter. hard no
    Where are the renderings?

  14. Default Re: StarFlyer

    sorry. renderings=anything like the images above

  15. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    There are certain powers that be that are really pushing Bricktown to be more family-oriented...
    Really? You know this based on some information you've obtained somewhere from a trustworthy source, or are you pulling it straight out of thin air because that's what you believe is happening?

  16. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Ironically, if you had to name the place in bricktown that is currently the least fit in this district it would be Mickey Mantles, as it is the ONLY upscale restaurant. Not that I'm saying it should not be there.
    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I agree with this. There has been an explosion of upscale options in this town recently but they have not been in Bricktown.
    Please. Mickey Mantle's, The Mantle, Nonna's, KD's and Melting Pot ALL fit the definition of upscale from OKC standards.

  17. #42

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Really? You know this based on some information you've obtained somewhere from a trustworthy source, or are you pulling it straight out of thin air because that's what you believe is happening?
    That has always been the case even back when Kirk Humphreys was mayor. It's the reason Lower Bricktown came to be to begin with. Regardless, the StarFlyer has potential to be a real landmark in Bricktown if done right. My hopes is that it is something that looks good as part of the city's skyline and that the city can be proud of.

  18. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Family friendly options and adult-themed options in an urban entertainment district are not mutually exclusive. Bricktown has more diversity of use and diversity of users than any urban district, strictly from a demographic and socio-economic standpoint. It is a different place at 11 AM on a Saturday than it is at 11 PM. And it is a different place on weekdays than it is either of those times. There is not some grand conspiracy to replace adult options with kiddie options, no matter how hard you try to spin it that way.

  19. #44

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Family friendly options and adult-themed options in an urban entertainment district are not mutually exclusive. Bricktown has more diversity of use and diversity of users than any urban district, strictly from a demographic and socio-economic standpoint. It is a different place at 11 AM on a Saturday than it is at 11 PM. And it is a different place on weekdays than it is either of those times.
    So true.

    We need more things to do during the day and evenings apart from bars and restaurants.

    Nightlife and family-friendly have peacefully coexisted in this district since inception and there is plenty of room for more of both.

  20. #45

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Family friendly options and adult-themed options in an urban entertainment district are not mutually exclusive. Bricktown has more diversity of use and diversity of users than any urban district, strictly from a demographic and socio-economic standpoint. It is a different place at 11 AM on a Saturday than it is at 11 PM. And it is a different place on weekdays than it is either of those times. There is not some grand conspiracy to replace adult options with kiddie options, no matter how hard you try to spin it that way.
    We've talked about this plenty in the general Bricktown thread. I am all for family friendly if done right. If it is first class and/or unique to OKC rather than scaled down, mediocre versions of things in other cities. StarFlyer may end up being just that.

  21. #46

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I don't know... I think this would be best in the Wheeler District.... Or maybe Boathouse.

  22. #47
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    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Ironically, if you had to name the place in bricktown that is currently the least fit in this district it would be Mickey Mantles, as it is the ONLY upscale restaurant. Not that I'm saying it should not be there.
    There is also The Mantle which is upscale, KD's which is slightly upscale, and then Nonna's. Mickey Mantles is the only upscale steak house I guess.

  23. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Excuse me, I meant to mention Nonna's in my post, which I have now edited. Five (5) places that all easily qualify as upscale from an OKC standard.

  24. #49
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    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Bricktown has room for all types of entertainment, not just eating or getting drunk. This could be a fun corner with this....kind of an unexpected frivolity. Across from the ballpark, the movie theater, a bowling ally, a Starbucks, a Sonic and a Taco stand seems pretty compatible.

  25. #50
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    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    We've talked about this plenty in the general Bricktown thread. I am all for family friendly if done right. If it is first class and/or unique to OKC rather than scaled down, mediocre versions of things in other cities. StarFlyer may end up being just that.
    That's a glass half empty take on it. There is probably nothing that can be announced in OKC without there being gnashing teeth about how it isn't special. Nothing is ever good enough.

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