You are over 200 feet in the air. Looking out you can see for miles and looking down you remember how far the ground is below you. However, this isn’t a roller coaster or an extreme ride- it is the Star Flyer and it is unlike any other attraction on the market.
Funtime is proud to share its newest scream maker with riders worldwide. The StarFlyer is built around the principle that flying is fun for everyone. When designing it we looked at what made today’s park-goers adrenaline pump and created an attraction that is impressive from the ground and thrilling in the air.
Guests boarding the StarFlyer step into the open-air seats that can only be unlocked by the attendant. After being secured all the seats lift into the air and the sweeps start to spin. Soon the din of the park melts away and all riders hear is the clanking of chains, the whir of the motor and the screams of fellow passengers. As guests spin they look around and see eye-to-eye with the Ferris wheel and roller coasters.
The StarFlyer is a great combination of attractions. It serves as a:
• Flat Ride
• Park Icon
• Observation Tower