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Thread: StarFlyer

  1. #1

    Bricktown3 StarFlyer

    A group is set to present to the Bricktown Design Review Committee on Wednesday July 9th the prospect of erecting a huge ride and observation platform.

    The StarFlyer is an Austrian-engineered structure that has 12 separate cars that hold two people each, about 220 feet off the ground.

    The top of the structure can be fitted with a view platform (I believe this will be the case for the proposed project). Also, it would be brightly lit and see from miles around.

    A similar StarFlyer is installed at Six Flags over Texas and several other Six Flags parks, where they are called SkyScreamer.

    More from their presentation:

    You are over 200 feet in the air. Looking out you can see for miles and looking down you remember how far the ground is below you. However, this isn’t a roller coaster or an extreme ride- it is the Star Flyer and it is unlike any other attraction on the market.

    Funtime is proud to share its newest scream maker with riders worldwide. The StarFlyer is built around the principle that flying is fun for everyone. When designing it we looked at what made today’s park-goers adrenaline pump and created an attraction that is impressive from the ground and thrilling in the air.

    Guests boarding the StarFlyer step into the open-air seats that can only be unlocked by the attendant. After being secured all the seats lift into the air and the sweeps start to spin. Soon the din of the park melts away and all riders hear is the clanking of chains, the whir of the motor and the screams of fellow passengers. As guests spin they look around and see eye-to-eye with the Ferris wheel and roller coasters.

    The StarFlyer is a great combination of attractions. It serves as a:
    • Flat Ride
    • Park Icon
    • Observation Tower

  2. #2

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Cool. I think? Another family friendly addition to bricktown.

  3. Default Re: StarFlyer

    I wonder how many drunks people will spray puke over people below

  4. #4

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Cool. I think? Another family friendly addition to bricktown.
    Same reaction. I don't really know what to think.

  5. #5

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    My main concern is that this will impact our skyline too greatly. Now I wouldn't be too concerned if this was a unique structure that you could easily identify with our city, but by the sound of it there will be dozens of these things across the world.

  6. #6

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This is...interesting. Is this supposed to be our answer to the Stratosphere?

    I would probably like this better in the Boathouse District, but I'll withold judgement until I see the end results.

  7. #7

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Cool. I think? Another family friendly addition to bricktown.
    There are certain powers that be that are really pushing Bricktown to be more family-oriented. That could be great - if done right. This attraction falls in with that. I think it could be really cool as long as they don't half-ass it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    It seems Bricktown is slowly becoming Frontier City 2.0

  9. #9

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I think this has the potential to be fantastic.

    It's on a prime, vacant corner and also on the canal. Will bring so much life and color to that area.

    It's also perfectly located between the ballpark, Brickopolis and the the theater and Red Pin bowling. Helps to build a bit of synergy between all and will almost certainly lead to more.

    It will also help draw more people to the district, canal, boat rides, etc.

    There is the opportunity to customize the top and make a unique view platform as well.

  10. #10

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    don't think it fits at all: would be better around the river or closer to where the big ferris wheel is supposed to go. Really don't want to leave a nice dinner at Mickey Mantles and feel like I stepped into 6 Flags. . . or have "screamers" interrupting a nice stroll down the canal.

  11. Default Re: StarFlyer

    Ugly....just my $0.02.

  12. #12

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Let's wait and see what is actually proposed. Hopefully the pictures we see here are just of the concept and the actual thing will be customized to be unique to OKC.

  13. #13

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    I agree that perhaps the Boathouse adventure district is a better fit than Bricktown. .but perhaps it will be unique in final proposal. just seems odd placement

  14. #14
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    Default Re: StarFlyer

    How are they supposed to put brick on that thing?


  15. #15

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Again, I really think this is a great idea and a perfect spot, as long as it's done well.

    Remember, Bricktown is OKC's *entertainment* district and this fits well with everything around it.

    The River / Boathouse is an active *recreational* district. And plus, you already get nice views from the zip line there.

  16. #16

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Doesn't Avis own this lot?

  17. #17

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    Doesn't Avis own this lot?
    Yes, it's owned by an LLC that tracks back to the Scaramucci's.

    I corrected the article above.

  18. #18

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by foodiefan View Post
    don't think it fits at all: Would be better around the river or closer to where the big ferris wheel is supposed to go. Really don't want to leave a nice dinner at mickey mantles and feel like i stepped into 6 flags. . . Or have "screamers" interrupting a nice stroll down the canal.

  19. #19

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by foodiefan View Post
    don't think it fits at all: would be better around the river or closer to where the big ferris wheel is supposed to go. Really don't want to leave a nice dinner at Mickey Mantles and feel like I stepped into 6 Flags. . . or have "screamers" interrupting a nice stroll down the canal.
    Ironically, if you had to name the place in bricktown that is currently the least fit in this district it would be Mickey Mantles, as it is the ONLY upscale restaurant. Not that I'm saying it should not be there.

  20. #20

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Very interesting and unique proposal. These types of attractions can really help make a place special. I for one will certainly be driving in from Tulsa to check it out if it ever moves into reality.

    Those of you already coming out to detract it should give it a chance - at least wait till you've seen the concept pitch to be too critical. One ride does not equal six flags, and there's already so much going on in Bricktown that a few "screamers" will hardly be noticeable over the din of everything else. I think it would make the place lively. The argument for what "fits" an area gets old really fast. If you want to stroll someplace quite, try... anywhere else?

    These star flyers can be designed to look really cool. I like the StarFlyer at Wiener Prater in Austria. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Prater_Turm_01_.jpg 
Views:	179 
Size:	448.2 KB 
ID:	8516

    Edit: there's also this: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum.../gronalund.jpg

  21. #21

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Ironically, if you had to name the place in bricktown that is currently the least fit in this district it would be Mickey Mantles, as it is the ONLY upscale restaurant. Not that I'm saying it should not be there.
    I agree with this. There has been an explosion of upscale options in this town recently but they have not been in Bricktown.

    Quote Originally Posted by shavethewhales View Post
    Very interesting and unique proposal. These types of attractions can really help make a place special. I for one will certainly be driving in from Tulsa to check it out if it ever moves into reality.

    Those of you already coming out to detract it should give it a chance - at least wait till you've seen the concept pitch to be too critical. One ride does not equal six flags, and there's already so much going on in Bricktown that a few "screamers" will hardly be noticeable over the din of everything else. I think it would make the place lively. The argument for what "fits" an area gets old really fast. If you want to stroll someplace quite, try... anywhere else?

    These star flyers can be designed to look really cool. I like the StarFlyer at Wiener Prater in Austria. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Prater_Turm_01_.jpg 
Views:	179 
Size:	448.2 KB 
ID:	8516

    Edit: there's also this: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum.../gronalund.jpg
    Wish this part of the forum had a 'Like' button. It's about time that Bricktown start evolving into a first-class destination unique to OKC rather than a half-assed attempt at copying other cities. If done right, this StarFlyer will be a great asset.

  22. #22

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Would much rather another version of the Top-o-Texas Tower than this...

    Top o? Texas Tower Ride Facts | State Fair of Texas

  23. #23

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Ironically, if you had to name the place in bricktown that is currently the least fit in this district it would be Mickey Mantles, as it is the ONLY upscale restaurant. Not that I'm saying it should not be there.
    Um. The mantle

  24. #24

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    Nona's is very nice as well, as is the Melting Pot.

    Keep in mind MM Steakhouse will be facing Brickopolis with laser tag and other games; canal with boat rides right in front. Directly to the east is the ballpark.

    It's already right in the middle of all types of entertainment uses, clubs, a school and everything else.

  25. #25

    Default Re: StarFlyer

    This.... This is very... Strange?

    I have never heard of one of these types of deals that isn't in a "theme park" setting.

    I will withhold judgement until proposal is revealed.

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