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I just took a trip on the east coast. Hit up Philly, NYC, Long Island, and Boston over the course of a week. The biggest thing that struck out to me was when I was in Boston. A place that is supposedly super educated and high brow. And on paper, it is.
The only thing anybody wanted to talk about was the Patriots/Red Sox/Bruins, how terrible Tom Brady/Kevin Garnett are, how crappy their previous winter was, and how drunk they were going to get when they went to "the shore." This, from a place that bills itself the "Athens of America." Oh, and they LOVE to throw around "f***" like its going out of style.
If you want to discuss how this area needs more educated citizenry, well that's one thing. But in my 9 years I honestly NEVER had anyone tell me or suggest to me that my conversations were snooty or elitist. And if they did WHO CARES? Talk about what you want to talk about and stop worrying about what others think. Maybe it was just the crowd I hung out with, but my friends and I would engage in some serious thought provoking discussions on politics, race, international affairs, etc. Of course it could have just been the booze.
But this notion that people in OKC are such simpletons they can't hold a conversation beyond what Kevin Durant or Bob Stoops is doing (and that this is somehow completely different compared to the rest of the nation) is in of itself quite insulting. This thread is really going downhill.