Right now I really tired and I don't want to write out the rant I was going to post, upill try and do it tomorrow.
But basically so you can a sneak peak here ..... I know these state,nets might be contradicting, but I love this city in a way and want to see it succeed. There are great things happening here and firmly believe OKC has a good Chance at becoming a major player in the US economy as well as becoming as major city.
Right now. This city sucks. It sucks and it sucks ass. I truly hate it here at the moment and can't wait to get out. Hate to offend anyone, but this place has a long way to go. At current rates, it will be decades before it really stands out.
Oklahoma as a state in general sucks and what really pisses me off about it, is it has the potential. Isn't like Kansas or Montana or Idaho where there really isn't much going, there is so much history in this state and a lot of underrated and undermarketed aces to.
OKC is the same way. The only difference is OKC is going for good goals. The only "city" is Tulsa and I'm not sure whether I'd classify Tulsa as a dump or a city. The place is garbage and the worst city I've ever been to. Hell, I'd move to Gary Indiana before Tulsa, at least Chicago is somewhat within close proximity.
I don't know why I want to get out if here so bad, I just don't feel the energy such as "wow this place is really popping" like I do when I'm in LA, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Boulder, etc... P I just feel bad I feel that way and want to move :/
Anywho, I'll post a really detailed analysis about it tomorrow when I'm more awake and can think better. I'm about to pass out
