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Thread: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

  1. #1

    Default What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Tittle says it all. I will write a fairly nice rant here in awhile, but a saw a news article that prompted me to post this now.

    Hobby Lobby should have its religious freedom and not comply with contraception laws, because freedom for religion, but the Satanic Black Mass Gathering is big no no.....

    Paul Coakley, this dumbass is wasting his time putting his nose into things that won't even affect. He asks if it is a good use of public space, which he clearly thinks it isn't, but if was some religious Catholic gathering, he'd love it. Have to love the hypocrisy here. http://newsok.com/catholic-archbisho...rticle/4984602

    My thing is mindset of people here. There are so many awesome parks like the new one near I-35/I-44 and no one is using them. All the new sidewalks that have been installed, doesn't look like many people are using them.

    I also think commercial planning here needs to be improved for long-term thinking.

    Like I said, I'll go on a rant here in a little bit about things that really grind my gears, but was just curious what others think... what they really hate about this place and the thing they really love; can also be something you think can be improved.

  2. #2

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Too brown and dead. Needs to be pleasing to the eye during the day. At night it's great but day time kills OKC.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Too brown and dead. Needs to be pleasing to the eye during the day. At night it's great but day time kills OKC.
    Just water more. Will be green in no time and there is still water in Canton Lake so we are ok. (Just kidding before everyone starts jumping on me)

  4. #4

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Too brown and dead. Needs to be pleasing to the eye during the day. At night it's great but day time kills OKC.
    I take it you don't like the desert?

  5. #5

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I am a bit confused by the premise of this thread.

    You are mad that nobody is using a park?

    What do you mean by the "mindset" here? The politics? Won't get me to disagree with that one but that's probably better off in the politics section.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    I am a bit confused by the premise of this thread.

    You are mad that nobody is using a park?

    What do you mean by the "mindset" here? The politics? Won't get me to disagree with that one but that's probably better off in the politics section.
    like I said, I'll post more about a little later.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Too brown and dead. Needs to be pleasing to the eye during the day. At night it's great but day time kills OKC.
    Agree 100%. There are very few cities I can think of that are overall as ugly as OKC. I don't know if I'm the only one but sometimes it puts me in a bad mood especially after being accustomed to the beauty on the east coast. All cities have their blight but lack of standards, landscaping, and upkeep has caused OKC to look pretty bad even in areas that are decent. Tulsa is a little better but much of what is wrong with OKC is also wrong with Tulsa. Dallas on the other hand is a perfect example of how to make this climate and landscape look attractive.

    In addition to lack of landscaping and upkeep, the prevalence of cheap building materials like metal siding and faux stucco contribute to the ugliness. Litter also doesn't help. Go anywhere in OKC and you'll see trash blowing around somewhere.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Agree 100%. There are very few cities I can think of that are overall as ugly as OKC. I don't know if I'm the only one but sometimes it puts me in a bad mood especially after being accustomed to the beauty on the east coast. All cities have their blight but lack of standards, landscaping, and upkeep has caused OKC to look pretty bad even in areas that are decent. Tulsa is a little better but much of what is wrong with OKC is also wrong with Tulsa. Dallas on the other hand is a perfect example of how to make this climate and landscape look attractive.

    In addition to lack of landscaping and upkeep, the prevalence of cheap building materials like metal siding and faux stucco contribute to the ugliness. Litter also doesn't help. Go anywhere in OKC and you'll see trash blowing around somewhere.
    I'm going to have to agree with you on this. You left out miles and miles of deteriorating strip centers, poorly tended roads, lack of sidewalks, ugly signage, and more. This city is in desperate need of beautification. This is one time you're not being too negative. While the city is addressing many of these issues, it shows just how many things were neglected for so long.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I'm going to have to agree with you on this. You left out miles and miles of deteriorating strip centers, poorly tended roads, lack of sidewalks, ugly signage, and more. This city is in desperate need of beautification. This is one time you're not being too negative. While the city is addressing many of these issues, it shows just how many things were neglected for so long.
    I have to admit it was a real shocker when I moved here. Today I have somewhat gotten used to it but still get flabbergasted by the condition of some of these prime corridors. It's crazy how this city has historic neighborhoods without sidewalks, or "upscale" suburban areas with crumbling roads, no streetlights, and above-ground power lines. You wouldn't see that in almost any other city. It would really take an investment on a MAPS scale, devoted entirely to beautification, to fix it. Question is, do OKC residents have enough pride in their city and desire for it to look attractive to want to make that kind of investment? I don't really think so. For most here, the ugliness is part of the trade off for a low cost of living. On top of that, if such a beautification measure was to pass, there would have to be some parts of town that take priority over others. That is likely to make some people very angry and it would be an endless debate. The only viable solution is to pass ordinances like yesterday to prevent more of this garbage from being built. However, I don't think most people here even care enough to do that.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Agree 100%. There are very few cities I can think of that are overall as ugly as OKC. I don't know if I'm the only one but sometimes it puts me in a bad mood especially after being accustomed to the beauty on the east coast. All cities have their blight but lack of standards, landscaping, and upkeep has caused OKC to look pretty bad even in areas that are decent. Tulsa is a little better but much of what is wrong with OKC is also wrong with Tulsa. Dallas on the other hand is a perfect example of how to make this climate and landscape look attractive.

    In addition to lack of landscaping and upkeep, the prevalence of cheap building materials like metal siding and faux stucco contribute to the ugliness. Litter also doesn't help. Go anywhere in OKC and you'll see trash blowing around somewhere.
    You are a real piece of "work". Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Damn, you must be an unhappy person.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Personally, I think the vegetation and landscaping in Oklahoma City is ok. My only real beef is with the roads. Well, and the fact that so many people seem to only focus on the negatives of Oklahoma City.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Right now I really tired and I don't want to write out the rant I was going to post, upill try and do it tomorrow.

    But basically so you can a sneak peak here ..... I know these state,nets might be contradicting, but I love this city in a way and want to see it succeed. There are great things happening here and firmly believe OKC has a good Chance at becoming a major player in the US economy as well as becoming as major city.

    Right now. This city sucks. It sucks and it sucks ass. I truly hate it here at the moment and can't wait to get out. Hate to offend anyone, but this place has a long way to go. At current rates, it will be decades before it really stands out.

    Oklahoma as a state in general sucks and what really pisses me off about it, is it has the potential. Isn't like Kansas or Montana or Idaho where there really isn't much going, there is so much history in this state and a lot of underrated and undermarketed aces to.

    OKC is the same way. The only difference is OKC is going for good goals. The only "city" is Tulsa and I'm not sure whether I'd classify Tulsa as a dump or a city. The place is garbage and the worst city I've ever been to. Hell, I'd move to Gary Indiana before Tulsa, at least Chicago is somewhat within close proximity.

    I don't know why I want to get out if here so bad, I just don't feel the energy such as "wow this place is really popping" like I do when I'm in LA, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Boulder, etc... P I just feel bad I feel that way and want to move :/

    Anywho, I'll post a really detailed analysis about it tomorrow when I'm more awake and can think better. I'm about to pass out

  13. #13

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I know it's a delirious preview, but I shall still throw in a cent or two. I won't get too into it in anticipation of your longer post.

    "This city sucks." Disagree (there are certain drawbacks), though that depends on what one is looking for in a city.

    "Oklahoma as a state in general sucks" Disagree (there are certain drawbacks), though that depends on what one is looking for statewide.

    "I just don't feel the energy such as "wow this place is really popping" like I do when I'm in LA, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Boulder, etc..." One could compare a legion of cities to those few and reach the same conclusion.

    There are many good and bad things about this city and state. Some are objectively bad, but many others are a matter of perspective. If there's nothing here you want, you probably won't like it much. Life here has been good to me so far, but I know a change of scenery will happen in the future. I plan for the grass to be greener where I'm going, but I know what's here and what's not, and how likely things are to change given the wheels currently in motion. The people (in general) are getting what they want, and they shall see life as good. Anybody who doesn't will be left wanting. Even so, warts and all, I've found enough good here to not go crazy. As such, I don't lament what we don't have, but I try to find contentment in what we do have. The lens through which you see the world will have a lot to do with how you want to live in it.

  14. Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Right now I really tired and I don't want to write out the rant I was going to post, upill try and do it tomorrow.

    But basically so you can a sneak peak here ..... I know these state,nets might be contradicting, but I love this city in a way and want to see it succeed. There are great things happening here and firmly believe OKC has a good Chance at becoming a major player in the US economy as well as becoming as major city.

    Right now. This city sucks. It sucks and it sucks ass. I truly hate it here at the moment and can't wait to get out. Hate to offend anyone, but this place has a long way to go. At current rates, it will be decades before it really stands out.

    Oklahoma as a state in general sucks and what really pisses me off about it, is it has the potential. Isn't like Kansas or Montana or Idaho where there really isn't much going, there is so much history in this state and a lot of underrated and undermarketed aces to.

    OKC is the same way. The only difference is OKC is going for good goals. The only "city" is Tulsa and I'm not sure whether I'd classify Tulsa as a dump or a city. The place is garbage and the worst city I've ever been to. Hell, I'd move to Gary Indiana before Tulsa, at least Chicago is somewhat within close proximity.

    I don't know why I want to get out if here so bad, I just don't feel the energy such as "wow this place is really popping" like I do when I'm in LA, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Boulder, etc... P I just feel bad I feel that way and want to move :/

    Anywho, I'll post a really detailed analysis about it tomorrow when I'm more awake and can think better. I'm about to pass out
    It sounds like you really do need a change of scenery; it will do you good. While all of those places you mentioned are further ahead OKC in many ways, there are always trade-offs when you leave one place and go to another. However, trade-offs are a matter of individual preference, so you just have to decide what matters most to you and go for the city that most closely matches those preferences. Austin is great, but their roads have not caught up with the growth, so you may have to wait in gridlock to go and enjoy a cool leisure activity. This is just an example. All cities have them. To put it simply, I have lived in all four corners (CA, OR, FL, and NH) and the middle (MO and OK) and I have loved the "middle" states the best for everyday living. Not being around SPECTACULAR landscapes or the ocean does not matter much to me on an everyday basis. That's a trade-off I am willing to accept because the cost of living and central location here make it less expensive to visit my family on long trips to scenic OR and NH. The heartland just "clicks" with me. I feel at home, comfortable. I was born and raised in LA, but that place feels as close to home to me as another planet now! Just not me AT ALL.

    I think if you have been in one place, you should get out and see more. It enriches and broadens you. Perhaps this place isn't a good fit for you at this point, but it might be again someday. But, do remember this old adage always has some truth: "The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence."

    Just my two cents and I truly hope you find your right place.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    This city doesn't "suck" at all. But the state's political climate right now is suffocating. That's my main beef.

    The leadership we have in OKC right now seems to get it for the most part; there has been remarkable improvement. There are just many areas that need more improvement.

    We have much to look forward to, with so much happening. My greatest fear is that citizens will break the streak of supporting MAPS or a city bond issue. The beautification is a major concern, as is the fairly lackluster public transit. It is my hope that the next MAPS will include major investments in public beautification and more placemaking as well as transit.

  16. #16

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I can't really even address this, because "this place sucks" with no specific reasoning is not a mature argument. I would have taken you as a bit smarter than this....

    With that in mind, you know yourself better than anyone else and if you feel like you are not meeting your life goals here, then leave. Seriously, no point in staying somewhere you don't like, especially when you don't have a spouse or kids to worry about. And that goes for another certain former North Carolinian on here. I'm under no impression that OKC is for everyone.

    Just know I have friends in two places you think are "popping," LA and just outside of Boulder, and they are trying their damnedest to get out for a multitude of reasons. So just understand the grass is not always greener.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    It sounds like you really do need a change of scenery; it will do you good. While all of those places you mentioned are further ahead OKC in many ways, there are always trade-offs when you leave one place and go to another. However, trade-offs are a matter of individual preference, so you just have to decide what matters most to you and go for the city that most closely matches those preferences. Austin is great, but their roads have not caught up with the growth, so you may have to wait in gridlock to go and enjoy a cool leisure activity. This is just an example. All cities have them. To put it simply, I have lived in all four corners (CA, OR, FL, and NH) and the middle (MO and OK) and I have loved the "middle" states the best for everyday living. Not being around SPECTACULAR landscapes or the ocean does not matter much to me on an everyday basis. That's a trade-off I am willing to accept because the cost of living and central location here make it less expensive to visit my family on long trips to scenic OR and NH. The heartland just "clicks" with me. I feel at home, comfortable. I was born and raised in LA, but that place feels as close to home to me as another planet now! Just not me AT ALL.
    I definitely agree about trade-offs. Also different cities match different personalities. Just because somebody was born and raised somewhere doesn't make that the idea place for them.

    It's important to find that place that "clicks" with you. For me, Charlotte was that way. I wasn't born and raised there. My entire family was giving me crap for living there the entire time I was out there. It's definitely not the largest, most "popping" city in the US. However, the place was just ME.

    I came back to OKC because of the recession and to be closer to family and really hoped I would have liked it just as well, but the trade-offs were more than what I was prepared to make. From an objective standpoint living in OKC requires more trade-offs than many other major cities in the US. For some though it works. Me, at this point I would gladly take Dallas traffic over some of the sacrifices I've made living in OKC.

    I am happy for so many transplants, like adaniel, who have been able to have fulfilling lives here despite going against the cultural grain (politics, family-oriented culture). For others, it just doesn't click.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    …From an objective standpoint…
    Correction, it should read "From my subjective standpoint" … there's nothing wrong with offering your perspective, but it's hardly objective (nor would mine or anyone else's perspective be "objective").

  19. #19

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    My thing is mindset of people here. There are so many awesome parks like the new one near I-35/I-44 and no one is using them. All the new sidewalks that have been installed, doesn't look like many people are using them.
    Have you ever given serious and deep consideration as to why?

  20. Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I like OKC because it is cheap to live here. My wife and I make good money and can afford to travel to anywhere. Makes it a nice home base. Housing is cheap.

    I couldn't imagine comparing OKC to LA, Dallas, Austin or Boulder. I spent a couple of years living in Dallas and I liked it just fine. It didn't improve my overall life any?

    I guess I don't mind if the city is "popping" we find plenty to do, eat good food, hang out with good family and friends and make the best of it. I will most likely live here forever.

    I have to agree with adaniel, the "this place sucks" argument isn't a great way to start a thread on improvements. If you don't like OKC you can move and we won't have any hard feelings. I'm going to stick around and slowly work on improving a few things in OKC over time.

  21. #21

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Right now I really tired and I don't want to write out the rant I was going to post, upill try and do it tomorrow.

    But basically so you can a sneak peak here ..... I know these state,nets might be contradicting, but I love this city in a way and want to see it succeed. There are great things happening here and firmly believe OKC has a good Chance at becoming a major player in the US economy as well as becoming as major city.

    Right now. This city sucks. It sucks and it sucks ass. I truly hate it here at the moment and can't wait to get out. Hate to offend anyone, but this place has a long way to go. At current rates, it will be decades before it really stands out.

    Oklahoma as a state in general sucks and what really pisses me off about it, is it has the potential. Isn't like Kansas or Montana or Idaho where there really isn't much going, there is so much history in this state and a lot of underrated and undermarketed aces to.

    OKC is the same way. The only difference is OKC is going for good goals. The only "city" is Tulsa and I'm not sure whether I'd classify Tulsa as a dump or a city. The place is garbage and the worst city I've ever been to. Hell, I'd move to Gary Indiana before Tulsa, at least Chicago is somewhat within close proximity.

    I don't know why I want to get out if here so bad, I just don't feel the energy such as "wow this place is really popping" like I do when I'm in LA, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Boulder, etc... P I just feel bad I feel that way and want to move :/

    Anywho, I'll post a really detailed analysis about it tomorrow when I'm more awake and can think better. I'm about to pass out
    Sounds like you need a vacation. Come down to Jax for some R&R.

  22. #22

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I was born and raised an Okie. Lived here my entire 60 years, but have been around the world multiple times. Oklahoma has it's disadvantages in amazing scenery, but has enough scenic diversity not to be boring. The climate can be tough at times, but it's not to hot and not to cold, even though at times extreme. The political climate could be better, even though I lean to the right I consider myself moderate. Our natural resources are a true blessing, having a family in the O & G business is humbling to say the least, we consider ourselves fortunate to live here. The title of this thread is about OKC and not the state. I've had several relatives (younger nephews, nieces and cousins) that have visited in the last couple of years. They have been totally impressed with what they've seen here in OKC compared to their expectations. The view from VAST, the Memorial at night, the Boathouse district, MBG and the downtown core are way more cool to an outsider than what we understand and see as an insider. To make things better ? I like the way people stay involved to make things better (boulevard as an example). I believe our chamber is progressive, enough to enticing GE to locate here is a good example of this. Keeping MAPS alive to enhance our lives and our children's lives for years to come is crucial. Are there better places ? In some ways yes, but in other ways no. Home is what it is, and has been pretty good for me.

  23. Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    The BBQ is about the only thing I can think of but I'm doing what I can to try and improve that.

  24. #24

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    The BBQ is about the only thing I can think of but I'm doing what I can to try and improve that.
    Ha, I'll agree with that (although there's many other things wrong with OKC that I've posted about in other threads, so I won't beat the dead horse here), but I can't do much to improve it since I saw an infographic the other day that said it basically costs $200,000-700,000 to open a restaurant, so my thought of bringing good BBQ to OKC went poof...

  25. #25

    Default Re: What do you not like about OKC and what do you think could be better?

    I have to say this thread is surprising. I have always enjoyed this forum mostly because of all the positive people who enjoy watching OKC develop and get better. Every person I have visit is pleasantly surprised by OKC and they aren't coming to visit from Wichita but from NYC, Seattle, Austin, Dallas, London, San Diego. is it perfect? far from it as I don't think many places are. the political enviroment is horrible but things don't get better by running away to greener pastures but some people have to do what they have to do. the negativity of this thread though is disheartining and makes me wonder why even have an interest in OKCtalk if that is your feeling. To each their own though.

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