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Thread: In-n-Out Burger

  1. #76

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    As far as I'm concerned, the only true In-n-Out is the one outside of LAX. I've found that the sights and sounds make the burgers taste even better.

  2. #77

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerguy View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, the only true In-n-Out is the one outside of LAX. I've found that the sights and sounds make the burgers taste even better.
    I didn't know smog could seep into meat...

  3. #78

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    I don't know about "acquired taste", but I quit eating at fast food places in the late 70's. An employee of mine knew I was going to the West coast on vacation and said I should try them. Sounded a little stupid to me, but about five hours out of Las Vegas, on our way to Yosimete, we saw an In-n-Out place and decided to give it a shot. It was fresh, made to order, and we enjoyed the French fries. It's not a gourmet burger place, but the price was right and the food was very good. I'm ready for another one.
    C. T.QUOTE=Pete;796942]In-n-Out can be an acquired taste.

    Their burgers won't change your life, but for fast food they are extremely fresh with quality ingredients at a very inexpensive price.

    By far the best fast food burger IMO and cheaper than almost all of them. Plus, the whole operation is run amazingly well with fantastic service.

    If there is a better burger around for $2, I'd like to know about it.[/QUOTE]

  4. Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Looks like In-N-Out may have some competition moving into the area soon. I spotted this on FB this morning.

    Nora Roales Nevers Now please come to Dallas/Fort Worth Texas - Heck I'd drive anywhere south of the Red River. When you are raised on these little nuggets of wonderfulness you have really bad withdrawal when you have to move away. Please Please Please come to Salvation Army Texas
    Like · Reply · 2 · June 10 at 9:49am

    White Castle Thanks for the suggestion, Nora! We hope to be in a location near you in the future. In the meantime, check out our #CraveMobile contest for your chance to bring the Castle to you: CraveMobile | Promotions | White Castle
    Like · 2 · June 10 at 10:01am

  5. #80

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Just total ancedotal observations on my part.

    I can't think In-n-Out corporate is too happy with the performance of their DFW stores. Every one I have driven past is usually empty. A big part of this is probably because they overbuilt them. And they have curtailed their growth considerably. By now they were supposed to be in all Big 4 Texas cities, and they haven't made it to Houston and only now opeing in SA.

    Frankly I find them to be highly overrated...trust me you are not missing anything. It could just be the tastes in this part of the country are different.
    I am in Dallas at least once a month usually more. We usually go to the INO on 75 towards downtown as my partner is from California and insists we eat there every time we are in Dallas and have hit several of them while there. I have never experienced them empty. I have always waited in line and many times ate outside or had to wait for a table inside to empty before taking a seat so I think they are doing pretty well.

  6. #81

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    I had In and Out last week in Grapevine when I was in DFW, It was good but I like Whataburger much better.

  7. #82

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by josh View Post
    Two are under construction in San Antonio right now. Inside sources have said over a dozen will be built in the next two-three years in the SA metro area.
    Another huge burger-eatin' town.

  8. #83

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerman View Post
    I had In and Out last week in Grapevine when I was in DFW, It was good but I like Whataburger much better.
    I love Whataburger, but I think the key difference is the quality of the ingredients In-N-Out uses: no-hormone, 100% natural beef, real fries, etc. I'm not sure how Whataburger rates in that category.

  9. #84

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I love Whataburger, but I think the key difference is the quality of the ingredients In-N-Out uses: no-hormone, 100% natural beef, real fries, etc. I'm not sure how Whataburger rates in that category.
    I think you mean "pure" beef, rather than "natural." Patty Wagon rates HIGH in that category, too. They feature local, farm-raised, hormone & antibiotic free beef patties. I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure its grass-fed, too.

  10. #85

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    I think you mean "pure" beef, rather than "natural." Patty Wagon rates HIGH in that category, too. They feature local, farm-raised, hormone & antibiotic free beef patties. I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure its grass-fed, too.
    They do, but I hate eating the equivalent of a sweetened loaf of bread with my burger, so Pattywagon isn't in the rotation.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    In N Out is to Californias what Whataburger is to Texans

    It's just a decent fast food burger, nothing more.

    Now Jack in the Box...I love those only for the drunk snack tacos
    Whataburger is way better than In n Out IMO..

  12. #87

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I am in Dallas at least once a month usually more. We usually go to the INO on 75 towards downtown as my partner is from California and insists we eat there every time we are in Dallas and have hit several of them while there. I have never experienced them empty. I have always waited in line and many times ate outside or had to wait for a table inside to empty before taking a seat so I think they are doing pretty well.
    Like I said its just my ancedotal observation. I live very close to their location in Addison and its almost never as busy as nearby fast food places at the same time. I have floated this by several people and they have all noticed the same thing.

  13. #88

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Like I said its just my ancedotal observation. I live very close to their location in Addison and its almost never as busy as nearby fast food places at the same time. I have floated this by several people and they have all noticed the same thing.
    that is fine. we obviously have observed different things. that is allowed

  14. #89

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Passed by In and Out in Plano this evening. Pretty full parking lot and a busy drive through. My only experience with In and Out was in Los Angeles. Meh. But man is it a gas eating a burger while some of the biggest airliners in the world touch down at LAX whose main runway is about a hundred feet from your table.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Retail Explosion on Memorial Road

    Quote Originally Posted by rizzo View Post
    Whataburger is way better than In n Out IMO..
    This, I even like Braum's better than In and Out.

  16. #91

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    The Garage has to be my favorite burger place in OKC. For fast food, I prefer Sonic.

    I could care less if OKC ever gets In-n-Out. There are so many great choices here already.

  17. #92

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Favorite burger in town is Patty Wagon.
    I love sonice burgers and Coneys.. the thing I hate is thier sides.. they need to learn to cook thier Tater Tots completely.
    they are just greese balls.. make those suckers CRISPY..

  18. Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Let's be honest. In-N-Out is a good burger but what sets it apart is the really cheap price.

    If I was in college or high school you better believe I would make it a staple.

  19. #94

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    While I appreciate that everyone has different tastes (but Braum's - seriously?), I had a double double animal style in Dallas over the weekend and it was outstanding! I was full all day! And $3.00? Are you kidding me? Although I like Tucker's, they don't hold a candle to In-N-Out!

  20. #95

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Soonerinfiniti View Post
    While I appreciate that everyone has different tastes (but Braum's - seriously?), I had a double double animal style in Dallas over the weekend and it was outstanding! I was full all day! And $3.00? Are you kidding me? Although I like Tucker's, they don't hold a candle to In-N-Out!
    Lots of folks like Braums burgers. I can't get past the fries myself. but to each their own.

    I love a Double Double animal style with green chiles. however I don't really pit Tuckers and INO against one another. I would frequent both if i had the chance.

  21. #96

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    I'll say it again, when you are comparing burgers you have to break it down into three categories: 1) table-service restaurant (like Republic); 2) quick-service (counter) restaurant (like Tucker's, Smashburge); and 3) fast (drive-thru) food (In-n-Out, McDonald's).

    In-n-Out is miles ahead of any other fast food place and is cheap even by that standard.

  22. #97

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Brianna's take on this.


    In response to my inquiries, Carl Van Fleet, vice president of planning and development for In-N-Out, said the company won't be in Oklahoma any time soon.

    "While we hope to make it to the Oklahoma someday, our slow growth plans will prevent us from getting there in the near-term future," he wrote in an email.

  23. #98

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger


    That's always going to be the standard response of any corporate restaurant or retail chain.

    Remember, Trader Joe's issued almost an identical denial about Oklahoma while they had already pulled a building permit for Tulsa.

    Having said that, I don't have any reason to believe In-n-Out will be coming to OKC soon.

  24. #99

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    That's always going to be the standard response of any corporate restaurant or retail chain.

    Remember, Trader Joe's issued almost an identical denial about Oklahoma while they had already pulled a building permit for Tulsa.

    Having said that, I don't have any reason to believe In-n-Out will be coming to OKC soon.
    In-n-Out would be nice to have, but with all of our burger offerings (though most are higher end than fast food), I think we can live without it for awhile.

  25. #100

    Default Re: In-n-Out Burger

    From our perspective OKC seems like a decent market to expand to, for some reasons listed on this page.

    I enjoy it when I go down to Dallas. It's not something that will just knock your socks off, that's just being realistic about almost any food, particularly fast food.
    But, I will say that it tastes fresh, and it's simple. I would definitely drive down more often for weekend trips to OKC and make sure to stop at the INO for a quick lunch or dinner on the way back home.

    In-N-Out, if you're reading this, expand to OKC already. You will not be disappointed...

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