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Thread: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

  1. #1

    Default Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    My vote goes to Upper Crust Pizza.

    The food is very good, but the service is absolutely terrible. Slow, disinterested. The management staff is unresponsive.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    My vote goes to Upper Crust Pizza.

    The food is very good, but the service is absolutely terrible. Slow, disinterested. The management staff is phony and unresponsive.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    My vote goes to Upper Crust Pizza.

    The food is very good, but the service is absolutely terrible. Slow, disinterested. The management staff is unresponsive.
    Flint. Same reasons.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    I like Beverly's, but they seem to always be short a waitperson in the evenings and it takes forever to get my food. I get frustrated every time I go to Gabriella's because they make customers wait even though they have open tables. I do not buy into the "We do not have enough waits staff" excuse restaurants use to make customers wait even though they have empty tables. Some restaurants use this as a ploy to get people to wait in the bar and buy drinks. Cracker Barrel seems to have high turnover of wait staff and they are slow. I do not eat French fries often and it drives me nuts when I specify I want the sandwich only and they still give me fries and try to charge me for them. This happens at Whataburger a lot.

    Bigray in Ok

  5. Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    As soon as I saw this title, I thought "Upper Crust", specifically the NW OKC/Edmond location. The first time we went, right after they opened, was fantastic. That is probably why we gave them some more chances. The problems started with ordering one of the "bottle and a pie" or "pitcher and a pie" specials and having to remind them to give us the special price, more than once.

    The last time we went, the server was flat out rude. My husband and I are the most laid-back customers, not the type that are obnoxious and demanding. The guy was slamming dishes on the table, really
    brusque and walked away while I was in the middle of a sentence. I don't think we've ever, ever complained about a server before but we did this time.

    It's a shame, because they are close to home, and we were excited to have a decent place with a patio to bring our dog that doesn't require a haul down into the city, but they are never getting another single red cent of my money.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    My vote goes to Upper Crust Pizza.

    The food is very good, but the service is absolutely terrible. Slow, disinterested. The management staff is phony and unresponsive.

  6. Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    I've had the same experience at Upper Crust almost every time I've been - some experiences worse than others. Pizza was always good, but the service is usually sub-par to terrible. With so many excellent pizza choices in town, they need to realize that what they are really peddling is customer service, and if they don't get it right, their patrons will get it somewhere else.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    My vote goes to Upper Crust Pizza.

    The food is very good, but the service is absolutely terrible. Slow, disinterested. The management staff is phony and unresponsive.
    When I first saw this Thread, I said to myself, "Must be another complaint about "Dave and Buster's" (D&B's).

  8. #8

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    1) The Burger King that used to be at Penn and Hefner.
    2) The Popeye's Chicken that still exists, somehow, on up the street.
    3) (yet seriously, folks) The Iquana Grill on our last visit. It really was THE WORST service at a restaurant that I've encountered for a long, long time. The food was excellent but the service was pathetic. Allegedly, it had something to do with the excusification or clarification that some key "staffperson" "walked out" and everyone was trying to fill the gap left by that person's rash decision. It would have been a complete disaster had not the bartender--who didn't know what a "G and T" (or G&T) was--not gone above and beyond his job description to make the experience only a partial disaster.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    RM..."A&T," if you please, Sir.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    1) The Burger King that used to be at Penn and Hefner.
    2) The Popeye's Chicken that still exists, somehow, on up the street.
    3) (yet seriously, folks) The Iquana Grill on our last visit. It really was THE WORST service at a restaurant that I've encountered for a long, long time. The food was excellent but the service was pathetic. Allegedly, it had something to do with the excusification or clarification that some key "staffperson" "walked out" and everyone was trying to fill the gap left by that person's rash decision. It would have been a complete disaster had not the bartender--who didn't know what a "G and T" (or G&T) was--not gone above and beyond his job description to make the experience only a partial disaster.
    Omg, the first thing that crossed my mind was the Iguana Grill! Perhaps we were there the same night you were (on our way to see Sister Act) but they gave us the same explanation for the bad service!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Never have had a bad experience at upper crust

  12. #12

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    The funny thing for me is that I couldn't think of place that has given me really terrible service outside of Othello's in Norman (don't think they're still around). But I do recall a a couple of less than stellar experiences at both Upper Crust and Iguana. Had a recent trip to Upper Crust at Classen Curve and the food was really good, but our server and trainee were morons. They both kept forgetting about stuff, and the server would just blame it on the trainee. Even if the trainee screwed up, isn't it your job to train him?! As far as Iguana goes, I went quite a while back when it was really busy. Think it was Taco Tuesday. We were in a pretty big party, and the server screwed up everyone's orders even after it took forever for the food to come out. We were starving, so we just sucked it up and ate what was brought to us. Thought the food was average as well.

  13. Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Pizza 23

  14. #14

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    Never have had a bad experience at upper crust
    Me either and we go there at least once a month and have done so since it opened. I don't think we have ever gotten the same server so it's not like they know we are good tippers (minimum 20%, usually more like 25% or 30%) and know to be nice to us. Interesting.

  15. #15
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    I've ranted elsewhere about how poor my visits to Flint have been. Just absolutely awful. But then, OK BBQ Eater Anonymous jogged my memory...

    Pizza 23 is the absolute worst experience I have ever had at a restaurant in this town. Went twice and have decided to never return. If I'm with friends or family that suggest it, I veto it every time. Just the absolute worst service.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Never had a bad Upper Crust experience either...but I only go to the one in The Curve.

    Flint has been really hit and miss. I've quit going because of it.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Never had a bad Upper Crust experience either...but I only go to the one in The Curve.

    Flint has been really hit and miss. I've quit going because of it.
    I'm surprised by the bad experiences at UC also, but like you, only go to the curve. I still go to Flint occasionally, if only because the service is so awful that I only have to pay about half the time.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Never had a bad Upper Crust experience either...but I only go to the one in The Curve.

    Flint has been really hit and miss. I've quit going because of it.
    I went to the one in Edmond once a long time ago and I don't remember what the service was like so it was not bad or good. Like you, I always go to the one at CC.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    I give most places 2 chances. I also know even the best place can have a bad night. If the bad service is due to the servers just not wanting to do their job I don't tip and leave a little note on the tip line that thy might want to find a job that fits their abilities.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Deep Deuce Grill is atrocious. Always slow, never knowledgeable, never helpful.

    Last time I was at the patio bar and asked the bartender which Prairie was on tap?
    Her answer,
    "I don't know, I'm not really a beer person."
    My jaw about hit the floor and I responded, "but you are a bartender, yes?"
    "and you don't think knowing what's on tap at your station, not even the whole restaurant just your bar, is your job and useful information for a customer?"
    "Well like I said I don't really drink beer so I don't really need to know it."

    That just screams poor training and a lack of standards. I think they've long benefited from a great location so they slack on service.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    1) The Burger King that used to be at Penn and Hefner.
    2) The Popeye's Chicken that still exists, somehow, on up the street.
    3) (yet seriously, folks) The Iquana Grill on our last visit. It really was THE WORST service at a restaurant that I've encountered for a long, long time. The food was excellent but the service was pathetic. Allegedly, it had something to do with the excusification or clarification that some key "staffperson" "walked out" and everyone was trying to fill the gap left by that person's rash decision. It would have been a complete disaster had not the bartender--who didn't know what a "G and T" (or G&T) was--not gone above and beyond his job description to make the experience only a partial disaster.
    Iguana use to be one of my favorite places and we went there almost weekly or more. However a little over a month ago they fired the GM and most of the staff. ever since it has went straight into the crapper. I wont be back.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Deep Deuce Grill is atrocious. Always slow, never knowledgeable, never helpful.

    Last time I was at the patio bar and asked the bartender which Prairie was on tap?
    Her answer,
    "I don't know, I'm not really a beer person."
    My jaw about hit the floor and I responded, "but you are a bartender, yes?"
    "and you don't think knowing what's on tap at your station, not even the whole restaurant just your bar, is your job and useful information for a customer?"
    "Well like I said I don't really drink beer so I don't really need to know it."
    Aaaaaannd that's when she secretly decided to spit in your next drink.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    1) The Burger King that used to be at Penn and Hefner.
    2) The Popeye's Chicken that still exists, somehow, on up the street.
    3) (yet seriously, folks) The Iquana Grill on our last visit. It really was THE WORST service at a restaurant that I've encountered for a long, long time. The food was excellent but the service was pathetic. Allegedly, it had something to do with the excusification or clarification that some key "staffperson" "walked out" and everyone was trying to fill the gap left by that person's rash decision. It would have been a complete disaster had not the bartender--who didn't know what a "G and T" (or G&T) was--not gone above and beyond his job description to make the experience only a partial disaster.
    We must have different views as to what a "restaurant" is. I would never consider Popeyes or Burger King a "restaurant " per se.

    I haven't had any abnormal bad service that I can think of recently. My expectations are very low so I usually can't get disappointed

  24. #24

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    Aaaaaannd that's when she secretly decided to spit in your next drink.
    Except for she poured it right in front of me

  25. #25

    Default Re: Worst Restaurant Service in OKC?

    To reiterate, the food at Upper Crust was very good, so we will be back. We've only been twice. We went about a month after they opened (Curve location), and were so put off we didn't return for two years. We went again last week, and the food was very good, but the service was ridiculously bad. I realized that if we were there to get drunk first, we may not have noticed how bad the service was. But we were there to eat, and it took forever to get our food. The staff had an agenda to push their specials on us, when we were decided what we wanted. We waited at least 10 minutes to get water served. The salads took another half an hour. Trying to flag down the waitress to pay was a sisyphean ordeal. I could go on.

    I really, really hate Hal Smith Restaurant Group's fake service. They really don't give a $hit about you, but they pretend they do as they fail to serve you. It is truly weird.

    Again, the food is good, though, so we'll try again. I'll just probably turn into a demanding a-hole to ensure we get what we want.

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