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My wife and I both graduated from Mustang. The biggest problem I see with the town and district is it's at this crossroads where it's still a small town, with the small town attitude, but at the same time seeing some growth and influx from outsiders. Coming into this town is hit or miss. Some people welcome you and others just stare at you like, you aren't from around here. Since I've graduated I now live on the East side of Mustang, but in Moore schools. I still do shopping in Mustang, but a lot more in West and South OKC than I did when I lived in town. From what I've seen a lot of the people I graduated with that are still around are all 'those' people in high school, if you know what I mean. Rather they are the entitled I'm rich because my daddy owns his own business, or those that had no ambition to do anything with their life. The main reason I am here is because I still work in town, and my family lives here. If not for working here I'd probably be close enough to be in Edmond schools, or in Edmond.
My opinion is that Yukon is probably worse. Growing up in the area I had lots of Yukon friends, and the drugs and pregnancy were just as bad as Mustang, if not worse on the drugs end. That coupled with all the corruption the school district itself has had the last few years, I'd avoid it.
I don't know much about Moore schools. My house is located in the South Lakes, Brink Jr, Westmoore district. A few of my neighbors that have kids said they really enjoy the schools. Actually all of them moved there thinking it was Mustang schools only to find out later it was Westmoore, but in the end said they had a great experience and didn't regret it at all. I'd bet that where I live, Southwest of Will Rogers, would suit the OP criteria for travel. I'm a straight shot to I44 or even Airport road, and doesn't take me anytime to get downtown.