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What specific examples are you talking about that need to be addressed in central Norman?
Would this have to be a sales tax increase? Norman already has an 8.25% rate, slightly lower than OKC at 8.3%. I know the jail takes .25%, how long will that last? I'd be leery attempting to raise the tax any more than a half percent. That would be one of the highest in the state, but still lower than Mustang, Yukon and El Reno, and at 8.75% (assuming we still have to pay the jail tax) it would be .25% higher than Moore.
That being said I agree transportation should be a big priority. Some ideas:
- Like Venture mentioned, a complete rebuild of Main between I-35 and 12th, including an extension of the streetscape in downtown to Flood and making Main and Gray 2-way streets
- Build the Imhoff Creek Greenbelt trail from Imhoff to Lions Park, including underpasses with bridge reconstructions at Boyd, Brooks and Lindsey
- Extend the Legacy Trail south to Hwy 9 connecting to a trail on the north side of the highway that goes west to Chautauqua to connect to existing trails
- Streetscape and bike lanes on University Blvd between Main and Boyd
- Bike lanes on Jenkins, Elm and Brooks through OU
- New downtown library with a prominent location on Main
- Development fund for new high density housing in Campus Corner and downtown (similar to what Tulsa has had success doing with Vision 2025 housing funds)
- Trail system and upgrades around Lake Thunderbird
I think commuter rail would have to be a metro wide tax since Metro Transit covers Norman, and would have to mainly be OKC along with Moore and Edmond pitching in.
Plutonic, I like your New Urbanism ideas and I see Griffin Hospital as a perfect site for this, if the hospital were to move and consolidate elsewhere in Norman. Same goes for the strip malls on the west end of downtown, the parking lots along University in Campus Corner, and land around Lloyd Noble Center.