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I like, except I'd revise as follows:
MAPS IV - $900M (7-year)
needs to be at least 400 feet for proper landmark/placemaking in Union Park
- STREETCAR $140M phase III
-- $20M for Deep Deuce to OHC
-- $60M for Midtown to Plaza to OCU to Asian District to Paseo to Uptown to Capitol to Eastside(23rd & MLK) (with possible integration with OHC line to form a loop)
-- $30M for Central Park to Boathouse/Riverfront to Capital Hill to Wheeler (future extension to Farmers Market, Stockyard's City, Dell area, Fairgrounds/OMC)
-- $20M for CBD interchanges/taxi routes that weren't included in Phase I/II but add to viability of the system.
-- $10M for more streetcars
- METRO BUS $80M to expand/replace the bus fleet to all natural gas/electric hybrid (CNG or even better LNG). Suburbs contribute $40M (all total) to bring the grand total funding to $120M for busses of all sizes - all nat gas. Add'l infrastructure funds or tax breaks could come from Feds/State.
- COMMUTER RAIL $100M for OKC's contribution
- $45M for the cars (also nat gas/electric hybrid if possible). Suburbs contribute $25M for grand total of $65M for the commuter rail cars.
- $10M for transit/transfer centers [and necessary signal/signage nearby] at 63rd/Broadway, 23rd/Capitol, 25th/Capital Hill, Eastern/MLK, and TIK (total of $50M). Edmond, Del City/MWC, Moore, Norman, *Guthrie/Purcell - build their own stations/stop at whatever cost/type and location along the alignment they desire.
- $5M (total) for PnR at Broadway/Memorial Rd and Crossroads. Garages/Transit Center upgrades can be built future funding.
- Infrastructure funds for track upgrades likely to come from Feds/State.
Transit Related Infrastructure $90M
- $50M to expand/build out the Santa Fe transit center downtown for City Bus, Commuter Rail, Commuter and Express Bus, Inter-City Bus, Inter-City Rail/Tulsa. Add'l Infrastructure funds for track upgrades likely to come from State and/or ACOG/OCART.
- $20M for bus stops/shelters. Suburbs contribute their own.
- $15M Operations Maintenance Center (near fairgrounds) for Bus/CR/Streetcar and several nat gas filling stations (which can also be used by the public, for add'l profit). Suburbs can buy/build their own if desired. < Streetcar will initially be served only by the Union Park OMC, until tracks expanded to the new Intermodal OMC. >
- $5M for ACOG/OCART Master Control and Operations center to be added to Union Station (or wherever Embark/Metro/OCART hq is/will be located). Suburbs contribute to this according to ACOG/OCART charter.
MAPS Upkeep (down to $110M)
Remove dollars for the Cox altogether; reduce for the Ballpark, Civic Centre, Boathouse, and Canal
- Chesapeake Energy Arena $50M (adding back in the things that were cut in the original expansion) - private contributions could expand this total
- Bricktown Ballpark $10M
- Civic Centre $10M (if necessary?)
- Boathouse District $10M (sidewalks, placemaking, lighting)
- Canal $10M (placemaking, lighting)
- Riverfront $50M (tie into Wheeler, bridge beautification, tree maturation, facilities)
Shuffle beautification so that higher density areas are rewarded/encouraged, ie - inner core wards and thoroughfares get more funding, rural get less (since less to beautify or folks to see/use it). Emphasis on placemaking and integrating Transit/sidewalks/lighting with 'hood amenities.
Since downtown is the centerpiece of the metro/state, I think it should have a separate fund specifically for placemaking that doesn't need to interfere/get lost in the ward beautification.
all MAPs need to have dollars for sidewalks until OKC is built out IMO
to me, downtown OKC is far too dark at night. a lit up city inspires folks to go/remain outside at night and gives a big city vibe, not to mention encourages safety.
Contingency $20M
don't need larger than $20M here