Originally Posted by
An overreach? Weird. I'll go ahead and tell you that I'm aquatinted with a couple of the players. They do like going to clubs every now and then. Renting the VIP areas out on those occasions. The young rookies are guys that like going out and doing stuff like that. A city with no clubs is known, as bchris put it, with not much to do. I know the older crowd doesn't see it that way, but think of an entertainment district through a 21-25 year olds eyes. They enjoy that scene. Having a couple of upscale clubs isn't going to hurt bricktown.
As for your snide, condescending remarks? I know you think you're some urban connoisseur, and you might be, but you obviously don't know the fabric and thinking of the 18-34 crowd. Also, known as the millennials. Everyone of the Thunder players for that age range, outside of Nick Collison and Derek Fisher.