Re: No Money for I-40 Crosstown???
Im glad to finally hear that you all see what your legislators are doing for you (as in nothing).
It is one thing to vote for someone who supports you and your concerns, it is another to just vote for someone so Oklahoma could continue to have someone on a committee.
I remember in the past, that people said that about Istook - that OK would continue to vote for him because he is on the appropriations committee. I said, so what - he hasnt ever done anything for Oklahoma.
And being the chairman of this committee!!!!!???? Oklahoma should have THE BEST ROADS, THE MOST EXPANSIVE Intercity rail system, and OKC should have one of the best transit system in the nation - busses, commuter rail, and intra-city rapid transit.
Because, the chairman of appropriations should look out for his own state, first.
It seems like all other senators know about this theory except those from Oklahoma (and other fiscal conservative states - mostly Southern). However, he had NO TROUBLE at all concluding that Salt Lake City deserved a rapid transit system from nowhere to nowhere!
And for those of you who have never been to Salt Lake, it is very similar to Tulsa in size (it just has a lot of suburbs). Its downtown area is more like downtown Lawton than with skyscrapers like ours.
So you have to wonder why OUR legislators would vote in favor of a system for them but turn the cheek on us - even for a freeway for us which he PROMISED (when we asked for funds to STUDY a light rail).
Like I said, Im glad to finally see (hear) that Oklahomans now want representation - not just bragging rights!
Thanks for being progressive! Continue that Renaissance!
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!