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Thread: OU Dental

  1. #1

    Health Science Center OU Dental

    |cost=$8 million
    |architect=Hornbeek Blatt
    |sq. feet=
    Information & Latest News

    Dental Practice Facility
    "Positioned in the heart of the University of Oklahoma Health Science Campus in Downtown Oklahoma City, this new complex provides a practicing facility for the University’s Dental Faculty. The two story facility provides for all aspects of the dental practice, including but not limited to Orthodontics and Pedodontics, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics and Periodontics, as well as General Dentistry. Additionally, this new state of the art facility incorporates Training Rooms, a tiered Lecture Hall, Catering Kitchen and Administrative Areas to support the core function of the facility, providing an opportunity for current University Faculty to incorporate an active practice and training facility on Campus."

    Hornbeek Blatt

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Sure seems like there has been a lot of investment by OU lately in its OKC campus. For that matter, seems like east of 235 has been the most active development location in the entire city. Eventually we are going to need a legitimate pedestrian bridge.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Where is this going?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Right next to the existing dental school on the HSC campus.

    I don't have the exact address.

  5. #5
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Are they tearing down the building where the dental school currently sits? This appears quite different from the last renderings they had released for what was supposed to just be an addition/renovation of the current structure.

  6. Default Re: OU Dental

    $8M for that?

  7. #7

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Are they tearing down the building where the dental school currently sits? This appears quite different from the last renderings they had released for what was supposed to just be an addition/renovation of the current structure.
    No, this new structure will be supplemental to the current facility; not exactly sure of it's placement but it will be nearby.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OU Dental

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    $8M for that?
    I'm sure that includes all the furniture, fixtures and equipment.

    This is a full-on dental office and teaching facility, so lots of expensive stuff inside.

  9. #9
    cferguson Guest

    Default Re: OU Dental

    I am a current 4th year dental student and we have recently been going through a large remodel of the current dental school. Construction on this project started in May 2013. This is called the legacy project. All of our clinics have been completely redone and look amazing. Although we have not heard of any news regarding this new building, it looks as if it will house the graduate programs/faculty practice. We have had several meetings regarding the legacy project. You can find more info with this link: Legacy Project

    This is very interesting. I will post if we are updated with any more information on the new building.

    By the way, if you are interested in becoming a patient at the dental school, please send me a PM and I would be happy to set up a screening for you.

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