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I think OKC is improving but has a long, long, long way to go before it's an Austin. I mean we are basically talking about having one of item x or hoping to get one of each of item x y and z in the next few years, but in Austin there are so many choices whether you're talking about groceries or whatever it's unbelievable. The arts culture is unreal. I remember someone posting on this board about how OKC is next level now because we have a food truck party once a month, a cool arts festival once or twice a year, and so on. I remember thinking that person had absolutely no idea what it's like living in Austin where there are a dozen different things going on each and every day. I like OKC don't get me wrong but we are probably still 20 years away from being anything like ATX at our current velocity... Have to be realistic.
One thing I don't care for about Austin is that there really isn't that much natural or historical appeal. The locals always point you to bars or something to go do. Seems like if you want nature you go to New Braunsfels and for history San Antonio. This is why I think city beautification, continuing to fund and maintain The Memorial site, and the Native American museum project, are so important for OKC. It should really be any city's goal to be as diverse as it can be and offer "the total package" for its residents and potential visitors.
Never cared for Dallas when I lived there. It's definitely a big city but there's something very plastic about the place. A friend lives in Houston and says he loves it there.