You're right, promoters are part of the solution/problem, I expect. Promoter - Hey, let's bring [anythingbesidescountryandclassicrock] here, but wait, do we have the crowd for it, will it sell enough tickets, can I make money (the most important part), do we have an appropriate venue, is it a good idea, .....? Populace - Hey, why isn't [anythingbesidescountryandclassicrock] around here, I'm not sure if I'd go, but I might if it were the right band, .....? Chicken-egg, catch-22, etc. is what I'm thinking part (not sure how big a part) of it is. Promoters and venues and artists like to make money and if they're not sure if they will, they probably won't come here. If the populace won't go support [anythingbesidescountryandclassicrock], then the promoters won't bring more of them here. I personally try to go to any show that has a band that I like (but my taste is so eclectic, not much comes here that I like - pretty much the only bands I've seen here in the past few years were Pink Martini, Boris, Swans, Sleigh Bells, a few FLips shows, one NMF, saw the Pixies at the Brady a few years ago) to show support for [anythingbesidescountryandclassicrock].
Having said all that, I am going to a classic rock show - ZZ Top/Jeff Beck, but only to see Jeff Beck (and he really can't be classified with the ForeignerStyxREO38Specialblechwhatever contingent) since he's absolutely amazing and he's 70, so not sure how long he'll be touring.
