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Thread: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

  1. Default What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I really debated where to post this, but I have faith we can keep it from getting too political. If it goes that direction, Pete or Martin will banish this off to that section of the forum. Vast majority of these search entries aren't political in nature and some deliver a classic... "WTF?" response.

    Idaho likes Bigfoot apparently, Louisiana is still watching the Golden Girls, and Delaware loves itself.

    Source: Oklahoma needs to clear its Internet search history? | The Lost Ogle

  2. #2

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I agree - WTF is wrong with people if these topics are what they are using google for? And why is Morman Utah so excited about Kama Sutra? The EMP can't come soon enough if it gets people back to real stuff instead of this crap. (Okay, I kid, no one wants an EMP but it WOULD be a silver lining if people quit being so superficial).

  3. #3

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I'm starting to change my mind about Utah.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    hahahaha!! At the same time, Trousers and I both focused on Utah with different reactions!

  5. #5

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Oklahomans like to google about atheism huh? Interesting. Though I have a feeling it has less to do with genuinely learning more about it but rather learning more about the "evils" of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I agree - WTF is wrong with people if these topics are what they are using google for? And why is Morman Utah so excited about Kama Sutra? The EMP can't come soon enough if it gets people back to real stuff instead of this crap. (Okay, I kid, no one wants an EMP but it WOULD be a silver lining if people quit being so superficial).
    I remember a few years ago that either a particular site or maybe it was based on google searches that Utah was the most porn loving state in the union. Im not surprised that one of the most religious states comprised mainly of a religion that preaches chaste, that many in that state go to the internet to satisfy their urges.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post

    I remember a few years ago that either a particular site or maybe it was based on google searches that Utah was the most porn loving state in the union. Im not surprised that one of the most religious states comprised mainly of a religion that preaches chaste, that many in that state go to the internet to satisfy their urges.
    I think OK is way up there along with Utah in that respect. Probably a side effect of not being able to actually buy porn in OK and having to get it off the intertubes.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Is this map for real? If so, WOW....just WOW. Seriously Georgia...Butt Implants? Beer Pong in Rhode Island. Knock knock jokes in Michigan. Glue sniffing in New York (okay, that one I get). Allah in Oregon. Do I have Herpes in Texas.

    I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just move to New Zealand.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I got a flood laugh over Oklahomans search but this map.can't be real.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    I'm starting to change my mind about Utah.
    On a slightly related note, Utah is the 2nd biggest source of customers to the brothels in Nevada, behind much larger California.

    Lots of closet freaks in the Beehive State.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    On a slightly related note, Utah is the 2nd biggest source of customers to the brothels in Nevada, behind much larger California.

    Lots of closet freaks in the Beehive State.
    That is probably a proximity issue more than anything. It is like saying most shark attacks occur in 3 feet water. No kidding, because that is where most of the people are.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I'll take our result over the one for Texas.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    I'm thinking this has to be a hoax. I'll let you know once I get back from Salt Lake.

  13. #13
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Texas. lolz

  14. Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    From Estately; " Estately ran hundreds of search queries through Google Trends to determine which words, terms, and questions each state was searching for more than any other."

    If I'm reading that correctly, then Estately picked the different search criteria and simply looked to see which state Goggled that term more than others. If true, the map is extremely misleading. They could have picked "assassinate Obama" and one of the 50 states would have been the winner - even if only a couple of people had ever entered that as a search query.

    Talk about manufacturing 'news'.......

  15. Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Talk about manufacturing 'news'.......
    It's more entertainment than news. :-P

  16. Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    It's more entertainment than news. :-P
    Actually, I'm betting its more marketing than anything else...... That map will be posted and reposted and expose lots of people to their website.

    That said, i can guarantee that some news stations will pick that map up and report it as 'news.' Which is pretty sad.

  17. #17

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Literally just read this 10 minutes ago, seems appropriate:

    Facebook Executive's Media Rant Gets Ripped Apart In 2 Comments

  18. #18

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Assuming it's not made up, I don't understand why Oklahomans find Benghazi so interesting to look up, unless they get a big kick out of learning out bad it make President Obama look. Otherwise, hardly any other state, other than Wyoming, cares about a topic from the political angle.

  19. #19

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    (i'd hav'ta t' call Shenanigans! on that there finding (aka bit of b.s.) . . .

  20. #20

    Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    (i'd hav'ta t' call Shenanigans! on that there finding (aka bit of b.s.) . . .
    Right. Surely, the Thunder is more frequently put in search.

  21. Default Re: What does Oklahoma Google More than Others?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Assuming it's not made up, I don't understand why Oklahomans find Benghazi so interesting to look up, unless they get a big kick out of learning out bad it make President Obama look. Otherwise, hardly any other state, other than Wyoming, cares about a topic from the political angle.
    You're missing what they actually did. It isn't that Oklahoman's find 'Benghazi' so interesting at all...... The site that created the map simply took dozens of terms that THEY came up with and entered them into Google Trends and then waited to see which state search for THEIR term the most. The term can literally be anything you want it to be.

    However, the way they present the map it makes it look like they simply searched for what Oklahoman's mostly looked up in general on Google, which is completely false.

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