Most people on this forum hate my posts and wish I would just stop posting here. Quite frankly I don't blame them as sometimes they can be over the top negative (I do post positive posts but most people don't seem to notice them). I sincerely apologize for having offended the people of this great city by my negative posts. Let me explain though why I post the way I do.
First of all, I don't, in reality, hate living here as bad as you would think from reading my posts. The angst I have about living here isn't entirely the fault of the city or any inferiority it may have to somewhere like Charlotte. Living in a small/midsized city compared to a large one of course has sacrifices, but day to day life somewhere like OKC isn't that much different. Urban areas in this region of the country (the Southeast + Texas + Oklahoma) are pretty much all designed and laid out similar and have similar offerings, some on a larger or smaller scale.
I have roots in OKC way back and I want to see it succeed. Sometimes I am not patient enough. I am used to how fast things moved in Charlotte or look at what's happening in Dallas or Austin and wish that for OKC, but I realize that in most places things don't happen that fast. I get discouraged when there is a setback or when a big project that has been teased about dies, such as Steve's mixed-use development that would make Dallas or Kansas City jealous. I get discouraged when a Stage Center Tower that was supposed to be 30 stories, then 20, gets revealed to be only 14 stories. Things are happening here though. Things have improved drastically here over the past 10-15 years and if the national economy holds up its likely just the beginning. It's amazing the life that the Thunder has brought to downtown. There are many times when things such as the arts festival are going downtown that I think to myself "this place is actually pretty cool."
OKC even has things that are better than Charlotte. First, downtown OKC feels a lot more dense and built up than Charlotte does at street level. Though pedestrian activity in the CBD has a ways to go, I have had numerous friends from Charlotte ask me if OKC was bigger than Charlotte when touring them through the CBD. Though they have been doing a ton of infill in the past few years, when I lived in Charlotte there was far too much surface parking right in the CBD. OKC, specifically Bricktown, feels larger and more active if you hit it the right night than the smaller mixed-use developments in Charlotte such as the Epicentre and the NC Music Factory. For all the criticism I give Lower Bricktown, it really feels the most "Charlotte", being that its Disneyfied and lacks character. The Paseo is a real jewel that I think doesn't always get the attention it deserves. Though it still has a ways to go, I love what is happening in Midtown/Auto Alley and think within the next five years, it will be an amazing place and a focal point of OKC's young professional life (if its not already). Speaking of Auto Alley, it's another jewel and Charlotte doesn't have anything that compares.
As far as day to day life in the city, the only things I drastically miss about Charlotte are nice grocery stores (along with liberal liquor laws) and the citywide urban beautification, an area OKC really needs to work on. I sometimes miss the retail but its not like I spent a lot of money at Neiman Marcus anyways.
My negativity stems from two things. First, I didn't want to leave Charlotte but had to because of my job situation so I had a negative attitude straight out of the box. My family is in rural eastern Oklahoma so I stayed with them while job hunting. Secondly, I have had a difficult time finding my niche in OKC. I am late 20s, single, and asexual. I also have social anxiety and I could care less about sports or country music (a common interest for most Okies). The culture here being overwhelmingly centered on family, sports, getting married young, and settling down has made it difficult to relate to a lot of people in my age group here. I am sure that's simply where I've been hanging out but I didn't have near this kind of trouble when I lived in Charlotte. Because of this, there are some days that get mindnumbingly lonely and I really feel like I would leave OKC if I could. However, when I really think about it I would rather not go through the hassle. I would like to find my niche here and be happy here if it's possible.
Lastly, whenever I see what is called "blind boosterism," sometimes its hard for me to resist posting a refute for it and many times people interpret that as me slamming OKC. I will try to be kinder when I do that and once again, I apologize for the offense that I've caused.
Anyways, I hope what I've posted here explains things from my perspective and why I post the way I do. I will do better going forward to try to be more positive and tone down the negativity.