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View Poll Results: What should be done with 235?

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  • Bury 235 and build a BLVD on top

    8 20.00%
  • Replace 235 with a BLVD.

    4 10.00%
  • Do nothing

    28 70.00%
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Thread: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

  1. #1

    Default Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Would you support it? I would. I think this would go a long way in ultimately creating a larger core that could tie in with the adventure district and HSC.

    So what would be your ideas? How much do you think it would cost to create a tunnel? My guess would be close to a billion. Quite honestly, I think it could flow fine if we just made a six lane, high speed, limited access underground highway in place of what we have now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Too deep of a subject for me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Ummmmmm....NO. Maybe between where it comes down from the bridges south of 23rd to like south of 6th Street but again that would be like the Big Dig in Boston and it would be a waste of money considering they've already redone most of 235 north of 23rd.

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  4. Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    If we were playing cities in motion it would be neat, but the billions It would cost just doesn't fly.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Given what ODOT considers a boulevard it would not be removing a barrier anyway.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    If we were playing cities in motion it would be neat, but the billions It would cost just doesn't fly.
    Very true. If there was that much money to spare, it could be put to much better use in OKC.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    even with 235 buried, you'd still have the santa fe tracks to deal with. -M

  8. #8

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    A very large expense with a very minimal return... and as mentioned previously, given the "success" (or lack thereof) of other such highway tunnel projects elsewhere, it would be a huge money pit and ultimately an irrational and unreasonable waste of good dollars that could be much better spent improving other highways and interchanges throughout the metro... and state.

    At some point in time, people need to think about the realistic practicality of their pie-in-the-sky suggestions, for their own credibility as much as anything else.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I think if done right... It could be made into a corridor that would connect the east side of 235 with the core and put a BLVD. similar to the one I suggested for Crosstown BLVD. could see potentially a billion or so in new development.

    As far as better uses for the money, I agree actually. But do know, someone will always have a better use with money than you, I, or anyone here will.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I think if done right... It could be made into a corridor that would connect the east side of 235 with the core and put a BLVD. similar to the one I suggested for Crosstown BLVD. could see potentially a billion or so in new development.
    Let's first see how the development around Core2Shore develops before we dream about "investing" a "a billion or so" in 235 reconstruction in the blind faith that we'll then see "potentionally a billion or so" in new development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    As far as better uses for the money, I agree actually. But do know, someone will always have a better use with money than you, I, or anyone here will.
    With so much crumbling infrastructure, it would be hard for anyone to argue in good faith that investing "a billion or so" in an already proven money pit road construction idea outweighs all the immediate, critical road improvements necessary around the metro. With federal funds drying up, it's time to start thinking more wisely and practically with such investments of road funding.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    It's a good idea in theory. Impractical though given the financial cuts ODOT has taken recently and the idiocy of their engineering department. I would rather use that money to redo major interchanges, most specifically I-40/I-44 and I-240/I-35 with 4-level stacks. Then I would also widen I-235 to eight lanes between 36th St and I-44 where it is currently only four lanes. You should be able to get from Edmond to downtown OKC without having to change lanes once if you don't want to. If there was money left over, I would widen I-35 in NE OKC between I-40 and where it merges with I-44 to six lanes.

  12. #12

    Default Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    This happening is less likely than the BNSF line being turned into a trench line through Edmond between 33rd & Danforth.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I like the concept and the possibilities, as a non-rush-hour-user, but I would hate to be stuck in that tunnel at rush hour, and I doubt it would ever realize it's non-bureaucratic potential.

  14. #14
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I'm not concerned with the poll. I'm not concerned with the poll at all.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I would prefer they just retire I-235 when its current life-span expires and put back what was once there.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I would prefer they just retire I-235 when its current life-span expires and put back what was once there.
    I actually thought about adding that as a poll option, but didn't...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I would prefer they just retire I-235 when its current life-span expires and put back what was once there.
    This coming from someone who doesn't live here and drive that route on a daily basis?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    This coming from someone who doesn't live here and drive that route on a daily basis?
    Since it is built with federal tax dollars, half of which comes from the general budget, I feel qualified to comment on the subject. If it causes a problem with your commute then live closer to work. Multiple real-world examples show that when freeways are removed the traffic simply evaporates and doesn't appear else ware.


  19. #19

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Since it is built with federal tax dollars, half of which comes from the general budget, I feel qualified to comment on the subject. If it causes a problem with your commute then live closer to work.
    Since I help contribute those federal tax dollars, then they can keep it up.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    Since I help contribute those federal tax dollars, then they can keep it up.
    The good news for you is that they will never remove I-235 even if it makes financial sense to do so. That is just how government works.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I-235 is a necessary evil. It would be a nightmare getting people from north OKC and Edmond into downtown without it. If anything, it needs to be widened betwixt 36th St and I-44.

  22. Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    we should fill in space already in place before adding more

  23. #23

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    I like CuatrodeMayo's concept of I-235 only partially buried near downtown.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    we should fill in space already in place before adding more
    Things like I-235 are what is keeping the in-fill from happening. It creates both a barrier to development near it and provides easy access to sprawling land on the fringe. Remove it and you would be amazed how quickly all the in-fill land fills up. You should see how dense this area was before I-235 was put in.

    At some point I-235 is going to out-live its lifespan and need to be replaced. If I-40 is any indication it will cost upwards of a billion dollar by then - and you have to ask - is it worth a billion dollars?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Burying 235 Between I40 and I44?

    From the Better Boulevard people.

    What OKC would look like with I-235 gone.


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