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I used to have a very narrow view when it came to transit.
I thought only poor blacks used it. I was truly ignorant (and admittedly somewhat racist about it) of what "the bus" or mass transit meant. I was at one point actually opposed to the streetcar in OKC.
I visited Cleveland for work, and on my off time I rode the train into the city, and found people of all races, social backgrounds, and economic conditions rode mass transit.
This was confirmed in later travels to LA, Chicago, San Fran, etc. Because of travels and actually using the system, I have become a huge fan and proponent of mass transit. And my knowledge and understanding has outgrown and matured past the narrow viewpoint I once had.
This is where the streetcar will do wonders for OKC and the bus system. Many in Oklahoma are very turned off at the idea of riding mass transit -- it wasn't until I rode a train in a city 1,000 miles away that I began to understand the benefits of it. I have never been on a city bus until AFTER I was introduced to mass transit via a heavy rail subway car in CLE. With the streetcar here in OKC, people won't need to be in a city 1,000 miles away without a car for a month to experience mass transit that is useful to them. Many will start out just wanting to go for a ride downtown on a Saturday afternoon. Or maybe decide to try it after they parked in Midtown to eat at Louie's before the Thunder game, and decide instead of driving and trying to park at the arena -- that they'll just hop on the streetcar.
They will slowly begin to warm up to the idea -- the ability to pass increased bus funding will be much easier. People will have some base level knowledge and understanding of what mass transit is. And they will be more likely to support transit initiatives. And like JTF has said in the past, pretty soon every district nearby downtown will be begging to have a streetcar route and the citizens will want to make it happen.
It's easy to vote against something you have no knowledge and understanding of, it's hard to vote against something you know is beneficial and useful.