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Thread: LA Clippers

  1. #51

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    Be the Chang you wish to see in the world.

  2. #52

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    The Kemp in the audio is Matt not Sean. Two very different people.
    You're exactly right, my apologies. Shawn Kemp (who I misspelled) was the crackhead basketball player
    and Matt Kemp is the baseball player from Midwest City who is known from good works around L.A.

    Sterling is an old racist douche bag who doesn't deserve any respect or any more good fortune.
    As a landlord, he's done despicable things, sometimes harmful to minorities.
    Then he used philanthropy to try to buy respect, more than likely guilt money.

    However, I still believe this tape is more about jealousy and his girlfriend baiting him into saying
    certain things to hang him. It was an hour conversation and she released under 35 minutes of it.
    I think what she got him to say has more to do with his sexual hangups and her flaunting of big,
    black athletic boyfriends (in his mind) than the mere statement of not bringing any black people to
    his games indicates.

    I know the tape has him saying "don't hang with minorities" and Vanessa Stiviano set this up but it
    seems obvious he is fearful of Magic Johnson. He is a bigot, no question, and he will pay for his
    bigotry by being remembered with a reputation not so "sterling." In this case, though, he is being
    brought down by letting his pecker think for him.

  3. #53

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    They are now saying that the girlfriend may have over 100 hours of him on tape.

    He could just pay her off to keep her quiet (which is no doubt what she is hoping for) but the rub is that Sterling is still married and can't spend big chunks of money without the approval of his wife.

    Besides being a scumbag, the guy is obviously a bit of an idiot for getting himself into such a mess. Usually, powerful wealthy men can just make things like this go away but he's still at the mercy of his pissed-off estranged wife.

  4. #54

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    An 80 year old man spouting racist BS in the privacy of his home. What are the odds?

  5. #55

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Totally set up, she just keeps stoking the fire.... He almost sounds drugged which wouldnt shock me to find out.

  6. #56

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    Totally set up, she just keeps stoking the fire.... He almost sounds drugged which wouldnt shock me to find out.
    I thought you said you were done posting here? Maybe you should go be buddies with Sterling since you are so quick to defend someone with his history. Are you just ignoring his track record with housing and apartments or are you that desperate to find a conspiracy?

  7. #57

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    The NBA is going to act fast as the value of this franchise is going to drop faster than a helicopter in free fall. First the sponsors will drop out, shortly afterward the coach and players will withhold services. The forces of capitalism will cause Sterling to relinquish the franchise while it still has some value.

  8. #58

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    I wonder if the NCAAP will want the last award back they gave him in 2009?

  9. #59

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by BrettM2 View Post
    I thought you said you were done posting here? Maybe you should go be buddies with Sterling since you are so quick to defend someone with his history. Are you just ignoring his track record with housing and apartments or are you that desperate to find a conspiracy?
    No, he is just an obtuse human being who is at the very least is semi-racist.

  10. #60

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    If they make Sterling leave , I wonder who will step up to buy the franchise... Magics group perhaps? The more i think about it it wouldnt surprise me if she is in on it with Magic

  11. #61
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    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    If they make Sterling leave , I wonder who will step up to buy the franchise... Magics group perhaps? The more i think about it it wouldnt surprise me if she is in on it with Magic
    You just keep trying to make HIM a victim. WOW. He's a racist pure and simple. He's an idiot pure and simple. He is married and has a lover, so I guess he is an adulterer pure and simple. So THIS is the kind of human being you are trying so hard to justify and support. WOW, just WOW.

  12. Default Re: LA Clippers

    all of sterlings nonsense aside, I think the girl is just as bad morally using someone's terrible views for blackmail and extortion in order to get money and fame. just a sad situation all around.

  13. #63

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    People probably have forgotten that Marge Schott was suspended from baseball then forced the sell the Reds after a series of racist comments.

    I suspect Sterling will get at least a year suspension and may ultimately be forced to sell.

  14. #64

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    You just keep trying to make HIM a victim. WOW. He's a racist pure and simple. He's an idiot pure and simple. He is married and has a lover, so I guess he is an adulterer pure and simple. So THIS is the kind of human being you are trying so hard to justify and support. WOW, just WOW.
    Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife , Magic Johnson cheated on his wife, Were they ever on tape making racial slurs maybe & maybe not...... As Oprah says that Generation of old ( white bigots ) people just need to hurry up and die.

  15. #65

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    If people would just what they are supposed to do and not what they want to do none of this would happen to them.

  16. #66

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    all of sterlings nonsense aside, I think the girl is just as bad morally using someone's terrible views for blackmail and extortion in order to get money and fame. just a sad situation all around.
    Maybe, maybe not, however the issue at hand and the topic is Sterling. It seems as if you are trying to mitigate the behavior of this old bigot by casting stones at the girl friend. Don't kill the messenger applies here.

  17. #67
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    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife , Magic Johnson cheated on his wife, Were they ever on tape making racial slurs maybe & maybe not...... As Oprah says that Generation of old ( white bigots ) people just need to hurry up and die.
    You can deflect all you want, he is still a despicable racist idiot adulterer. Other people being idiots doesn't excuse him or the fact you endorse this kind of person. If the best anyone can come up to defend him is "but other people do it", it is pathetic. Childlike logic will never make him other than what he is and his supporters other than what they are.

  18. #68

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    You can deflect all you want, he is still a despicable racist idiot adulterer. Other people being idiots doesn't excuse him or the fact you endorse this kind of person. If the best anyone can come up to defend him is "but other people do it", it is pathetic. Childlike logic will never make him other than what he is and his supporters other than what they are.
    I didn't listen to more than a minute of the tape (so caveat emptor). The best I could say to defend him is that he's an 80 year old man and he's free to associate (or not associate) with whoever he wants. Doesn't make him any less racist, but he's far from the only person who doesn't want to be around certain people in his personal life. Here we have an inside look into a domestic dispute (in this case, a rich old racist and his ho-bag girlfriend). In domestic disputes you usually see people at their worst.

    I'm not saying his statements make him a good person. But let's not pretend that we're surprised that an 80 year old rich white guy doesn't like minorities.

    The NBA needs to respond, and he should be encouraged to take a much less visible role with the team.

  19. #69

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Especially for younger people, there is often a lack of understanding about how racist the world was as recently as the 60's and 70's.

    I was born in 1960 and remember that schools were almost completely segregated in OKC until the late 60's or so when they forcibly bussed black kids to schools like Northwest Classen and John Marshall. I remember when my older sister (and Alvan Adams) was a senior at Putnam City in 1972, they played some of the OKC schools in basketball during the day due to racial tension.

    My sophomore year at PC we almost cancelled our football homecoming game against US Grant because of a recent race-related shooting at that school. And that was in 1975.

    When I graduated from PC in 1978 with 1,000 other kids, there was ONE black in our class. One out of thousand.

    I also remember adults openly saying the N word in the 70's and that racial slurs and jokes were common and nobody seemed to care a whole lot. My house mother at OU *only* referred to blacks by the N word and while most of us didn't like it, she continued on in that position through the late 80's.

    All this just wasn't that long ago, let alone all the "separate but equal" back-of-the-bus laws in the deep south.

    I know many people think society has become too sensitive and that people just need to stop talking about racism, but a good percentage of present-day adults -- and thus, those holding most the power -- grew up with the things I described and therefore have beliefs and attitudes about race that often run very deep. Keep in mind that most the influential people in this country are generally my age or older.

    Things are changing, but a lot more slowly than most would prefer to believe.

  20. #70

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Clippers sponsors are dropping like flies. Sprint, Redbull, Kia, Lumber Liquidators...

  21. #71

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I know many people think society has become too sensitive and that people just need to stop talking about racism, but a good percentage of present-day adults -- and thus, those holding most the power -- grew up with the things I described and therefore have beliefs and attitudes about race that often run very deep. Keep in mind that most the influential people in this country are generally my age or older.

    Things are changing, but a lot more slowly than most would prefer to believe.
    The world, and particularly our fellow humans, is/are far too complex to fully understand so we all create schemas to simplify it. Unfortunately, this means that we all create stereotypes for different groups/types of people as we try to understand the them. Misconceptions based on differences (e.g., race, language, (dis)ability, religion sexual orientation...) will never fully go away. All we can do is have humility and actively work not to judge individuals based on our (mis)understandings of groups. Racial and ethnic stereotypes often cut the deepest because of our country's history... So, there's no post-racial society coming any time where these conversations will cease to exist. We just have to learn to have humility and appreciate differences to make our pluralistic society work well.

  22. #72

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    I do have a theory I'd like to run out as why Sterling's being brought down now when he could've just as easily taken a fall for all his misdeeds and wrong thinking many years earlier. I call it the Sam Kinison syndrome and it boils down to "God will get ya when He's good and ready." If you remember when Sam Kinison died, you'll understand it. Kinison died in car accident (being hit by a drunk while changing a tire) on his honeymoon after marrying the love of his life who not only got him off drugs and booze but had him heading back to Jesus. Prior to meeting his wife, Sam was a profound boozer and abuser, and sacreligious performer who could have overdosed a hundred times and everyone would have understood his plight and his unhappiness.

    However God waited until Sam was in bliss, totally clean and totally happy so that he could completely understand his punishment.

    I see Donald Sterling in the same way. He could have had his comeuppance dozens of times but the Clippers were crap. Sterling may have even thought that he had mellowed, changed his ways, that he was becoming less racist in his mind by employing the two highest Q and well liked black guys in basketball - Blake Griffin and Chris Paul. He even employed the best liked black coach in the NBA. And there was a strong likelihood he might finally win an NBA championship. He was even in line to get another NAACP award. His lifetime of works, the goods and the bads, it was all getting ready to pay off prestige wise. That's when God sends the sexy model Vanessa Stiviano his way.

    It's the Sam Kinison payback - wait until everything seems to be going your way - then Zap - sorry 'bout that. "Vengeance is Mine. And I'll do My Way." Sorry, Frank S.

  23. #73

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    NBA News: Magic Johnson, Guggenheim Partners Want To Buy The Clippers | Lakers Nation

    Here's the real story, if this ends up happening you can bet your bottom dollar that Magic was behind this whole set up. And for the record I don't support any of the racist comments the guy made. But he was definitely setup by the oh bag and will soon find out who else.

    Magics been doing shows all day today saying the nba needs to take the clippers away.

  24. #74

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    NBA News: Magic Johnson, Guggenheim Partners Want To Buy The Clippers | Lakers Nation

    Here's the real story, if this ends up happening you can bet your bottom dollar that Magic was behind this whole set up. And for the record I don't support any of the racist comments the guy made. But he was definitely setup by the oh bag and will soon find out who else.

    Magics been doing shows all day today saying the nba needs to take the clippers away.
    ESPN Radio had some guys who have been covering him for a couple decades on today, it was interesting to hear their perspective. According to them this was not even in the top ten most racist comments they have confirmed he has said, also how it was a bit disheartening that some of their articles have gotten more reads in the last day then in the decade or more when they covered them on issues that affected peoples lives, not who a guy wants his mistress publicly associating with.

  25. #75

    Default Re: LA Clippers

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    People probably have forgotten that Marge Schott was suspended from baseball then forced the sell the Reds after a series of racist comments.

    I suspect Sterling will get at least a year suspension and may ultimately be forced to sell.
    I remember the whole Marge mess. I agree that both Schott and Sterling are/were racists but I wondered back with Marge how they can be made to sell a business they own because people don't like what they say.

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