A committee selected by our lovely sleeze ball legislature that has been known since statehood and is still known to this day for nepotism and corruption. Don't think so. I fear that we are going to blow millions of dollars on this just like every other problem the government program just find out that the shelters were not built strong enough or they simply can't be built strong enough to survive a large tornado.
Most tornados occur from April trough June, and from 4pm to 9pm.
Wouldn't it be wiser to just close schools early when weather conditions warrent?
Brogdon announced today that he is running for governor as a Republican today. Looks like Mary gets to spend a little money in the primary. On the democratic side, you have Joe Dorman and RJ Harris so there will be a primary there also.
A lot of the schools already release students before 4:00, the 2013 tornado(s) which lead to students deaths in Moore were between 2:56–3:35
There ends up being two poor outcomes if you are closing due to weather conditions, either wait so late that you may well be putting people at more risk by being stuck in traffic when it comes through or releasing so early will be always be so overly broad that almost never will it be for a case it really helped those at the school and it will always cause a huge disruption for the schools, parents and their employers.
Don't underestimate the importance of a primary. On the GOP side, it will cause Mary to spend money (which she has plenty of) but as you pointed out......who can be right wing enough. Although we are a very conservative state, Brad Henry was successful because he was more central than left. There are a lot of registered republicans like myself that the party is running off because it is moving so far right. The primary will force Mary and Brogdon to run a far right campaign which may alienate even more middle of the road republicans. That is part of the problem the GOP has had nationally the last several elections. They have to run far right to get nomination and then were unable to move back more central for the general election. Granted though the GOP carried every county in OK.
Gov. Fallin wants to raise property taxes to pay for storm shelters: Mary Fallin Calls for Largest Property Tax Increase in State History | Oklahoma Democratic Party
But the most it probably means is that your property taxes only go up if you vote to allow them.
She wants to make sure her corporate clients don't have to pay anything. This is mostly going to pawn things off on homeowners.
I used to be a "conservative." But what was conservative 10 years ago and what is conservative now are very different things.
I got a letter from our wonderful county treasurer a couple of weeks ago {presumably saying taxes would go up next yr} but I cant be sure because I assumed the worse and actually never opened it.
Property taxes are highway robbery and goes against everything our founding fathers fought and died for.
They should be abolished and done away with ASAP.
You can't state the facts without being branded a racist
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