Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
It surprises me that Oklahoma City keeps allowing apartment complexes to be built. There needs to be a move for more home ownership. There are hundreds of vacant houses across the metro that could be filled.

For every complex built, another complex dies and you have the problems we see up down NW 10th and on Lyrewood Lane. The good tenants leave, the troublemakers move in. Eventually the complex closes and its fair game for squatters and arsonists.
That's pretty much the cycle everywhere. Most of the time it can be blamed on poor management. Older apartment complexes can remain nice and desireable if they are kept up. Apartments and home ownership are different markets. People wanting to rent an apartment aren't going to decide to buy a house just because they build more houses, and people who want to by a house aren't going to rent just because an apartment complex is being built.