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Thread: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

  1. #1

    Default Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Does anybody out there have any advice for fishing lake hefner? I tried the other day down by the spillway on the SW side of the lake. I found a nice channel that runs out to the rest of the lake. I tried for a while but didn't get any bites, but the bass were sure jumping around! It seems like there are a lot of people along the dam, but I'm not familiar with dam fishing. Any advice?

    On the same note, I plan on heading over to Overholser at some point and giving that a shot. I've been scouting it via google maps, and it seems like the north side would be good where the creek dumps into the lake. Does anybody have any advice over there?

    I grew up fishing small sponds and creeks for catfish and crappie with limited experience goign after bass. Lake fishing (from the bank) is new to me, and I'm still trying to figure it out. Unfortunately, the wife is losing patience. Any help would be much appreciated!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Overholser should be fished on the south or west sides of the lake, These are the prime spots for catfish and hybrid. I would recommend stopping by the lower dam and dip netting your shad bait and using that in search of some big channel cats or hybrids , there is also crappie dock on the west side as well for gig or spinner bait fishing. Good luck too you

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Most if not all of my experiences fishing at Hefner have been from the bank. Patience and a good book to read would really help out because its always been slim pickings for me.

  4. Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    You might look into fishing the ponds at South Lakes Park. I've caught some really nice fish over there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    You might also try some of the other city Close to Home fishing ponds. Details and a map:

    City of Oklahoma City | Lakes & Fishing

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Thanks guys! I'll give all these ideas a shot.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    I have not been fishing this season (yet). I have had some nice catches off the docks of Lake Hefner (by the golf course) right before and right after sunset, mostly crappie and cat. Folks have told me that the best place to catch bass has been just off the shoreline around the dam. Good luck!

  8. #8
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    Does anybody out there have any advice for fishing lake hefner?
    It's been a long time since I've fished Hefner. I found that the boat slips
    were the best places for Crappie. You need to find someone who'll give
    you the combination. You can tube it, too. I'd use light spinning gear
    with tube bait and bring home a couple dozen slabs every night. Yes,
    every night. I was quite crazy about Crappie. Another good place for
    slabs was the dock just down from the ranger station.
    Quote Originally Posted by C_M_25 View Post
    On the same note, I plan on heading over to Overholser at some point
    and giving that a shot.
    Overholser has Hybrid bass. I've not fish it much but when I ride
    around on my motorcycle there are a lot of fishermen on the south side.
    The area south of the dam has a lot of gar. They're a trash fish but if
    you can hook one it's quite a fight.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fishing Lake Hefner/Overholser?

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    The area south of the dam has a lot of gar. They're a trash fish but if
    you can hook one it's quite a fight.
    I hear great things about them from determined individuals with a pair of tin snips or even a Dremel, and patience -- along with knowledge to clean them so as to avoid the poisonous roe! "Redneck Lobster" is one of the epithets I've heard ascribed to them. I can't wait to personally verify all of this.

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