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Thread: The Rise

  1. Default Re: The Rise

    The cost is unlikely the case. In my dealing with HP and the city I've learned loads...like for instance: You knock a building down and rebuild now you have to deal with new code: sight triangles, setbacks, right of way, revocables, the list goes on. All having to be approved by the UDC (if they decide to let you knock down the historic overlay site) BEFORE the city can even look at it for a SPUD. It's easier (not cheaper) to gut and rebuild.

    In my situation at the pump. There's no way HP would let me raze that piece of junk from 1929 and build it back to look exactly like it was, using the same metal panels even. It's a non starter, even though it would be a better building. Instead I have to furr out walls to insulate it, replace lentels, re-pour the finished floor, build additions, even tint new concrete to look 70+ yrs old(which is needed to shore up a man made lake of water held by poorly engineered concrete). The masonry is so poor, as it sits now I can see daylight through many of the joints.

    I might be venting a bit, I'm not mad, but I'm in the same boat as landrun. The money spent in building cost less than the time to make a change. Every time you run into that needs to pass through committee, it takes 30-60 days.

  2. Default Re: The Rise

    At any rate, landrun is competent and I have faith in their ability and skill to get this done as fast as they're allowed. No one is deliberately dragging their feet on this project.

  3. #378

    Default Re: The Rise

    Landrun just received design approvals to rework many of the storefronts, utility placements, parking configuration and even added two new staircases to the back.

    I'm sure this was all necessitated once they got deeper into the renovations.

    I'm also sure they largely had to stop work while they figured this out and waited for the necessary approvals. As Ian noted, there is a timing cycle every time you make these sort of changes.

    I've been told that Landrun has been very good about communicating with the tenants, and I think they largely remain committed.

    And credit should be given to them for renovating these structures and doing things the right way.

  4. #379

    Default Re: The Rise

    These are the changes I mentioned...

    Both staircases and almost all the window and storefront openings have changed for various reasons:

  5. #380

    Default Re: The Rise

    A surprise at The Rise.


    A building once slated for demolition and considered one of Uptown’s worst eyesores has caught its owner and future tenants by surprise as they tore off green-painted brick from the front of the former nightclub and discovered an intact art deco cast stone original facade.

  6. #381

    Default Re: The Rise

    It makes me wonder what's hiding beneath other garishly covered properties-- namely that neon-colored asian store across the street to the east.

  7. #382

    Default Re: The Rise

    Steve's update.


    Uptown developer Johnathan Russell will never look at old buildings the same way after discovering another historic facade hidden for decades by awnings and “modern” touches added more than 40 years ago.
    Russell is set to unveil yet another rediscovered facade Thursday night for the main building at The Rise, which once was home to a used hotel furniture and equipment store. The granite, streamline-modern style facade, stretches across the western three-fourths of the building.

  8. #383

    Default Re: The Rise

    Very cool about uncovering the original facade! I hadn't even seen photos of it... It was obviously covered very early on.

    Credit to Land Run for doing this project right. Sometimes it's better to be methodical, especially when it comes to renovation/preservation projects.

  9. Default Re: The Rise

    Will, do have a link to the mobile version?

  10. #385
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    Will, do have a link to the mobile version?
    Here's the magic formula for all embargoed links:


    1 - replace www with m
    2 - replace oklahoman with newsok
    3 - remove question mark and all that follows

    Construction on NW 23 project again unveils historic facade covered for decades in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com

  11. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Here's the magic formula for all embargoed links:


    1 - replace www with m
    2 - replace oklahoman with newsok
    3 - remove question mark and all that follows

    Construction on NW 23 project again unveils historic facade covered for decades in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com
    I thought it was something similar to that, but wasn't sure.

  12. Default Re: The Rise

    It's pretty cool the stuff they keep uncovering. The Rise is going to be really cool when the get it finished.

  13. #388

    Default Re: The Rise

    Nice find for them. They keep saying they will be open this summer and I don't buy it...Again, Thanksgiving at best.

  14. #389

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by BillyOcean View Post
    Nice find for them. They keep saying they will be open this summer and I don't buy it...Again, Thanksgiving at best.
    My friend that owns a business that's going into the rise said that his opening date will likely be September or early fall so if it is going to be summer, it will be very late summer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #390

    Default Re: The Rise

    They knew what was under the ugly awning. Compare their rendering with the actual photo.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rise1.jpg 
Views:	144 
Size:	168.9 KB 
ID:	7543
    . Look at the far left end of the illustration.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  16. #391

    Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by 5alive View Post
    Name:  rise2.jpg
Views: 230
Size:  2.8 KBThey knew what was under the ugly awning. Compare their rendering with the actual photo.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rise1.jpg 
Views:	144 
Size:	168.9 KB 
ID:	7543
    Photo by Todd Fraser, The Oklahoman. Look at the far left end of the illustration.

  17. Default Re: The Rise

    They did not know for sure until they got the awning covering off. They did not know prior to buying the building.
    As for the photo, please do not post Oklahoman photos without getting permission. Thank you.

  18. #393

    Default Re: The Rise

    Yes, upon further investigation this whole story is very misleading.

    When the original renovation plans were approved on 3/27/13 -- more than a year ago and long before they started construction -- the plans clearly show the original facade in detail with plans for "existing stone veneer to remain" and to paint the original awnings. This has not changed in any way since then.

  19. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yes, upon further investigation this whole story is very misleading.

    Whatever. I already said, he didn't know before he bought the building, and didn't know whether it was intact.
    Now unless you received permission, please remove the photos Pete.

  20. #395

    Default Re: The Rise


  21. #396

    Default Re: The Rise

    What photos are being requested to be removed? That seems kind of messed up...

  22. #397

    Default Re: The Rise

    I already removed the one Steve was concerned about.

    It just showed the exposed stone.

  23. #398

    Default Re: The Rise

    I'll go take one here in a minute...

  24. #399
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: The Rise

    edit: Let's please not get into this. Thanks.

    - Pete

  25. Default Re: The Rise

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Steve, I enjoy the hell out of your articles and downtown OKC coverage, but what is the problem? You used to be a valued contributor to this community and it was always great to see your posts here. But you've become so defensive regarding OKCTalk. I understand you got your feelings hurt on here sometime ago, but you slight this forum regularly and you're upset about a small photo that was attributed to the guy who took it. What's the deal man?
    I'm no longer a participant in OKC Talk. I have no issue with most of its members. I'm not defensive - I am simply asking that work we create be respected and not treated as public domain. These photos can be seen at NewsOK. Pete knows this. That's pretty much all I've got to say.

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