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Thread: Roadway lighting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    Default Roadway lighting

    First time poster, love the site.

    I had a question regarding highway lighting. The other night I was driving home on Hefner parkway, towards west Edmond and realized how dark it is on that freeway north of about 63rd/Baptist area, same speed limit to road but no overhead lighting, seems very dark out there by the lake, why is that? Why was lighting not included when road was built. And more generally, does anybody know the criteria to add overhead lighting to a roadway, depend on density? Traffic volume? Roadway speed?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Just a guess but maybe it has something to do with the west village residents on the east side of the parkway. I remember years ago they threw up a big stink over the parkway being constructed there.

  3. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Part of the agreement for allowing the freeway to be built was to eliminate dusk to dawn illumination along the corridor. OKCRT is on the right track. One day I hope OKC can install high-mast dusk to dawn illumination. It is less clutter. Houston is the best example. However, from what I understand the FAA had some objections for whole routes in OKC installing 150 ft. tall masts crowned with dusk to dawn lights. Currently, OKC uses 100 ft. high masts at its interchanges only.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Maybe in another 50 years ODOT will switch to glow in the dark roads (but don't count on it). How long did it take ODOT to put up the center media catch cables? They aren't exactly quick to embrace new ideas.

    BBC News - Glow in the dark road unveiled in the Netherlands

    The paint contains a "photo-luminising" powder that charges up in the daytime and slowly releases a green glow at night, doing away with the need for streetlights.

  5. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Actually JTF, the Brifen cable system on the Lake Hefner Parkway was the FIRST such installation IN THE UNITED STATES (it was developed in Europe). Other installations in the state followed soon after. In this case, Oklahoma was actually an innovator - wait...THE innovator - nationally. But don't let that spoil your narrative!

    07/16/2007 (OK) The Oklahoma Transportation Commission Monday paved the way for the installation of $5.5 million worth of cable barrier systems across the state in coming months, building on the successful system already in place along Oklahoma City's Lake Hefner Parkway.

    Seven stretches of road will feature the cable system designed to help prevent crossover accidents. When installed on Lake Hefner Parkway in 2001, the Brifen cable barrier was the first of its kind in the United States. Thirty other states have since followed Oklahoma's lead in improving highway safety. Since its installation, officials have credited the barrier with preventing hundreds of crossover accidents.
    In 2003, as a result of its work with the Brifen system, ODOT received the National Highway Safety Award.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    The Brifen cable system was first used in the UK in 1972. 30 years before ODOT used it. Narrative is still intact. It will take a long time for ODOT to adopt the Netherlands glow in the dark roads.

  7. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    In that case you should say the United States was laggard, not specifically ODOT, who had to get special permission from the U.S. DOT to install the "experimental" cable system on the Lake Hefner Parkway.

  8. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    I sometimes observe long stretches of interstate in the metro with non-functioning overhead highway lighting. What entity is responsible for maintenance?

  9. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by KenRagsdale View Post
    I sometimes observe long stretches of interstate in the metro with non-functioning overhead highway lighting. What entity is responsible for maintenance?
    I've been asking this question on social media for some time now, and have gotten zero satisfactory responses, even from people who are generally extremely knowledgeable on such matters. It seems that ODOT really has no defined method for citizens to report such things. There is also some conflicting opinion on whether they are the responsible party or OG+E is. If it is within the OKC city limits I think the best bet is to call the City of OKC's Action Center.

    You're right; the extended strings out in various parts of the city are an embarrassment and significant safety hazard. Highway lights are not important in the country, where your headlights adequately illuminate for eyes adjusted for darkness. But in the city good illumination can be life-or-death; the lights need to overpower ambient city light to be effective.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    In that case you should say the United States was laggard, not specifically ODOT, who had to get special permission from the U.S. DOT to install the "experimental" cable system on the Lake Hefner Parkway.
    Fair enough then - the Feds are slow to adopt. Either way, glow in the dark roads won't be here anytime soon. Doing some research on this subject I came across lots of articles about cities turning these lights off becasue of the expense of using them. I suspect most states won't be quick to build new ones where they don't exist now. I know back in 2007/2008 when the economy collapsed most of the street lights here in Jax were turned off.

    From 2010:


    Over 30 percent of City's streetlights to go dark to help keep City in black.
    John Leavitt

    To help address diminished sales tax revenues and general fund budget gaps, the City of Colorado Springs will begin turning off 8,000 to 10,000 streetlights as one way to save money. The process will begin Feb. 1 and is expected to take about 10 weeks.
    City Engineering staff teamed up with employees from the Colorado Springs Police Department and Colorado Springs Utilities to plan the deactivation effort.

    "It's just like what many of us are doing at home. When our take-home paychecks are reduced we look for ways to cut expenses. We have more than 24,000 streetlights within the City limits and the energy cost alone to keep all those lights on is about $3.2 million each year. By shutting off between 8,000 and 10,000 of the most inefficient lights we expect to save taxpayers slightly over $1.2 million each year. In these lean times we are all cutting back where we can," explained Dave Krauth, City Traffic Engineer.

  11. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    One last thing about that Brifen system: it gives me the heebie-jeebies when I'm on a motorcycle. Quite literally it's death on a stick.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    One last thing about that Brifen system: it gives me the heebie-jeebies when I'm on a motorcycle. Quite literally it's death on a stick.
    That is one of the reason Australia took so long to use them. Of course, what is the alternative - to ride your motorcycle across the median at 70 mph into head-on traffic. Cables or not - you aren't going to live, but at least you won't kill anyone else.

  13. Default Re: Roadway lighting

    If I slide I'd rather do it down a grass median or even take a glancing blow from a jersey barrier. The trade off is that there is now far less chance of someone crossing over and taking ME out.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Maybe in another 50 years ODOT will switch to glow in the dark roads (but don't count on it). How long did it take ODOT to put up the center media catch cables? They aren't exactly quick to embrace new ideas.

    BBC News - Glow in the dark road unveiled in the Netherlands
    I've known about those for awhile and not a fan of them on larger roads. If they want to include that with high mast lighting, then fine. Those should stay out in the rural interstates though.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    I don't mind there not being lights. don't need the light pollution and my headlights should be sufficient.

  16. #16
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by zachj7 View Post
    I don't mind there not being lights. don't need the light pollution and my headlights should be sufficient.

    I feel the same. No need for all that.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    As long as we start using energy efficient and non light polluting LEDs. They are directional so there is virtually zero light pollution upwards.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    All that light is bouncing off something.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    As long as we start using energy efficient and non light polluting LEDs. They are directional so there is virtually zero light pollution upwards.

    +1 It wouldn't hurt if they removed every other light, but that is nice.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Actually JTF, the Brifen cable system on the Lake Hefner Parkway was the FIRST such installation IN THE UNITED STATES (it was developed in Europe). Other installations in the state followed soon after. In this case, Oklahoma was actually an innovator - wait...THE innovator - nationally. But don't let that spoil your narrative!
    i remember being in Europe and reading stories about how the Toll Tag system on the Kirkpatrick in OKC when it opened was the first of its kind and how European roads needed to adopt such systems. Guess who's ahead and who's behind is a matter of perspective sometimes. So easy to bash dear old OK.

  21. #21
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    As long as we start using energy efficient and non light polluting LEDs. They are directional so there is virtually zero light pollution upwards.

    Anonymous, do you have any idea where this picture was taken?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    I think it is an artist rendition and not a real photo.

  23. #23
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I think it is an artist rendition and not a real photo.
    I couldn't be sure. Thanks.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Quote Originally Posted by Hemingstein View Post
    Anonymous, do you have any idea where this picture was taken?
    Foshan, Guangdong, China.

    The road is Cai Hong Lu.

    Here is the same road, but a better photo:

  25. #25

    Default Re: Roadway lighting

    Personally, I don't see the need for roadway lighting much. But can you consider an area "walkable" if you kill roadway lighting?

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