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Common urban myth in central OK. Highest demographic concentration of disposable income, as documented in a study some years ago (for which I regret I cannot offer a link, but will attest to having read when it was published for what good that's worth) is the area roughly bullseyed by the Rivendell/Greenbriar/Lakeridge Run area in SW OKC around SW 104th/SW 134th. In fact, if memory serves, it was published with a bent on the fact that it was a surprising study, bucked conventional wisdom that Edmond was where all the money was, etc. etc. Wish I could recall more details or context, but alas, that's what I can offer. The study may have been related to some ongoing discussions about the region being undeserved with grocery stores, but I won't swear to that.
Bottom line, there's *plenty* of untapped market for nice eateries along roughly the SW 104th corridor. The SW corner of 104th and May is one such prime location, as would be the SE corner of 119th and May - and that's just for starters.
Absolutely zero reason not to put a nice family restaurant somewhere in that corridor. I frankly don't care if it's a chain or mom-and-pop. Cheddars, Hideaway, Chili's, Applebees, any of those would be well suited for that area - but preferably not Golden Corral or Furrs or the other contemporary bulk-feed troughs. I can't help but wonder if the upcoming WalSlum at SW 104th and I-44 will hasten any possibilities in the area.