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Thread: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    (pssst: Honest Answer)
    There is no Bangladesh Mafia . . .
    It doesn't exist in reality.

    (but I've been wrong before . . . so who knows? =)
    This sounds just like the kind of thing that the Bangladeshi Mafia would have us believe...

  2. #52

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    This sounds just like the kind of thing that the Bangladeshi Mafia would have us believe...
    . . . and the thick plottens . . . =)

    btw: the other night i had a potential wise-guy from what might be "The (so-called) 'Bangladesh' 'Mafia'" say to me (after he finally managed to locate the tobacco product i was buying): "You have a Greek European accent . . . Where are you from?" (Yoo haf eh greekeuropean aksent . . . frahm where are yoo?). Me: Uh . . . Oklahoma. via Colorado (with a WTF are you talking about? look on my face.) Cashier: "Ah, you don't know what I'm talking about . . . but I do." Me: Whatever. Thanks. I guess.

    I think he might have been referring to my brusque, no nonsense, fairly arrogant/impatient, rude/pushy tone of voice.
    But I'm not sure. Reckon I'll have to ask him the next time I'm back there for some smokes. On the other hand, maybe it was some sort of Bangladeshi Mafia Code . . . =)

    The Original Illuminati wuz from sum'ers over 'round thet thar area, doncha know . . . It's a Historical Fact* =)

    (*"Cheezburgar . . . Cheezburgar . . . Cheezburgar. No Coke. Pepsi." c/o Jake Blues =)

  3. #53

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUPeterson View Post
    So are you just super racist, or super bored? Also, I thought pot was illegal in Oklahoma still...
    Definitely NOT racist...I grew up in East San Diego in the 60's (you had to be there). Definitely NOT bored...I have 6 Grandchildren. As for "pot"...I am wide asleep!

  4. #54

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    So, honest question here: do you really the Bangladesh Mafia has moved into Oklahoma? Not bashing you or discrediting you, as I have done no research into the matter and they very well could've for all I know... just want to know if this is a joke I was left out of or if it serious.
    Plutonic Panda...I ain't gonna B.S. you. It's NOT the "mafia" like we know it. It is a "family" that is involved in "stuff" that I hope "someone" is "watching." As for my personal interest in the matter, it has to do with what I "know" and what I am "doing" about it, and I am NOT gonna back down. (Ref: One Man's Demonstration/Protest).

    Almost all the businesses in the area and a good many friends and neighbors in "The Square Mile" knows what is going on. This is an on-going matter, and I will keep folks posted.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    Plutonic Panda...I ain't gonna B.S. you. It's NOT the "mafia" like we know it. It is a "family" that is involved in "stuff" that I hope "someone" is "watching." As for my personal interest in the matter, it has to do with what I "know" and what I am "doing" about it, and I am NOT gonna back down. (Ref: One Man's Demonstration/Protest).

    Almost all the businesses in the area and a good many friends and neighbors in "The Square Mile" knows what is going on. This is an on-going matter, and I will keep folks posted.
    I appreciate it much. I will be eyes and ears on this one for sure.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Okllahoma?

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    Uh-Oh! New construction going on at the corner of Hefner and Council (Fas Gas) across the street from the East Pakistani's Conoco station. Maybe a new Total Express?

    What a difference just a few feet can make in Land Values...


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  7. #57

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

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    New pics from this afternoon.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

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    taxes due tax cost interest total
    2013 real estate 5,508.67 0.00 247.89 5,756.56
    2012 real estate 5,451.05 19.00 1,226.49 6,696.54
    2011 real estate 5,491.01 19.00 2,223.86 7,733.87
    total due immediately 16,450.73 38.00 3,698.24 20,186.97

  9. #59

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    Just discovered...thanks to our excellent County Government, that a prominent resident (Doctor) of Gaillardia Country Club has purchased the home of the self-professed head of the "Bengali Family." He also scooped up the home of a Family Lieutenant. I seriously believe that "Hefner Stop" will be closing their business down again very, very soon. My best guess...April-May.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Yes, we have no bananas.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    From the Oklahoma County Treasurer's Office..."The county does not have authority to close a business for non payment of property taxes. However, we are required to sell a piece of real estate for non-payment. In the case you referenced, if the taxes remain unpaid the property will be sold for the unpaid property taxes in the annual resale on June 8, 2015."

    Sooooo..."Hefner Stop" could be staying in the neighborhood for another year (depending on the outcomes in other matters).

  11. Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    You need a better hobby.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    You need a better hobby.
    Oh . . . I dunno . . . Some people make a hobby of studying Sherlock Holmes . . .
    In this case . . . Maybe it's a type of "train" hobby: As in feeling "railroaded" . . .

  13. #63

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    You need a better hobby.
    CuatrodeMayo...I do have a couple "hobbies." I even do "volunteer" work. I have the luxury, as a retiree, of having lots of time on my hands. Don't judge me too harshly because I happen to care about what's going on in my neighborhood. And, I will add...if my 6 Grandchildren lived in OKC instead of North Carolina and South Carolina, I'd be out fishing a lot more!

  14. #64

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The head of the Bangladesh Mafia has been dethroned! The "Family" is now run by the estranged wife (Mita Investments, LLC). Will she succeed in convincing the Court that she should be awarded all the properties that both parties are claiming they have a legal right to possess? And what is the connection between Mita Investments, LLC and the Holiday Inn OKC Airport? Inquiring minds want to know. (For more: FD-2014-1093)

  15. #65

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    UPDATE: Received the following e-mail from the Oklahoma County Treasurer's office this morning in regards to unpaid property taxes at Hefner Stop Convenience Store (Conoco) for 2011, 2012 1nd 2013...

    "This property is set to be placed in our June 2015 Recall if the taxes continue to go unpaid. Interest and cost will continue to accrue until then."

  16. #66

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    "Locals" messing with the now defunct Bangladesh Mafia (but still keeping the "stores" in the family).

    Police: Convenience store robbers stole beer at gunpoint | Oklahoma City - OKC - KOCO.com

  17. #67

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

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ID:	7869

    Framing is now on-site at FasGas.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Has the Bangladesh Mafia Moved Into Oklahoma?

    Earlier today"Sicilian Mafia condemned by the pope."

    “Those who in their life have gone along the evil ways, as in the case of the mafia, they are not with God, they are excommunicated,” said Pope Francis in an outdoor Mass in Piana di Sibari, Calabria.

    oops...wrong Mafia family.

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