Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
Now to really test your memory, do you remember the Prow Lounge, it was
around in the 60's, and was a bar in the same building as Sussy's. And if you
remember Elmer's on Lincoln, I will really be impressed/amazed.
C. T.
Do you mean Sussy's when it was on NW 23rd? Jake Samara was the owner
and before it became Sussy's, it was the Tempo club. Jake told me that one
morning he was in the office and heard things being moved around in the
dining room. It was Jack Sussy. He asked Jack what he was doing and Jack
said, "I'm getting things ready for lunch". Jake asked if he had any restaurant
experience and Jack said, "I worked in a deli in New Orleans once." Jake
liked his attitude and Sussy became his front man. Jake had the personality of
a snake. He had the sign changed because Sussy's covered Tempo. Jake also
owned the restaurant on NE 36th. I believe the only restaurant that Sussy
owned was on NE 50th, but I'm not sure if he really owned it or not.