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Thread: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

  1. #51
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    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    My dad tried to take snapshots with a Brownie Camera (by Kodak) of the TV screen documenting the Moon Landing.
    (And he helped The Physicists at what once was The National Bureau of Standards build the very first Cesium Beam Atomic Clock)
    (in the "blue collar division of the Time Keepers =)
    Did your father work at the Bureau? I spent a lot of my childhood living in Frederick while my dad was a Neurophysiologist at the Bureau in the 70s. I was in his lab all the time. They had an old mothballed Univac there I liked to look around in.

    My dad actually studied the eyes of the men killed in the Apollo 1 disaster when he was a grad student at George Washington University in DC.

  2. #52

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    He worked there from the early 50's to the mid-60's. The person over the section with which he was associated was a fellow named Dr. Richard Mockler who was in charge of developing the first Cesium beam atomic clock. Dad's job title was "Scientific Instrument Maker" which basically translates to "World Class Machinist." He made some of the ultra-precision parts that the physicists needed to build the clock. And this was all done before the advent of computer assisted design and manufacturing, using things such as milling machines, lathes, very fine files and a lot of skill. He helped me with a Pinewood Derby project one year. The result wasn't quite the DeLorean, in "Back to The Future," but it was close. He also developed some Teflon bushings for the squeaky exercise wheel in my younger brother's hamster's cage. Not only did they stop the noise, they probably increased the quality of life for the hamster. =)

  3. #53
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    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    He worked there from the early 50's to the mid-60's. The person over the section with which he was associated was a fellow named Dr. Richard Mockler who was in charge of developing the first Cesium beam atomic clock. Dad's job title was "Scientific Instrument Maker" which basically translates to "World Class Machinist." He made some of the ultra-precision parts that the physicists needed to build the clock. And this was all done before the advent of computer assisted design and manufacturing, using things such as milling machines, lathes, very fine files and a lot of skill. He helped me with a Pinewood Derby project one year. The result wasn't quite the DeLorean, in "Back to The Future," but it was close. He also developed some Teflon bushings for the squeaky exercise wheel in my younger brother's hamster's cage. Not only did they stop the noise, they probably increased the quality of life for the hamster. =)
    Very cool. My dad worked in the sound lab. He studied linking to the hearing section if the brain for deaf people. Some of his work is in Cochlear implants today. The other half of his building was using sound as a weapon. Blowing things up with beams of sound.

  4. #54

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    The commute from Frederick must have been a bit time consuming . . .
    We were within easy walking or bicycling or driving distance to The Bureau.
    (and by "we" i mean "us"--that is, The KidZ in The 'Hood =)
    Dad always chose to drive a few blocks and then find parking.

    I remember there was this weird looking, old-fashioned, building out in the middle of a field, next to The Bureau. It had a green roof with a lot of chimneys. It was called "The Cryrogenics Lab." We, as kids, never paid attention to the rinky-dink, barbed wire fences saying "U.S. Government/No Trespassing." But we never went near that building. Scientists used to visit the schools to show what near Absolute Zero Temperatures could do to various materials. Liquid Nitrogen or whatever. About the same time, we were being lectured in school about the dangers of the blasting caps involved in the creation of suburbs (at the foot of The Rockies). We never found any blasting caps.

    (This is either evidence for or against The Fake Moon Landing.
    It's a MetaCognition kinda thing. =)

    (btw: Why do you suppose that the Scientists working on blowing things up with sound waves didn't understand that some people aren't auditory or kinesthetic learners? One of the guys Dad met, early in his late career was Werner von Braun and when the choice was given to move to Florida (Cape Canaveral) or Colorado (NBS), he chose Colorado. But I was only 2 years old . . . so don't blame me. =)

    I guess the main thing I got from Dad was an appreciation for detail in hands-on activities involving a brain. Like cooking, carpentry and keyboarding.

    (p.s.: I don't believe The Moon Landing was a Hoax. =)

  5. #55
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    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    The commute from Frederick must have been a bit time consuming . . .
    We were within easy walking or bicycling or driving distance to The Bureau.
    (and by "we" i mean "us"--that is, The KidZ in The 'Hood =)
    Dad always chose to drive a few blocks and then find parking.

    I remember there was this weird looking, old-fashioned, building out in the middle of a field, next to The Bureau. It had a green roof with a lot of chimneys. It was called "The Cryrogenics Lab." We, as kids, never paid attention to the rinky-dink, barbed wire fences saying "U.S. Government/No Trespassing." But we never went near that building. Scientists used to visit the schools to show what near Absolute Zero Temperatures could do to various materials. Liquid Nitrogen or whatever. About the same time, we were being lectured in school about the dangers of the blasting caps involved in the creation of suburbs (at the foot of The Rockies). We never found any blasting caps.

    (This is either evidence for or against The Fake Moon Landing.
    It's a MetaCognition kinda thing. =)

    (btw: Why do you suppose that the Scientists working on blowing things up with sound waves didn't understand that some people aren't auditory or kinesthetic learners? One of the guys Dad met, early in his late career was Werner von Braun and when the choice was given to move to Florida (Cape Canaveral) or Colorado (NBS), he chose Colorado. But I was only 2 years old . . . so don't blame me. =)

    I guess the main thing I got from Dad was an appreciation for detail in hands-on activities involving a brain. Like cooking, carpentry and keyboarding.

    (p.s.: I don't believe The Moon Landing was a Hoax. =)

    It was a cool place. The room where they hit stuff with sound had really thick walls and you were behind I don't know how many panes of glass. The walls were covered in what looked like gray egg shell crate except the cones were like a foot long. The Univac was huge, partially buried and looked like something from a James Bond movie with all the tape drives and work stations. Probably far less capable than my iPhone.

  6. #56
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    I'm curious.

    Is there anyone who believes that the Moon landings were a hoax?
    Seriously. Is there anyone?

  7. #57

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
    I'm curious.

    Is there anyone who believes that the Moon landings were a hoax?
    Seriously. Is there anyone?

  8. #58

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Chadanth View Post
    heh heh heh . . .
    (no kidding: that was funny!)
    well played.
    (I never "LOL" but . . .)

  9. #59

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    It was a cool place. The room where they hit stuff with sound had really thick walls and you were behind I don't know how many panes of glass. The walls were covered in what looked like gray egg shell crate except the cones were like a foot long. The Univac was huge, partially buried and looked like something from a James Bond movie with all the tape drives and work stations. Probably far less capable than my iPhone.
    I wonder how much money was spent to determine that sound wasn't an effective weapon in The Cold War . . .
    At least now we know what time it is . . . =)

    Thanks to the efforts of NBS (now NIST).

    I remember once, as a child, asking Dad what he made at The National Bureau of Standards.
    His reply: "Money."
    For years thereafter I had The NBS confused with The Denver Mint (TDM).

    (he was a first-generation Swedish immigrant with no sense of humor so i didn't know he was capable of making a joke =)

    The Bureau really was a cool place. Their company picnics, up in the mountains, were even better than the Elks Club picnics. =)

    (still not believing in The Moon Landing Hoax . . . btw =)

  10. #60

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    heh heh heh . . .
    (no kidding: that was funny!)
    well played.
    (I never "LOL" but . . .)
    No, he said a while ago he didn't believe it.

  11. #61

  12. #62

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Well, since whoopi is asking...

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