So is there a way for a pedestrian to access this store without walking in the parking lot?
So is there a way for a pedestrian to access this store without walking in the parking lot?
Doesn't look like it but remember this is just a liquor license application; it will still have to go through design review.
BTW, the ABC overlay was approved last month so I would expect to see something to the design committee soon.
Should be another great addition to 23rd Street.
Please see the article at the top of the page for the full story on this project.
The the thread was formerly titled "SOJU Restaurant" but the official name is Daebak K.
Ooh Korean. There is an ethnic food type that is without question underrepresented in OKC.
Sweet, two buildings down from the office.
A few more of this project:
That's just awesome. Love how much outdoor seating they have and the design of the building.
As they say in California; this is hella fine.
I love the rendering of Queen's Beauty Supply in the background.
"Like" X 1000
All of those outside talkers and yellers are gonna be the end of life as we know it in HH.
I am very impressed. This is excellent.
Insanely nice concept. They'd do good to construct a shade on the west-side…there will be some poor bartenders for a period of time in the evenings.
If the food is fantastic, they're gonna kill it.
FWIW, I can see my house in the Google satellite image and I will be strongly supporting this.
Man that is fantastic.
In what has now become a very clear and consistent pattern, several letters of opposition have already been received.
Particularly for anyone that lives in the area nearby, please consider writing a letter of support and/or attending the next Urban Design Committee meeting: Wednesday, April 23rd at 3PM in the City Council Chambers, 200 N. Walker.
Here are the details of the application: LINK
This and the Guyutes projects are important pivot points: Do we allow a few homeowners to block hundreds of thousands of investment in what would be super sharp, creative projects that would bring life and nightlife to an important corridor? Or do we stand up and let decision makers know that they are in the minority and that the City is hungry for these types of places?
To whom, and at what address, should letters of support be addressed?
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