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Thread: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

  1. #26

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by mike4ou View Post
    Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood by their culture , let alone by the masses. Plato ~ 400 BC
    To this day, if you have a strong enough laser you can bounce it off mirrors set up on the surface of the moon by Apollo missions 11, 14 and 15(set up for lunar laser ranging). You can also use a strong telescope and see the items left by the missions. If you believe the Apollo landings are a hoax and we have not touched down on the moon, you are not very intelligent. New NASA pics show Apollo astronauts' footpaths on the moon

  2. #27

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Here is an interesting perspective from a filmmaker on why it could not have been faked
    Great stuff.

    Some of the issues about reflectivity, shadows, and lighting were addressed comparably in a Mythbusters episode a few years ago dedicated to all the moonbeam conspiracy theories about how it was all faked. Interestingly enough, they took a similar approach in that trying to explain how the moonbeam goofball tinhat theories could possibly all be right required monumental leaps of logic that were just absurd - to say nothing of the fact that some of the moonbeam theories were mutually contradictory.

    To set it all off, the Mythbusters ended the episode by going to a facility that allowed them to aim a laser at a reflection device that was left on the moon for precision distance measurements. The device is designed to simply bounce a signal back to earth, allowing an earth-based station to measure the time from the origination of the signal until its return, and compute the distance the signal traveled. Only way it works is if there's really something up there, something that was really man-made, and left behind at a purposeful location, during one of those moon missions....and guess what...it still works.

  3. #28

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Why not just get a pic from hubble space scope....end all the BS. Not important like the other stuff on the news to distract the sheep.

  4. #29

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    The greatest tragedy of the loss of funding for the last moon missions was that the only thing really "cut" was the operations budgets. The real expensive stuff - the rockets - were already built. One is on display (on its side, in sections) at the Huntsville Space Center (if I'm correct), and the other was cannibalized for the politically valuable but scientifically useless Apollo-Soyuz joint "mission"
    There were three space rated ones left over, of those two are currently essentially complete vehicles at Johnson and Kennedy Space Centers (though ironically mixed and matched from all three instead of keeping the same rockets together). The two in Huntsville's Space Center (one vertically, the other separated by stages horizontal ) were manufacturing test articles never meant to go into space, I think there are some backups, spare parts and test articles on display around the country as well.

  5. #30

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    I love conspiracy theories and codes.
    They imply imagination and creativity.
    The ending of the filmed version of The Shining was far better than the way the "original" writer ended it.
    And I'd bet you liked the film version of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" better than the way Hemingway wrote it, too. (For those too young to remember the film, in it the leopard lived.)

  6. #31

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    I have it on good authority (the Internets don't lie) that Kubrick's last film, "Eyes Wide Shut", was an exposé on the Illuminati.
    (and that actual Illuminati played themselves. It also exposed something about Tom Cruise and Scientology.)

  7. #32

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kyle View Post
    And I'd bet you liked the film version of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" better than the way Hemingway wrote it, too. (For those too young to remember the film, in it the leopard lived.)
    I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't read the book or seen the film.
    (I was too busy reading The Protocols of Zion, Six Seconds in Dallas, Outrage, Skull and Bones for Dummies, Them and The Mark Inside)

    Heck . . . I thought the book was about a mountain in Africa with some snow on it.
    I had no idea that a leopard was even involved, even less that it was involved in a life or death situation.
    Did it die in a skiing "accident" like Sonny Bono?

  8. #33

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Can't see just how far into your cheek you've got your tongue!

    In case you're really serious (not bloody likely, as a Brit might say), the original is a short story, not a book, and starts with a few paragraphs about the dessicated corpse of a leopard high above the treeline of the mountain, far from his native habitat. It then goes on to tell about a writer who similarly got too far from his native habitat, and like the leopard died as a direct result.

    The movie, one of Gregory Peck's potboilers, followed the story right up to the climactic suicidal ending -- and turned it inside out. Hemingway's tragedy got a typical Hollywood happy ending. The writer didn't die after all.

    As an idealistic college student not yet old enough to vote, I actually preferred the film. As I became more experienced with how things happen in the real world, I began to understand what Hemingway had told us. And when Papa followed the same path himself, I realized that he had given us his final words long in advance of the event.

  9. #34

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by zcamaro70 View Post
    To this day, if you have a strong enough laser you can bounce it off mirrors set up on the surface of the moon by Apollo missions 11, 14 and 15(set up for lunar laser ranging). You can also use a strong telescope and see the items left by the missions. If you believe the Apollo landings are a hoax and we have not touched down on the moon, you are not very intelligent. New NASA pics show Apollo astronauts' footpaths on the moon
    Precisely. For the naysayers who are stupid as a box of rocks photographic evidence is viewable in the internet.

  10. #35

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    When I was about 15, I was working at a gas station and the topic was all about landing on the moon. I had a man (customer) give me his reason why it was a hoax......he said he saw a picture of the president on the phone talking to an astronaut in outer space. He said he knew it was all a lie then because common sense told him that there were no telephone poles out there..... true story.

  11. #36

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    My dad tried to take snapshots with a Brownie Camera (by Kodak) of the TV screen documenting the Moon Landing.
    (And he helped The Physicists at what once was The National Bureau of Standards build the very first Cesium Beam Atomic Clock)
    (in the "blue collar division of the Time Keepers =)

    All of the photos/prints were/are/and remain blurry.
    On account of the primitive flash bulb camera technology involved. =)

    This probably has something to do with the current popularity of Facebook, et. al. =)

  12. #37

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Is it just more fun to embrace stupidity then facts? It's like the people who are anti-vaccine and now we have diseases that have been essentially extinct for decades reappearing and killing kids.

  13. #38

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Is it just more fun to embrace stupidity then facts? It's like the people who are anti-vaccine and now we have diseases that have been essentially extinct for decades reappearing and killing kids.
    It is not more fun to embrace stupidity than facts.
    I don't like people who resist or revile vaccines nor the fact that children die unnecessarily from any form of stupidity.
    (however: that isn't the attitude that did or didn't put men on the moon)

    (ps/eta: While I will admit that I like to poke fun at stupidity, I refuse to embrace it. =)

  14. #39

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    If American Corporations could make money on the moon, we'd have regularly scheduled flights today.

  15. #40

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    You have to believe the physics. There is evidence on the video from the surface of the moon that shows physical phenomena that is impossible to reproduce anywhere in the known universe except on the surface of the moon. The moons gravity is 1/6 that of earth so any object moving with a horizontal motion and no longer undergoing any force that caused it to move, will move along a trajectory that proves 1/6 Earth's gravity was present, and since we can't produce 1/6 Earths gravity on Earth there is only one possible answer - the video was shot on the surface of the moon. Specifically, look at the dirt kicked up be astronauts running across the moon. The debris goes 6X further horizontally than it would on earth and there is no way to fake it.

  16. #41
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    I remember the 727(?) that was used for anti gravity training. The aircraft
    would fly up and down providing several seconds of weightlessness. I have
    no idea what degree of weightlessness it provided i.e. 1/2, 1/6, etc...

  17. #42

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    It only appears to show weightlessness. I assure you gravity is still there.

  18. #43

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by MsProudSooner View Post
    If American Corporations could make money on the moon, we'd have regularly scheduled flights today.
    I think the line would be long for a trip to the moon and back

  19. #44

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    I think the line would be long for a trip to the moon and back
    The issue is cost and customer base size capable and willing. Even going to low earth orbit, the cheapest commercial seats that will will be coming online in the near future will be at least 10 to 20 million, if the get the vertical landing down and rapid reusability it will at least be a few hundred thousand to a couple million per seat. Before the nineties Russia did not even know what the cost was per seat, one of the billionaires that wanted to go to space funded a study by them, since they were open to the idea but had never considered it in that way. None of the other governments that have sent people to space have ever sold seats.

  20. #45

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Thousands of people were involved with the Moon Missions. If they were a hoax. Somebody (actually thousands of people) would have ratted it out and cashed in on what they knew. We American's are know for not being able to keep our big mouthes shut especially when we can cash in on what we know. The only people that buy this bill of goods are the conspiracy theorists.

    I will admit I have always loved this video of Buzz Aldrin.

  21. #46

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
    Thousands of people were involved with the Moon Missions. If they were a hoax. Somebody (actually thousands of people) would have ratted it out and cashed in on what they knew. We American's are know for not being able to keep our big mouthes shut especially when we can cash in on what we know. The only people that buy this bill of goods are the conspiracy theorists.
    Why is it that the same people who wouldn't trust government to run a lemonade stand also thinks them capable of this level of cover-up. Government can't run anything efficiently - and that includes faking years worth of moon landings.

  22. #47

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Why is it that the same people who wouldn't trust government to run a lemonade stand also thinks them capable of this level of cover-up. Government can't run anything efficiently - and that includes faking years worth of moon landings.

    This is the one overarching, compelling, inescapabale issue with ALL the moon landing conspiracy theories.

  23. #48

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    I didn't want to start a new thread over this and it kind of goes along with this thread:

    A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.
    To the question "Does the Earth go around the Sun, or does the Sun go around the Earth," 26 percent of those surveyed answered incorrectly.
    1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says : The Two-Way : NPR

    As bad as that is, apparently there have been some similar studies in other countries and we are not even the worst, like 1/3 of Europeans got it wrong.

  24. #49

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    I wonder about surveys like that. Are 1 in 4 people really that dumb? Or are 1 in 4 people smartasses who think it's funny to sabotage a survey?

  25. #50

    Default Re: 10 reasons the moon landings could be a hoax

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I wonder about surveys like that. Are 1 in 4 people really that dumb? Or are 1 in 4 people smartasses who think it's funny to sabotage a survey?
    I don't know about dumb, but I am sure that percentage is ignorant on the subject. Without first being told by someone else I suspect that 95% of the people would believe the Sun revolved around the Earth.

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