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Thread: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

  1. #1

    Default Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Such a pretty day and since we had the state's first tornado watch, I was inspired to spend a little time readying the storm shelter. It's new so I didn't have to do any cleaning. Just putting in the basics - radio and extra batteries, lawn chairs, water, some basic tools, towels, led lanterns, dog dish. I'll put together a bug out bag, later, with money, prescriptions, toiletries, change of clothes, etc. If we were actually in a warning, I'd have all that already out there. There are a few other things I'll add but I don't want it too crowded.

    One of my back east friends wanted to know if I was going to doll it up with quilts and pillows. I told her it will be pretty spartan because I don't like giving spiders a place to nest.

    That put a damper on her decorating tips.

    I also moved a few things out of the way between the house and the shelter (planters and bird feeders). We haven't run electricity to it, yet, and may just use an extension cord, this year. Need to get a 12 volt battery to fuel our charger.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    This may seem like a dumb question, but how is the radio/phone reception inside what I am assuming is a metal shelter? Have you noticed any interference?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    It's an above ground mono-pour reinforced concrete and the reception on the cells and tablets aren't reliable with the door closed. If the door is open they do fine. We'd keep the door open as long as we could. We would lose internet if the power went out but the cell phones might hold. The radio doesn't seem to be adversely affected, which surprised me, and I may pick up a small battery operated television. We'd planned on running up a television antenna but a portable might work just as well with less hassle for what we want.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    We packed a plastic container I found at Walmart ( Shop for the Sterilite Footlocker, 92-Qt at Walmart.com. Save money. Live better. ) with clothes, packaged food, batteries and water. Instead of chairs I used cement blocks with boards to make benches. Last Fall I bought a handheld ham radio and got my license so I'm ready if the cell towers go out. I can use the vent on the inground cellar to get reception with both the radio and a portable TV.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I've thought about getting a ham operator's license but haven't done anything about it. Nice idea on the benches. Since this is an above ground storm shed, we store the folding lawn chairs in there, anyway.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I opted for the benches on account of the neighbor has an in garage shelter and during one storm they got flooded out of it last year. Our cellar is only 5 x 7 but we could seat 9 adults in it I think.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Actually about the license,

    The legal answer is as follows (quoted directly from the FCC regulations):

    § 97.401 Operation during a disaster.
    (a) When normal communication systems are overloaded, damaged or disrupted because a disaster has occurred, or is likely to occur, in an area where the amateur service is regulated by the FCC, an amateur station may make transmissions necessary to meet essential communication needs and facilitate relief actions.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I have lived in the Okla City metro area since 1960 and can't say that I have ever prepared for a spring storm season.

  9. Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    We put a five gallon bucket, filled it about 1/3 of the way up with kitty litter and bought a toilet seat and lid that snaps right on top of the bucket. When you have two little ones, you never know when potty time comes calling. Here is a link to the seat, the Luggable Loo Amazon.com: Reliance Products Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet: Sports & Outdoors

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I got my sphincter tightened. That's about all I can do.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    It's not my destiny to get popped by a storm so I don't much worry about it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    We put a five gallon bucket, filled it about 1/3 of the way up with kitty litter and bought a toilet seat and lid that snaps right on top of the bucket. When you have two little ones, you never know when potty time comes calling. Here is a link to the seat, the Luggable Loo Amazon.com: Reliance Products Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet: Sports & Outdoors
    5 gallon bucket with a lid, trash bags to use as a liner, kitty litter for both the bucket and the kitty litter pan, as needed. No seat, tough it out.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    We have an above ground shelter and just few magnetic flashlights, battery operated radio, folding chairs, wallet and phone.

    You guys are acting like your going to weather a hurricane cut off from all civilization for days at a time.

    Don't get me wrong I went through a survivalist/prepper stage a few years ago but acting like. A tornado will wipe out okc and we will have to fend for ourselves and poop in buckets is a little much.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    We have an above ground shelter and just few magnetic flashlights, battery operated radio, folding chairs, wallet and phone.

    You guys are acting like your going to weather a hurricane cut off from all civilization for days at a time.
    That's mostly what's in mine plus a few items.

    You're welcome to be as prepared or unprepared as you want. If it's pouring down rain, dark and cool when/if your house and everything for a mile around you blows away you might want more than what you have, rain gear and extra clothes for a starter. Maybe some gloves to help dig your way out and do whatever property or people rescue you need to be involved in. With a car or other debris blown in front of and blocking your shelter door you are going to be there awhile too, in my case with my two old cats.

    General preparedness for whatever kind of event doesn't take that much effort and is even promoted by those wacky Red Cross nuts. Survival Kits | Emergency Disaster Kit | Red Cross

    I have a TV in mine because I know from past experience we'll wait to the last possible minute to go to the shelter preferring to stay glued to the radar. Radio sucks compared to that.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I'm checking my MRE dates and making sure my magnesium fire starter still work. We can make SOS fires to signal the red cross and stay fed and hydrated in that 20 minutes it takes for them to get to us.

    Come on. I've been around for 30 years and present for all the major tornados and physically there for may 3rd(eating at pickles restaurant). Weleft immediately after it passed over to go help and there were so many cops, firefighters, volunteers, national guard, and state officials within minutes of everything happening it isn't even funny.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    I'm checking my MRE dates and making sure my magnesium fire starter still work. We can make SOS fires to signal the red cross and stay fed and hydrated in that 20 minutes it takes for them to get to us.

    Come on. I've been around for 30 years and present for all the major tornados and physically there for may 3rd(eating at pickles restaurant). Weleft immediately after it passed over to go help and there were so many cops, firefighters, volunteers, national guard, and state officials within minutes of everything happening it isn't even funny.
    Youngster, eh. Figures. I'm surprised you have a shelter. No need for minimal preparation when you can put yourself in a position to be part of the response problem.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    I need to clean mine out. I got some water down there and other things, but like you said it is a haven for spiders. I wish I had an above ground one like you Penny, but mine was here when we bought the house. Better than not having one.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    They have a lot of stuff that would come in handy for a storm shelter (or anyone) at the new "Homestand Preparation Station" at NW 63rd and May.
    Homestand Preparation Station offers disaster preparedness items | News OK

  19. #19

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by Celebrator View Post
    We put a five gallon bucket, filled it about 1/3 of the way up with kitty litter and bought a toilet seat and lid that snaps right on top of the bucket. When you have two little ones, you never know when potty time comes calling. Here is a link to the seat, the Luggable Loo Amazon.com: Reliance Products Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet: Sports & Outdoors
    Good plan!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    We have an above ground shelter and just few magnetic flashlights, battery operated radio, folding chairs, wallet and phone.

    You guys are acting like your going to weather a hurricane cut off from all civilization for days at a time.

    Don't get me wrong I went through a survivalist/prepper stage a few years ago but acting like. A tornado will wipe out okc and we will have to fend for ourselves and poop in buckets is a little much.
    The way I look at it, the shelter serves two purposes. Safety is the first one. The second is that if by chance you actually get hit (unlikely), you want your prescriptions and the like with you. We'd go stay with relatives but we'd want a bag and enough on us so that we can at least not need to go to Walmart the first night.
    In our case, we want to be able to hang out in the shelter if things are looking hinky. We typically lose power when there is weather nearby and having battery operated television and radio makes for a less nervous wait.
    To be honest, I don't think what people are describing suggests over reacting, at all.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Mkj - I'm confused. Im not a youngster and this is the second house I've owned that I've invested in installing an above ground shelter. All that I'm suggesting is to focus getting into a shelter than piling needless crap into it.

    Quick response times are important long term supplies aren't.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    We have an above ground shelter and just few magnetic flashlights, battery operated radio, folding chairs, wallet and phone.

    You guys are acting like your going to weather a hurricane cut off from all civilization for days at a time.

    Don't get me wrong I went through a survivalist/prepper stage a few years ago but acting like. A tornado will wipe out okc and we will have to fend for ourselves and poop in buckets is a little much.
    He said he had little ones. If that is how he wants to look out of his kids, more power to him. Do you have kids?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by ylouder View Post
    Mkj - I'm confused. Im not a youngster and this is the second house I've owned that I've invested in installing an above ground shelter. All that I'm suggesting is to focus getting into a shelter than piling needless crap into it.

    Quick response times are important long term supplies aren't.
    Look, you've come on here and gotten snarky about your fellow posters for no good reason that I can tell. Not only that, but you've come back a couple of times to snark some more. Go away.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Penny, I guess if you don't have a shelter, getting ready wouldn't be much fun. What, reorganize the bathroom? National grid notwithstanding, I can't imagine being trapped inside for even 24 hours. This thread has some useful offerings such as the 5 gallon bucket and cat litter. All I have is a 2 lb coffee can, lol. That's about to change.

    Oh, and doggie pee pads!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Preparing for the Spring Storm Season

    Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
    Penny, I guess if you don't have a shelter, getting ready wouldn't be much fun. What, reorganize the bathroom? National grid notwithstanding, I can't imagine being trapped inside for even 24 hours. This thread has some useful offerings such as the 5 gallon bucket and cat litter. All I have is a 2 lb coffee can, lol. That's about to change.

    Oh, and doggie pee pads!
    Well, I always used to prepare for storm season by gathering most of this stuff and having it all in one place. I'll admit, I didn't think of getting a bucket when I was staying in the house. But I suppose I was thinking more in terms of storm shelters because that was what I was doing when I started the thread. Last year, before we had the shelter, I sure was glad I had my radio because we lost power. I just wished I'd had a little battery operated television.

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