Phantom prosperity is a great term. It's right up there with the phantom economic recovery. Ugh. My husband was born and raised in the Bay Area and complains about the roads here tearing up our tires all the time. I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe not. I wonder how much our roads are impacted by the extreme weather we have here compared to other places.
Quote Originally Posted by LandRunOkie View Post
Would be interested to see if you could prove that Oklahoma has a lower cost of living for the poor. The ramshackle roads here absolutely destroy vehicles. I recently had to replace two otherwise decent tires just because driving over so many potholes caused one of them to separate inside. It is a truly phantom prosperity that results from lower taxes at the expense of road maintenance. Also the lack of expedient bus service and hodgepodge development patterns necessitate vehicle ownership, lots of driving, and lots of repairs.