Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
What does the cross mean to you? Is it merely a symbolic symbol that you where around your neck, or does it mean more to you? Maybe it means nothing to you.
I do wear a gold cross around my neck, it is an exact duplicate of one of my best friend's cross, only hers has a longer chain. She bought both of them and on a very special occasion 15 yrs ago, she gave me mine, she was already wearing hers. We have an agreement: The family of who ever passes first is to give that cross to the other, then that person wears both crosses until they go. It might seem silly, but it reminds me of the bond between us as we have been good friends for over 45 yrs. Yes, I would say that it is spiritual, but no, it is not religous. I know that most other replies will problably that of a religous nature, to each his own. 'course, I can look at a new born baby and consider that a spiritual experience, or puppy or tree.