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Thread: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

  1. #101

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    Hi David's wife and welcome to the forums.

    Since this is gonna look like a castle, can I come over and climb on the house and do parkour like on Assassin's Creed? I think this house would be perfect for that. TIA
    About the response I'd expect to a reasonable and well thought-out post.

  2. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    We shall see!

  3. #103

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    And we have an architect jumping on the band wagon to bash someone that is stating the facts. Jealously is such an ugly trait

  4. #104

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    About the response I'd expect to a reasonable and well thought-out post.
    garlic bread

  5. #105

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by lynn1124 View Post
    This is not his only business by the way, he is an investor as well.
    Why does this not come as a surprise?
    Why wouldn't it? Seriously... So since we can't just use the term "used car guy" to describe David anymore, are we mad the he has made other successful investments?
    Because in 2014 America you can't achieve this level of success without the congressionally supported Wall Street machine. Anyhow, that is a topic for another thread, of which there are several.

  6. #106

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    garlic bread
    I understand.

  7. #107

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Because in 2014 America you can't achieve this level of success without the congressionally supported Wall Street machine. Anyhow, that is a topic for another thread, of which there are several.
    Well, geeze.... that makes me feel better lol..... I wouldn't have expected him to be able to fund a house like this solely from a used car lot.

  8. #108

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    No problem with someone building a house. No matter how big.

    However, predatory lending and legal (for now) loan sharking; yes, that I have a problem with. And just because someone is desperate doesn't justify taking advantage of them.

    Mobsters I'm sure defend their loan sharking with the same logic.

    Loaning desperate people money at extremely high rates isn't charity, or kindness. It's the worst type of usury. Right up there with the payday loans and such. Like the lottery, it's making money off the poor, stupid, and desperate.

  9. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    No problem with someone building a house. No matter how big.

    However, predatory lending and legal (for now) loan sharking; yes, that I have a problem with. And just because someone is desperate doesn't justify taking advantage of them.

    Mobsters I'm sure defend their loan sharking with the same logic.

    Loaning desperate people money at extremely high rates isn't charity, or kindness. It's the worst type of usury. Right up there with the payday loans and such. Like the lottery, it's making money off the poor, stupid, and desperate.
    Not taking issue with your stance (I share it in some ways), but I hope you've taken a hard look at who picks your fruit and vegetables you buy at the store, how much blood is shed for $.54/lb bananas and who is behind the machines that make the cheap clothing, electronics, and household products WE ALL buy for our benefit and the financial benefit of those who retail it to us.

    I find it very difficult to win an argument by simply (and only) pointing the exploitation finger when everyone is guilty of supporting and benefiting from the exploitation of others. Not saying its right - just saying we are all guilty of it. That argument quickly becomes a circle - you point the finger at someone or a group and they can find a way to point the finger back at you. Doesn't mean we stop pointing it out when we see it, I just like to be reminded it happens all around us.

  10. #110

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I would say that is a false dichotomy. Paying for goods sold is subject to market forces, competition, and supply. I can choose to buy bananas elsewhere, and in fact do make an effort to support local growers (not of bananas, but other produce), for example. And yes, I try to be aware of the unseen cost behind my purchases. I don't own an iphone nor shop at wal-mart for a reason. And I also know I'm not perfect, and can't be sure every purchase or transaction I make doesn't have a hidden cost. It doesn't mean I can't be cognizant and try each day to be better.

    However, folks who make use of payday loan centers and buy here pay here car lots are often desperate, without options, and don't have options. A recent study I saw showed that the amounts payed by borrowers are these places are HIGHER than the organized crime ran loan shark rates. I've got to say, if your business model makes the mob look good, maybe there's something wrong. Yeah, he's making use of some Marketing gimmick some guy from Denver developed and putting some lipstick on the "Guaranteed Auto Credit" pig, but it's still the same terms and treatment as you'd get from the buy here pay here lots on 39th.

    Now, this is all legal, and so more power. But that doesn't make David or anyone else in this line above criticism.

  11. #111

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    So NOT the biggest house in the country.

    I think it is beautiful and hope it gets constructed.
    The picture at the top of this thread showed towers that looked like towers.
    This pictures seems to be showing minarets.

  12. #112

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    I would say that is a false dichotomy. Paying for goods sold is subject to market forces, competition, and supply. I can choose to buy bananas elsewhere, and in fact do make an effort to support local growers (not of bananas, but other produce), for example. And yes, I try to be aware of the unseen cost behind my purchases. I don't own an iphone nor shop at wal-mart for a reason. And I also know I'm not perfect, and can't be sure every purchase or transaction I make doesn't have a hidden cost. It doesn't mean I can't be cognizant and try each day to be better.

    However, folks who make use of payday loan centers and buy here pay here car lots are often desperate, without options, and don't have options. A recent study I saw showed that the amounts payed by borrowers are these places are HIGHER than the organized crime ran loan shark rates. I've got to say, if your business model makes the mob look good, maybe there's something wrong. Yeah, he's making use of some Marketing gimmick some guy from Denver developed and putting some lipstick on the "Guaranteed Auto Credit" pig, but it's still the same terms and treatment as you'd get from the buy here pay here lots on 39th.

    Now, this is all legal, and so more power. But that doesn't make David or anyone else in this line above criticism.
    Except for the people that have to pay high interest have subjected themselves to those loans mainly because of bad credit decisions. It's the exact same market forces. Those people are a higher risk of default and walking away from a loan therefore they will pay an ultra premium for the loan. People just need to be educated better about credit and good and bad debt.

  13. #113

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Anything new on this. Wouldn't be surprised to this disappear or fizzle out.

  14. #114

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    The 5 houses that would be larger are all museums now and not single-family, which would make this the largest single-family house.

    Also, you should watch the documentary on that house. They ran out of money the first time around with the recession. Looks like he made a lot of money back.
    I would not classify the Biltmore as a museum. While it may have tours, it is still America's largest privately owned home (still owned by Vanderbilts grandson). The owner could wake up tomorrow and say that he wouldnt prefer to just stop the tours and his family occupy the house, and Im pretty sure there would be no problem with him doing it. The other houses on that list appears to be owned by corporations.

  15. #115

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I remember this "Queen of Versailles" movie. Time share mogul took 3 -4 years to build Versailles in Florida, still may not be finished.
    I worked on the Hibdon house near Mustang and it took 4 years and was an ambitious 25,000'. I'd think you'd have to have a net
    worth of $ 200 million to construct and afford a $ 50 million house and then it would still take four years to complete.

    We'll see.


  16. #116

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I heard that the Hibdon's house was a two bedroom. Is that correct?
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    I remember this "Queen of Versailles" movie. Time share mogul took 3 -4 years to build Versailles in Florida, still may not be finished.
    I worked on the Hibdon house near Mustang and it took 4 years and was an ambitious 25,000'. I'd think you'd have to have a net
    worth of $ 200 million to construct and afford a $ 50 million house and then it would still take four years to complete.

    We'll see.


  17. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    If they ever break ground (and that is a huge 'if') - this is my prediction..... Urban Exploration Magazine - The Funhouse - Kirby's Mansion

  18. #118

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I heard that the Hibdon's house was a two bedroom. Is that correct?
    C. T.
    I believe so, although each of the two bedrooms had two floors, including upstairs and downstairs bathrooms.
    The daughter's room had it's own dance floor plus a deck and that room was bigger than a lot of houses.

    1 1/2" to 2" thick marble and granite everywhere. The dining room table was custom built from 2" thick marble
    and 20-25' long. Heaviest dining table I've ever seen.

  19. #119

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    I remember this "Queen of Versailles" movie. Time share mogul took 3 -4 years to build Versailles in Florida, still may not be finished.
    I worked on the Hibdon house near Mustang and it took 4 years and was an ambitious 25,000'. I'd think you'd have to have a net
    worth of $ 200 million to construct and afford a $ 50 million house and then it would still take four years to complete.

    We'll see.

    Well i worked on it also , but it was in Newcastle and not Mustang Stan!

  20. #120

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Sounds like this guy is sadly full of unmitigated hubris.

  21. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I'm hopeful that they only use top quality materials and craftsmen to build this thing. Megamansions like this have a habit of becoming museums after their original owners tire of them or die off.

    Done right, this could be a potential Philbrook type museum 100 or so years from now.
    A setting like Edmond is not going to be a setting like Midtown Tulsa. Ever.

  22. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by lynn1124 View Post
    It will be tornado proof and will be built right. But seriously, do not believe everything you hear on the half researched report from the News. They invaded the Frayer's privacy and started reporting on things that the Frayer's had already changed. This pics you see of the house is not even what it is going to look like.

    Sorry you do not like how David makes his money but there are customers who thank him daily for the opportunity to buy such a nice car when everyone else turned them down. Also, they work with customers through hard times down to the point where they have helped find jobs and given out interview clothes to their customers.

    Some of you on here need to stick your nose somewhere else because you do not know David's financials and will never know. He WILL be able to afford this and to keep it. He came from nothing and has always taken care of his family. He works his ass off and there is nothing wrong with how he spends it. He is not dumb with his money and is brilliant at business. This is not his only business by the way, he is an investor as well.

    This house is not a big deal, just another home with more square footage because they throw lots of parties and half of the house is an entertainment area for parties and kids gatherings.
    This whole thing deserves a good lol

  23. #123

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Me thinks this project is dead.

    Has anyone heard anything new?

  24. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Was wondering that myself. Given the level of insanity it was going to be, I give it an ice cube's chance in heck to actually get built.

    Tell me one bank that would be willing to finance this project too. He's going to have to build this sucker out of his own pocket if he wants it done, and fat chance of that happening.

  25. #125

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I'm sure a bank would finance it at 25%, with payments due every other week.

    But they probably won't provide a car for him to sledge hammer....

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