Originally Posted by
Well TOM isn't a income producing area, at least not the part that the project is focusing on. It's totally private housing, so in there lies the difficulty. How do you put effort into revitalizing an area with municipal effort, without making the rest of the city feel like it's unfair? If you start putting up barriers like a review committee, then all you'll find is that developers are unwilling to go there to do their work. A review committee, like Bricktown's, decides if designs by developers meet the area. In this case, the city IS the developer so the committee is city employees that are working the project.
I can totally understand the frustration if it's not what you expected. Only thing I would say there is when is a master plan ever built as designed? Quite often, the funding is lacking for plan A, so plan B has to come in. A cheaper material or something has to make up for the gap. I agree that it would be nice if we could get the local civic groups involved, but unfortunately, those are literally dieing out. Things like the Elks/Moose/Kiwanas/etc. were mostly popular with older generations and the younger folks of today don't join them. So as the members pass away, the group's ability to help support the community falls more and more behind. Those more able to support, like Rotary, have their own pet projects. And for those folks, this wouldn't be a project they would be interested in. It sounds crappy, but based on my experiences with some of the members, I know how they perceive a project focusing on TOM.
I know this sounds like I'm just countering your argument, but I'm on your side. Just thought it might be good to voice, at least what I believe, the reply would be.