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Thread: Glad I'm in my 30's

  1. #26
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    How ironic. At the start of the war in Afghanistan, the Democrats were moaning and howling about how we are going to be forced to reinstate the draft...doing everything in their power to scare the hell out of everyone. It got even worse when Iraq loomed on the horizon. But it never materialized. Now that they have a modicum of power back in their hands, who is it that's working on reinstating the draft? A Democrat. Well America, you voted for it.

    Anyway, I disagree with the draft - I think the best sort of military is an all-volunteer military. The draft should be a thing born of military necessity, not one for reshaping our culture to fit a certain group's ideal. However, I'm certainly not against anyone joining the military. I have nothing but respect for those that volunteer for serving their country. I just think it needs to remain a choice. Leave unnecessary forced conscription for the N. Koreans.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    This war is NOT a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a neccesary evil. If we did not go after these creeps, then you would probably cease to exist due to their terrorism.

    Enough said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Terrorists don't hate Americans because we're free as Bush will tell us time and time again. They hate Americans because we're in their holy land.

    2. Reports have shown Iraq was NOT a threat to America. Realizing this could've saved 350 billion dollars as of yet and nearly 3,000 American lives. Iraq is now in a civil war and worse off as a country. We have found NO weapons of mass destruction and we have failed to bring peace to the region. Before 9/11, the Bush Administration stated Iraq had no WMD. After 9/11, the propaganda wheel started turning once Bush realized who would profit from a war with Iraq.

    Meanwhile, we have terrorists crossing the borders illegally, probably on an everyday basis. It scares me to speculate what they might have already brought into our country. The funding for the Iraq war could've been used to erect an actual border and focus our efforts to actually protecting Americans within our borders. Don't believe the crap you hear from Bush about how he protects Americans. He was given a briefing regarding the 9/11 hijackings on Aug 6, 2001 but he was too busy taking vacations to do anything about it.

    I'm done for tonight, but this is an argument I could make all day so I'll post more for tomorrow. Its pointless to even try tonight.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    I think a lot of it had to do with way too optimistic recommendations from his advisors and expatriates from Iraq...Thought it would be a cakewalk and the Sunni's and Shiite's would come together after years of oppression form the first real democracy in the Middle East and it would eventually spread throughout

    So far not so good on the "experiment"...Way too optimistic and weren't even close to being prepared for this mess...No way out now at least in the short term...We are officially stuck

    One thing is you can't blame it all on Bush...He ultimately pulled the trigger, but there are many others to blame for this mess all over Washington

  4. #29

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    Quote Originally Posted by AFCM View Post
    Meanwhile, we have terrorists crossing the borders illegally, probably on an everyday basis. It scares me to speculate what they might have already brought into our country. The funding for the Iraq war could've been used to erect an actual border and focus our efforts to actually protecting Americans within our borders. Don't believe the crap you hear from Bush about how he protects Americans. He was given a briefing regarding the 9/11 hijackings on Aug 6, 2001 but he was too busy taking vacations to do anything about it.

    I'm done for tonight, but this is an argument I could make all day so I'll post more for tomorrow. Its pointless to even try tonight.
    I'm not real concerned with our borders as we have ignored them for hundreds of years...Don't think for a second that Mexico isn't carefully screening and monitoring those who come into their country...You can be sure if a Mohammad Hassein is trying to enter their country they will not allow entry or keep a close eye on him.... They know if something happens and it's found out the terrorist came through Mexico the border is shutdown forever...Remember most if not all the 9/11 terrorists entered the US through the proper channels

  5. #30
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    Remember, folks, this thread is about re-instating the draft....not about President Bush and his decisions. If you would like to discuss that, start a thread in the political forum. Let's stay on topic.....otherwise, posts that are off topic will be deleted.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    The entire concept of reinstating the draft from Mr. Rengel is nothing more than political grandstanding. It's never going to happen. Even speaker-to-be Pelosi has already suggested that the idea will never see the light of day.

    If you explored Rengel's comments further, he pointed out too that the mandatory two-year service commitment (which might or might not be military over the long haul) should be followed up by education benefits..who ever would have thought of the draft as a mechanism for yet another government handout...sheesh...


  7. Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's


    Would we not be debating whether or not we should have a mandatory draft if Bush and his people had not taken us to war in the Middle East? If you think about that, then the comments made about the current administration don't seem so off-topic, I think.
    Still corrupting young minds

  8. #33

    Default Re: Glad I'm in my 30's

    Keith, I think one of the arguments in favor of or against mandatory service is tied to our political leaders and their stance on war. As long as our leaders don't recklessly send troops into harms way, I would favor a mandatory service proposal. If however, we have an administration that shoots first and asks questions later, I'd rather have an all voluntary service.

    Regardless of where you stand on the subject of a draft, you're going to have to furnish a reasoning for your position. The argument for a draft and the current administration are linked, and therefore discussing our political leaders is just. I was merely throwing in my two cents. All I ask is, if the thread is too political for the underground, please move the thread to the political forum. I'll do my best to play by the rules and post where appropriate, but I believe deleting posts is a form of censorship and should only be used as a last resort.

    Besides, does it really matter if a political discussion is held in the underground forum? People are going to post their thoughts wherever the discussion is held. The folks on the board speak their mind while the board gets it's traffic; as a result, everyone wins. I write this all, of course, with complete respect for you and everyone else on this board. Thank you for giving us a channel to let our voice be heard.

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