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Thread: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

  1. #51

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    If I had that kind of money I would buy and refurbish an old missile silo. Put a Garden style house on top for entertaining and when you get tired of the world just button up for awhile.
    Not so long ago there was an inactive silo for sale down in, if memory serves, Kiowa county, or else right in that general area. Wasn't any type of ridic pricing either.

  2. #52

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    If he wanted to impress me he would build it in Core to Shore or on the banks of the Oklahoma River. Otherwise, he built a place that the vast majority of people will never see - which makes zero sense to me.

  3. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I'm hopeful that they only use top quality materials and craftsmen to build this thing. Megamansions like this have a habit of becoming museums after their original owners tire of them or die off.

    Done right, this could be a potential Philbrook type museum 100 or so years from now.
    COULD be. My hunch it will simply be the largest of Edmond's plywood palaces.

  4. #54

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    If I had that kind of money I would buy and refurbish an old missile silo. Put a Garden style house on top for entertaining and when you get tired of the world just button up for awhile.
    There is an old Atlas silo for sale a couple of miles from where I live between Aurora and Centennial, Colorado. It has 55,000 sf of hardened, underground bunker for only 3.5 million.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    The electric company is required by law to supply whatever electrical needs a residential home requires. That includes putting in new transmission lines with the cost be absorbed by all customers. However, what ever amount of electricity this place uses pales in comparison to a 300 unit subdivision.
    That isn't the case everywhere, many charge the customer for "upgraded" transformers and extending lines from the right of way beyond what would be considered the norm.

  5. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Just throwing my two cents in...... not to burst anyone's overly hopeful bubble, but I personally wouldn't trust David or Kendal Frayer as far as I could throw them.

    My money says this mammoth pipe dream is never built (and was never intended to be).

    The Frayer's (David in particular) have a sketchy past (i.e. Frayer Ministries LLC, business restructuring and name changes) and word has it (not my word, word from those in the know) just a couple of years ago David was bouncing checks to local car dealers that have far deeper portfolio's than he, and even they couldn't realistically dream of such an over-indulgent endeavorer.

    There is some sort of angle to this 'story' I just don't know what it is yet.

    David has money (multimillion dollar home now), but nowhere near the money, credit or clout that would be needed to pull this off.

    This is David from a few years ago.....

  6. #56

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Well, the way I see this, I won't believe it until it's built. Hope it does get built though.

  7. #57

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    If I had the money to build the country's biggest house, I think I would, instead, use the money to build a small skyscraper, live in the top two floors and rent the lower floors for income.

  8. #58

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    COULD be. My hunch it will simply be the largest of Edmond's plywood palaces.
    What kind of statement is that? What should homes be built from Mr. Architect?

  9. #59

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    More photos of this behemoth courtesy of NewsOK:

  10. #60

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    All I gotta say is, if this thing gets built, it better be a Parade of Homes home.

    I gotta step foot inside this thing!

  11. #61

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Still, I think if I was rich, I'd rather build a skyscraper and live in the top floor or two.

  12. #62

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Well, the way I see this, I won't believe it until it's built. Hope it does get built though.
    Aside from bragging rights that the OKC metro has the largest house (but certainly nowhere near the most valuable) in the US, what excites you so much and/or what benefit does a giant secluded mansion give anybody?

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    The Sea Serpent in the moat maybe?

  14. #64

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mel View Post
    The Sea Serpent in the moat maybe?
    Is that what we're calling it these days?!

  15. #65

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    One would assume that if he is going to build this behemoth that he would implement some kind of self-sufficient utilities (residential solar installations or the like). But who knows.

  16. #66

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by PWitty View Post
    One would assume that if he is going to build this behemoth that he would implement some kind of self-sufficient utilities (residential solar installations or the like). But who knows.
    These are used car sales guys, I don't think self-sufficient facilities are high on their priorities

  17. #67

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    Aside from bragging rights that the OKC metro has the largest house (but certainly nowhere near the most valuable) in the US, what excites you so much and/or what benefit does a giant secluded mansion give anybody?
    Property taxes. A new landmark. Possible future trend for the area that would signify a huge revenue boost for Oklahoma County and possibly Logan county which needs revenue really bad. Also, I think the house is beautiful.

  18. #68

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    There goes my neighborhood.

  19. #69

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Interesting thought, but did you know that Vanderbilt built the Biltmore mansion with a requirement that when he was on the veranda of the fifth floor, he wanted to own everything he could see? So, he bought all the land around him. And I have been there, you can't see it till you are in the closest parking lot. Most of his land has been donated to the National Park Service so the privacy has been maintained. some folks (me included) prefer privacy.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I don't know whether it'll be visible from the road or not but I tend to think you could at least see the spires. But I think if you're building the largest single family home in the country and it looks like a castle with a bunch of spires and a drawbridge, then you're building it for people to see. You're not building it to so no one but you sees it. You're building it to show off.

  20. #70

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Wow! If done appropriately, I think this could become an architectural icon. The details in the elevation drawings look very elaborate, I love it! I'm gonna guess around $45 million.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I bet you have to defeat three challenges and a years worth of servitude just to get in and ask a question.

  22. #72

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Seems like a very bad case of spires envy. To each their own interests though.

  23. #73

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    This is supposed to be built by a tote-the-note auto dealer? I'm with Brian, he may have lots of money, but not that kind of money.

  24. #74

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Someone on FB told me in comment he is 65 million, so take that for what it's worth. I have done not even the slightest bit of research on it.

  25. #75

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    He also just opened the Tio Chuys car lot on I -35 ,

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