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Thread: Downtown Strategic Iniative

  1. #1

    Default Downtown Strategic Iniative

    The Downtown Strategic Initiative (DSI) is an action plan designed to identify next steps for the revitalization of downtown Oklahoma City. The DSI was a stakeholder driven process composed of several specialized citizen committees that focused on downtown issues ranging from arts and
    culture, to parking, and transit. The citizen committees met over several months and produced approximately 100 initiatives. The DSI prioritizes these initiatives within 9 Bold Ideas that collectively create a vision for what downtown could become.

    The Oklahoma City Planning Department is currently implementing the DSI with the assistance of various city departments and downtown planning partners that include, Downtown OKC, the Alliance for Economic Development, and the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    Looks interesting. I'll have to dig deep on this after work!

  3. Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative


  4. #4

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    Shades of Br(eaking) Ba(d)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    Now I have something to read tonight.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    Kinda peeved that more OKC planners (current and former) that also worked on it aren't listed...

    Well, not really too much... but I do appreciate that they listed the current and former staff that put a lot of hours into the project. AJ especially.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    What are the implications of this initiative? How are they actually going about implementing it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Downtown Strategic Iniative

    Chamber junta involved, must only be for the city's barons (sarcasm)

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