My wife and I went to Oui Lin's often (she loved the garlic frittered chicken). Then one day, we were served shrimp fried rice with spoiled shrimp. They were kind, didn't charge us and brought us fresh meals (that we couldn't eat), and we could never go back. If You've ever had spoiled shrimp, you'll understand. Most Chinese restaurants served hot rye bread, it was in a basket covered by a cloth napkin. House of Chan was where my mother and dad took us in the 40's.
C. T.
Quote Originally Posted by Prunepicker View Post
Does anyone remember Oui Lin's on N Penn and about NW 12th? There was
something about having the food served on silver platters. Most Chinese
restaurants did that in the 50's and 60's.

They also served hot rye bread and butter. Loved it.