Ah, the crazy chasm between reality and Hollywood...
In the show Modern Family, Phil and Claire Dunphy live in what appears to be a nice but modest home on a typical street somewhere in Southern California (they never say where, exactly). Phil doesn't seem to work much, occasionally talking about being a realtor but never seeming to be very busy with anything business related. Claire doesn't work outside the home even though her kids are all well grown and you get the strong impression they are very middle class, driving a mundane minivan.
But living here (or even following the real estate market from afar) you know that the type of home portrayed is completely out of reach for almost everyone. In fact, I have scores of successful, professional friends out here and only a small fraction own anything at all, and none have anything like Phil & Claire's house.
What do you think this house goes for? Consider it is nowhere near the beach.
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$2.35 million.
Buy the Cheviot Hills House Made Famous on Modern Family - Sets For Sale - Curbed LA