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Thread: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

  1. #1

    Default 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

  2. #2

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Complete with drawbridge... Good grief.

    Can you imagine just what it would take to heat and cool that much space in Oklahoma?

    Carbon footprint the size of a million yetis.

  3. #3

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Just saw this story on Facebook, who will be the owner?

  4. #4

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    If I were a betting man, I'd say this thing is gonna cost anywhere from 15-25 million.

  5. #5

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    Just saw this story on Facebook, who will be the owner?
    "The City of Edmond says the home is the idea of David Frayer, the owner of the Key Auto Group."

  6. #6

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Now the one question I have, is David Frayer the "guru" on The Key Auto Commercials or is he the guy who hired the guy playing the guru. Either way who knew the Key was doing so well.

  7. #7

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Take that Dallas

  8. #8

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Dallas may have bigger highways, but they don't have bigger houses.

  9. #9

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    We just outsized Texas, not everything is bigger in Texas. See, I can bash Texas to

  10. #10

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Wow this thing looks absolutely amazing. Hopefully they have an open house before it gets completed. I want to see the inside just once.

  11. #11

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Complete with drawbridge... Good grief.

    Can you imagine just what it would take to heat and cool that much space in Oklahoma?

    Carbon footprint the size of a million yetis.
    Yes, I wonder how high the highest ceiling will be.

  12. #12

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Gawd! That thing is hideous and won't relate visually to anything at all. Not to mention the egregiously conspicious consumption.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Wow this thing looks absolutely amazing. Hopefully they have an open house before it gets completed. I want to see the inside just once.
    I never would have guessed that you would like this. Thought it would totally go against everything you're about.

  14. #14

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by andrewmperry View Post
    I never would have guessed that you would like this. Thought it would totally go against everything you're about.
    Why do you say that?

  15. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Pretty cool and if I had the cash I would probably go a little crazy, but probably not to this extreme when it comes to waste of space. That is unless I had a bunch of people living with us.

    Hopefully they'll make it tornado, earthquake, wind, and hail proof. Would probably ruin someone's day if one of the towers got knocked over.

  16. #16

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Completely necessary

  17. #17

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Pretty cool and if I had the cash I would probably go a little crazy, but probably not to this extreme when it comes to waste of space. That is unless I had a bunch of people living with us.

    Hopefully they'll make it tornado, earthquake, wind, and hail proof. Would probably ruin someone's day if one of the towers got knocked over.
    If I had beaucoup amount of money, I would keep my home relatively small and just splurge on cars, trips, and menial treasures! :P

  18. #18

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    according to the county assessor the old wal mart in moore, last occupied by convergys, is 87,350 square feet... let that sink in for a second. -M

  19. #19

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Why do you say that?
    I was kind of kidding. If I would have had to guess the two people on this board that would like this the most, I would have picked you and PluPan.

  20. #20

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I wonder who contacted the news about this.

  21. #21

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    We just outsized Texas, not everything is bigger in Texas. See, I can bash Texas to
    It maybe bigger but there are more expensive (when including land), when I was in Austin we had a "virtual contracting" project where we were modeling a house being built right by the 360 Bridge on Lake Austin. The contractor hired us to figure out the design from the plans using Revit and Navisworks. They bought the land for around 26 million (it sits "below" Michael Dell's house across 2222) and it included a 3,000 sf house up near 2222. The house was designed by some big architect in California and very modern, the house and garage were supposed to be in the 30 million range. The garage had a turntable in it and was rather large itself. The artwork in the home was to be worth more than the house and land. It was just one of their many houses.

    It shows up still being under construction on Google Earth just east of the 360 bridge.

    I think that house in Edmond is hideous, way too much kitschy crap on it for my liking. My wife said it reminded her of the WinStar casino near Thackerville with all the different facades.

  22. #22

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    It maybe bigger but there are more expensive (when including land), when I was in Austin we had a "virtual contracting" project where we were modeling a house being built right by the 360 Bridge on Lake Austin. The contractor hired us to figure out the design from the plans using Revit and Navisworks. They bought the land for around 26 million (it sits "below" Michael Dell's house across 2222) and it included a 3,000 sf house up near 2222. The house was designed by some big architect in California and very modern, the house and garage were supposed to be in the 30 million range. The garage had a turntable in it and was rather large itself. The artwork in the home was to be worth more than the house and land. It was just one of their many houses.

    It shows up still being under construction on Google Earth just east of the 360 bridge.

    I think that house in Edmond is hideous, way too much kitschy crap on it for my liking. My wife said it reminded her of the WinStar casino near Thackerville with all the different facades.
    I think it is pretty. I also thought how much this house would cost in a city like Austin, Miami, L.A., San Fran or some other huge city with high land costs.

  23. #23

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    If I were a betting man, I'd say this thing is gonna cost anywhere from 15-25 million.
    You need to triple or quadruple your highest number.

  24. #24

    Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    I honestly was thinking 50+million.

  25. Default Re: 92,650 square foot mammoth mega-mansion to be built in Edmond.

    Utterly and outrageously obscene. What good could be done with the money rather than building that monstrosity.

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