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Thread: Another COX rate increase!??

  1. #1

    Default Another COX rate increase!??

    Well, if you're a Cox customer in OKC, get ready for another rate increase.

    Yup, if you just absorbed the price increase that hit late last Fall, get ready for another increase - around 10% for most core services/tiers - detailed in the most recent Cox bill.

    Gotta love the constant kicks in the price groin - two in a row this time. If I didn't need the HSI, I'd call them and tell them to yank the whole danged thing. If it weren't for ESPN, I think I could get by without the TV side....

  2. #2

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I'm almost to the point of tuning out on tv. I'll put that extra 200 in the bank.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I hate the internet service pricing scheme with a passion. If you only do heavy streaming or downloading a couple of times each month you are not fully getting your money's worth. Your basically subsidizing the couch potato Netflix users, gamers, and pirates. Bandwidth should be charged by metering and not by some hypothetical amount you may or may not use.

    I will probably downgrade my service or switch to ATT sometime next month. Netflix will most likely raise rates too since they have are having to make special deals with the IP's to keep up with the demand.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I hate the internet service pricing scheme with a passion. If you only do heavy streaming or downloading a couple of times each month you are not fully getting your money's worth. Your basically subsidizing the couch potato Netflix users, gamers, and pirates. Bandwidth should be charged by metering and not by some hypothetical amount you may or may not use.

    I will probably downgrade my service or switch to ATT sometime next month. Netflix will most likely raise rates too since they have are having to make special deals with the IP's to keep up with the demand.
    I think metering is in the not-too-distant Cox future. Their arbitrary bandwidth cap of 300GB for their "Premier" Internet tier is now being more aggressively tracked, and violators are getting nastygrams. They encourage you to track your data usage on their daily meter. I've heard of one person who went over in one month, got a nastygram, and that was the extent of it, but I have to believe a metered structure has to be ahead as more people dump the CATV side for streamed video content.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    lol. I'm using 10% of that 300GB with two days left in the billing cycle. 4GB was the highest I used in one day.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I am so glad I dumped Cox. $200 a month was just not worth for the ten channels I cared to watch. These days I catch my favorite shows on the network websites. I just bought a Roku and so far its pretty good for $49. My wife loves the PBS Kids stuff on there for my son.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Which brings up a good question: What viable options are out there for only high-speed internet? I've been seriously considering going Internet-only (i.e. no TV) for the last few months because I just don't watch TV enough to justify the cost. I can always go with HSI through ATT (my present provider after I fired Cox for their corporate stupidity), but was wondering if there are other companies that can offer quality service at perhaps a lower cost or better service.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by Of Sound Mind View Post
    Which brings up a good question: What viable options are out there for only high-speed internet? I've been seriously considering going Internet-only (i.e. no TV) for the last few months because I just don't watch TV enough to justify the cost. I can always go with HSI through ATT (my present provider after I fired Cox for their corporate stupidity), but was wondering if there are other companies that can offer quality service at perhaps a lower cost or better service.
    Frustrating thing is that, at least in the greater OKC area, I don't think there's any other provider that offers the bandwidth Cox does. Don't think ATT's options are even close, but I also admit I don't know the specifics.

    I think, for me, the scorched-earth option would be to do precisely as you are considering - just an ISP and take my chances on what I can get OTA/from streaming services. Frustrating thing, though, is that (as I noted earlier) Cox is getting snarkier on the 300GB limit on the Premier/400GB limit on Ultimate tier. Fortunately, I've never hit my 300GB limit - although we came kinda close during our first month with Netflix - but that was a "newness" issue.

    I'm going to go back in my bills and find out the exact month of the last price increase - swear it was November time frame - and do the math to find out the precise net increase over the last two rate jumps. Pretty sure it is at or above 25% net.

    With every indication that people are cutting cable more and more every day, I can't help but wonder if Cox is getting ready to roll out some really attractive/aggressive rate-guaranteed contract pricing provided you lock in for, say, two years. Obviously if you have fewer customers, you end up making up the revenue among the ones who stay, but you can't do that forever.

    I know OKC gave Cox the cable franchise rights for seventy billion years, but I can't help but wonder if OKC might rethink their network infrastructure as it pertains to the Internet. There's really no practical competition to Cox in terms of speed right now that I know about. That's why I was posting in a separate thread how neat it would be to get some smart OKC business types to put together some sort of package to encourage Google to consider OKC as another of their pilot "Google Fiber" cities - give Cox something to think about as a competitor, at least.

    Hey, I can dream, can't I?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Cox is faster than AT&T. Then again, you don't really need super fast internet unless your into online gaming, run a website or upload/download large amounts of movies and pictures.

  10. Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    My bill hasn't gone up yet. I assume it takes place for April bill.

    We are an internet only family but the 50mbs package is already 70 bucks. If it goes to 80 I might go down one package. This is crazy.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
    Cox is faster than AT&T. Then again, you don't really need super fast internet unless your into online gaming, run a website or upload/download large amounts of movies and pictures.
    This is a common misconception that fast connections are for online gaming. Gaming is all dependent on ping, not bandwidth. A 768kbps DSL connection with 10ms latency will be better for gaming than a 1Gbps fiber connection with 100ms latency. Where bandwidth matters is streaming HD content, which is becoming more and more common.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I switch to Cox from ATT Uverse. My Netflix experience is better with Cox. Cox ranks number 3 in Netflix's ISP speed index. If you want to see your Netflix speed connection watch "Example Short 23.976" on you device of choice.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    My bill hasn't gone up yet. I assume it takes place for April bill.

    We are an internet only family but the 50mbs package is already 70 bucks. If it goes to 80 I might go down one package. This is crazy.
    The notice for the increase was in the newest bill I received yesterday.

    Here are the increases and to/from prices (and % increase), effective March 1:

    Cox TV Starter: from $19.99 to $24.99 (25%)
    Cox TV Economy: from $34.99 to $38.99 (11%)
    Cox TV Essential: from $61.99 to $67.99 (10%)
    Advanced TV: from $61.99 to $70.99 (16%)
    Preferred TV: from $71.99 to $80.99 (12.5%)
    Premier TV: from $81.99 to $91.99 (12.1%)
    Ultimate TV: from $144.99 to $151.99 (5%)

    DVR service: from $9.99 to $11.99 (20%)
    DVR "Record 6": from $14.99 to $19.99 (33%)

    (Omitting all the permutations of Ultimate/Premiums/Whole Home DVR, and generally summarizing them as increases of 12-14%)

    Internet: Starter from $26.99 to $29.99 (11%)
    Essential $39.99 to $44.99 (12.5%)
    Preferred $54.99 to $60.99 (11%)
    Premier $65.99 to $71.99 (9%)

    Still looking for the increase rates from a few months back. Will post asap.

  14. Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    The notice for the increase was in the newest bill I received yesterday.

    Here are the increases and to/from prices (and % increase), effective March 1:

    Cox TV Starter: from $19.99 to $24.99 (25%)
    Cox TV Economy: from $34.99 to $38.99 (11%)
    Cox TV Essential: from $61.99 to $67.99 (10%)
    Advanced TV: from $61.99 to $70.99 (16%)
    Preferred TV: from $71.99 to $80.99 (12.5%)
    Premier TV: from $81.99 to $91.99 (12.1%)
    Ultimate TV: from $144.99 to $151.99 (5%)

    DVR service: from $9.99 to $11.99 (20%)
    DVR "Record 6": from $14.99 to $19.99 (33%)

    (Omitting all the permutations of Ultimate/Premiums/Whole Home DVR, and generally summarizing them as increases of 12-14%)

    Internet: Starter from $26.99 to $29.99 (11%)
    Essential $39.99 to $44.99 (12.5%)
    Preferred $54.99 to $60.99 (11%)
    Premier $65.99 to $71.99 (9%)

    Still looking for the increase rates from a few months back. Will post asap.
    Hmm we have Premier internet. It has been 71.99 since our deal ended. I would say about 3 months we've paid that.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I called Cox yesterday to complain about the rate increase. I have only one TV plan I pay for above the Preferred TV. (Have to have Sports and Information.). Only one dvr box. I do have long distance on the phone and, according to the Cox guy, if I decrease the internet speed I would lose my 15.oo bundle. He locked in my current bill for 2 yrs. So no rate increase. I told him I am looking forward to the day that Cox has competition.... other than the current non cable ones and that I wish we could pay for
    what we use not the 200+ channels we don't. Of course, no response to that. Anyway, call them. (no I don't want to watch TV on my computer)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by clz46 View Post
    I called Cox yesterday to complain about the rate increase. I have only one TV plan I pay for above the Preferred TV. (Have to have Sports and Information.). Only one dvr box. I do have long distance on the phone and, according to the Cox guy, if I decrease the internet speed I would lose my 15.oo bundle. He locked in my current bill for 2 yrs. So no rate increase. I told him I am looking forward to the day that Cox has competition.... other than the current non cable ones and that I wish we could pay for
    what we use not the 200+ channels we don't. Of course, no response to that. Anyway, call them. (no I don't want to watch TV on my computer)
    Need to find out which package w/Cox would get me ESPN for myself and my son, Food Network for my wife, and maybe TNT and TLC for everyone else. Sick to death of paying for those same 200+ channels we never touch.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    I dumped Cox and went with DirectTV/ATT a little over a year ago. Already went back to Cox internet. We aren't even heavy internet but ATT was unbearable. I think it has a lot to do what area you live in. I was told ATT internet speeds can vary greatly from neighborhood to neighborhood.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    In October, the wife and I signed a two year agreement with Cox which says our service will stay the same or get better and the rate will not go up over that two years. We had to call about every six months to complain that our rate was higher even though our service was not changing at all so this just makes it easier. We have been with them for seven years and don't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

    I have a good friend who works at DirecTV and he says when they increase rates, consumers tend to play a game they like to call CSR Roulette. Basically, you call and complain about the rate increase until you get someone that is willing to lower it for you. That is what I would advise people on this board to do. Use phrases like, "I guess we will have to examine other options for our (service)" or "I have been with you for (#) of years. How can you make this worth my while."

  19. #19

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    I dumped Cox and went with DirectTV/ATT a little over a year ago. Already went back to Cox internet. We aren't even heavy internet but ATT was unbearable. I think it has a lot to do what area you live in. I was told ATT internet speeds can vary greatly from neighborhood to neighborhood.
    Figures. DSL can no longer keep up with cable in this age of streaming HD video and multiple devices continuously connected. The standard Cox package now is 30Mbps. The highest ADSL2+ can go under normal circumstances is 12Mbps. Telcos will have to run fiber like Verizon is doing if they want to stay competitive.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Figures. DSL can no longer keep up with cable in this age of streaming HD video and multiple devices continuously connected. The standard Cox package now is 30Mbps. The highest ADSL2+ can go under normal circumstances is 12Mbps. Telcos will have to run fiber like Verizon is doing if they want to stay competitive.
    12 Mbps is plenty if your actually getting that and you have divide that by how many devices you have streaming or downloading at once. The key is what your getting at peak use in your neighborhood. Also, it also depends on what kind of deal Netflix has with the IP's on the backend before the content even reaches you.

    Netflix, Comcast agree to deal

  21. #21

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    12 Mbps is plenty if your actually getting that and you have divide that by how many devices you have streaming or downloading at once. The key is what your getting at peak use in your neighborhood. Also, it also depends on what kind of deal Netflix has with the IP's on the backend before the content even reaches you.

    Netflix, Comcast agree to deal
    Having worked in the telco industry, its not likely you are going to get anywhere close to 12Mbps through the POTS system unless its very early in the morning. There was once a time when DSL had the advantage of consistent speeds at all times of day as opposed to cable's shared bandwidth. Today, that is no longer the case being that the bottleneck is at the CO itself. It won't matter what kind of deal AT&T strikes with Netflix, until CO equipment is upgraded in neighborhoods to handle more bandwidth, DSL just isn't going to cut it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    In October, the wife and I signed a two year agreement with Cox which says our service will stay the same or get better and the rate will not go up over that two years. We had to call about every six months to complain that our rate was higher even though our service was not changing at all so this just makes it easier. We have been with them for seven years and don't plan on going anywhere any time soon.

    I have a good friend who works at DirecTV and he says when they increase rates, consumers tend to play a game they like to call CSR Roulette. Basically, you call and complain about the rate increase until you get someone that is willing to lower it for you. That is what I would advise people on this board to do. Use phrases like, "I guess we will have to examine other options for our (service)" or "I have been with you for (#) of years. How can you make this worth my while."
    When I worked at DirecTV (Convergy's) doing CSR, the rules for offering a rate decrease were simple: the customer had to ask 3 times, or want to cancel their service and switch to a competitor. Then, the standard CSR could offer a discount. If the customer just called and said they wanted to cancel, they would be transfered to a retention group that could make other special deals. I assume it still works like this.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Figures. DSL can no longer keep up with cable in this age of streaming HD video and multiple devices continuously connected. The standard Cox package now is 30Mbps. The highest ADSL2+ can go under normal circumstances is 12Mbps. Telcos will have to run fiber like Verizon is doing if they want to stay competitive.

    Cox now has four internet tiers: Essential: $44.99/5Mbs, Preferred: $60.99/25mbps, Premier: $71.99/50mbps, and Ultimate: $99/100mbps.

    I have the Preferred package with no TV, I watch everything via Xbox from Amazon/Crackle/Netflix/Vudu/Xbox Marketplace and my video quality is excellent,even while surfing the net on tablet/phone.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Essential: $44.99/5Mbs
    ??? I've been paying $46.99 for essential for the last 6 months or so. The old rate was $39.99 so that jump took me by surprise. I've called & complained. Threatened to move my service but having been with Cox since Day one I guess they know I won't leave now. BTW my wife watches videos on her Ipad every night and hardly ever has any issues at the 5mbps speed.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Another COX rate increase!??

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    When I worked at DirecTV (Convergy's) doing CSR, the rules for offering a rate decrease were simple: the customer had to ask 3 times, or want to cancel their service and switch to a competitor. Then, the standard CSR could offer a discount. If the customer just called and said they wanted to cancel, they would be transfered to a retention group that could make other special deals. I assume it still works like this.
    Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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