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Thread: Teen sues parents

  1. #1

    Default Teen sues parents

    I know which way I would rule if I was the judge....

    A New Jersey teenager claiming that her mother and father tossed her out of their home and cut her off financially is suing them for immediate support, current private-school fees and future college tuition. The parents, meanwhile, say that daughter Rachel Canning, 18, moved out voluntarily after refusing to abide by their rules.

    “We love our child and miss her. This is terrible. It’s killing me and my wife,” Rachel's father, Sean Canning, a town administrator and retired police officer, tells the Daily Record. “We have a child we want home. We’re not Draconian and now we’re getting hauled into court. She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home, and she’s saying, ‘I don’t want to live under your rules.’” The rules, he notes, include reconsidering her relationship with a boyfriend who may be a bad influence, being respectful, and abiding by her curfew. He and his wife, Elizabeth, who live in suburban Lincoln Park, about 25 miles outside of New York City, have kept their daughter’s car because they paid for it, says Canning, and he admits that they did stop paying Rachel's tuition at the private Morris Catholic High School. A hearing is scheduled to take place on Tuesday in the Morris County Superior Court.

    For months, Rachel — an honor student, cheerleader, and lacrosse player — has been living with the family of her best friend and classmate, Jaime Inglesino, whose father, attorney John Inglesino, is bankrolling Rachel’s lawsuit. He’s also requesting in the lawsuit that the Cannings reimburse him for the legal fees, so far totaling $12,597, according to the paper.

    Rachel’s attorney, Tanya Helfand, is not taking calls as she prepares for Tuesday's hearing, her office tells Yahoo Shine. Rachel did not return a call from Yahoo Shine, and the Morris County court was closed on Monday due to inclement weather. But the Daily Record reports that, in the suit, Rachel alleges that her parents decided to cut her off “from all support both financially and emotionally” as of her 18th birthday, which was November 1. Her suit also demands the following of the Cannings: that they take care of an outstanding $5,306 Morris Catholic tuition bill; pay their daughter’s current living and transportation expenses; and free up her existing college fund, as she’s already been accepted to several universities.

    It’s not unheard of for youngsters to take legal action against their parents for various offenses — from a pregnant Texas teen who sued her parents for allegedly pressuring her to get an abortion, to a pair of Illinois siblings in their 20s who sued their mom (unsuccessfully) for bad mothering. Even so, the Canning case is an extremely unusual one, according to experts in family law. That’s because similar suits typically involve either a divorce situation, with parents disagreeing on a child’s financial support, or a fight for emancipation, in which a teen is declared financially independent from parents.

    “This young woman is actually saying, ‘I want the court to compel my parents to continue to support me financially. That’s what’s unique in this case,” Mary Coogan, assistant director of the nonprofit Advocates for Children of New Jersey, tells Yahoo Shine. “So this young lady is in a unique situation because it does become very fact-sensitive. There’s really no law directly on point.” What families in similar situations have done, in Coogan’s experience, is to file for what’s called a “family crisis petition,” in which the court will try to mediate an agreeable outcome between the parents and their child.

    Talking the situation through would be a better route than a lawsuit, Kenneth Neumann, a New York divorce mediator and psychologist with the Center for Mediation & Training, tells Yahoo Shine. “We often use the legal system as a way to deal with disagreements when we should be using therapy or mediation,” he says, noting that Rachel’s case is “extremely rare,” and that he’s “not had a case like this in 30 years,” with the most unique angle being that the parents are not in disagreement. Unfortunately for Rachel, Neumann says, “I don’t think she has much of a case. This sounds like just another 18-year-old who got into a thing with her parents.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Quote Originally Posted by kelroy55 View Post
    I know which way I would rule if I was the judge....
    I think I know, but how? She is an honor student.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    My guess is Kelroy would rule in favor of the kid...

    Its her right to get a free education and its the parents duty to pay for college, just like all the other entitlements the govt has to provide for its citizens

  4. #4

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    You guessed wrong.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I might rule that the parents are obligated to pay her outstanding $5,306 Morris Catholic tuition bill, and maybe a portion of the attorney fees. The attorney fees seem pretty high. Even if the attorney is billing at $200/hour, that is over 62 hours. Seems like a lot of hours not even going to court yet. I would be surprised if they are not legally bound by something they signed with the school to do that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    The school would need to sue them for the tuition, not the girl.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Parents pay for college education as a gift. That child may find herself not only out of parent sponsored college, she may end up out of the will. I can't imagine what sort of parenting would result in a child feeling that entitled.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Parents pay for college education as a gift. That child may find herself not only out of parent sponsored college, she may end up out of the will. I can't imagine what sort of parenting would result in a child feeling that entitled.
    Probably a lot of the parenting that goes on today.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    College is a right!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I'm sorry but Rachel Canning's plight can't soothe my outrage monkey. Gonna have to throw in some parental swinging or crack smacking Jesus hating dwarves. This fix just simply doesn't do the trick.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Where is it listed as a "right"?
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by Garin View Post
    College is a right!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Another brat on the news. Yawn.

  13. Default Re: Teen sues parents

    College is a privilege, not a right. If you work hard through school with good grades and get to graduation, you have the privilege of going to college. For the student who slacked off, barely passed and made it to graduation, that student does not have the privilege of going to college because that student is not prepared. Allowing that unprepared student to go to college without proof of merit would be a right, of which we all know it is not.

    If she is such a great student, there are plenty of scholarships for her to apply for, be it for her sport, her grades, her hobby, or even her gender.

    This is a perfect example of a privileged child who doesn't understand the difference between financially gracious parents and the value of a post secondary education. What she really wants is to skip a few steps in life that not everyone has the privilege to have.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I wonder if her parents have thought about filing a countersuit involving malicious and frivolous prosecution . . .
    Or maybe a civil suit against their prophylactic manufacturer of choice.
    It might make a good novel (or Lifetime TV show): The Case of The Trojan Ho.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I an glad the ungrateful little hussy got the bogus suit thrown out by a judge who has some common sense.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    So do you think she is still in the parent's will?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child

    Actually, this child is worse. Not only does she not say thank you, she demands big bucks after slandering them. I pity the fool who marries her or, worse, shares a child with her.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child

    Actually, this child is worse. Not only does she not say thank you, she demands big bucks after slandering them. I pity the fool who marries her or, worse, shares a child with her.
    "You damn shure got THAT straight" . . .

  19. #19

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    dave ramsey's take on the subject


  20. Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I know several people from Morris County and they're all pretty self-centered spoiled brats...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I know several people from Morris County and they're all pretty self-centered spoiled brats...
    Something like that.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    I got a chuckle when Yesterday I heard one man say " she screwed up when she tried to sue for tuition. If she would have sued for her birth control, she would have won" ..

  23. #23

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Shoot ... look around.

  24. #24
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Is there anyone who doesn't believe the judge was absolutely right?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Teen sues parents

    Judge would be right to throw the whole thing out and force the girl to pay her parent's legal costs.

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