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Thread: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

  1. #51

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    The single biggest danger in the present election cycle is the same as what existed months ago ... apathy. It's hurt more than one candidate whose faithful were convinced the outcome was already certain and just got too busy to bother.
    Most astute observation in this thread as of late. This is no longer about positions or posturing, its about turnout. Solid, above-average turnout, and Cornett wins re-election comfortably IMHO. Light turnout, implying a great deal of apathy, bodes the opposite. There is a non-trivial number out there who support Shadid...."just cuz," and those "populist" talking points he repeatedly hits is one of the reasons why Kevin's comment is on the money.

    Go vote. Tell your OKC neighbors to vote. Tell your OKC friends to go vote - do not take this particular mayoral election as just another fait accompli, or we seriously risk putting the city in the hands of a guy who has absolutely no business anywhere near the office.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    It's a Facebook page for people who consider themselves progressive and are voting for Mick Cornett, who on the surface might seem like a less progressive choice than Ed Shadid. It doesn't mean there aren't progressives who are voting for Ed Shadid. But, all the progressives I know are voting for Mick. Two years ago they might have voted differently, but they pay attention. In my opinion, Ed's biggest enemy is himself, as he's alienated a lot of the people who pay attention.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Thank you for not co-opting the progressive brand.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Check out Mick's progressive ad when he ran for congress. He hits two of the three gop rabble rousing trinity.
    Ed Shadid | Okie Funk: Notes From The Outback
    Shadid is doing spots speaking Spanish. That has to be a first in OKC elections? He's going whole hog all city. this election will show the true nature of OKC.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    he's catering for votes, which based on those on this board who worked and supported him a couple of years ago can tell you, doesn't mean jack, because he'll go back to ignoring them once he's in office.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    I must confess absolute pure enjoyment at how much angst this page is causing the people of DRED. We have real endorsements from real Progressives with more coming.

    Now they are claiming that this is some sort of fake, moneyed group putting this on instead of the simple group of citizens that we are.

    Always a conspiracy with those folks. It never ends.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    It is very strange the people claiming to be progressives at Hudson & 7th are acting exactly like the Tea Party groups they criticize with all the paranoia and pitting groups against each other. Just proves there are extremes on both sides.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    I must confess absolute pure enjoyment at how much angst this page is causing the people of DRED. We have real endorsements from real Progressives with more coming.

    Now they are claiming that this is some sort of fake, moneyed group putting this on instead of the simple group of citizens that we are.

    Always a conspiracy with those folks. It never ends.
    Haha, where are they talking about it? On the Shadid Facebook page that you get banned from for posting anything other than support for Shadid?

  9. #59

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    I must confess absolute pure enjoyment at how much angst this page is causing the people of DRED. We have real endorsements from real Progressives with more coming.

    Now they are claiming that this is some sort of fake, moneyed group putting this on instead of the simple group of citizens that we are.

    Always a conspiracy with those folks. It never ends.
    My check must have gotten lost in the mail.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Cotter View Post
    My check must have gotten lost in the mail.
    The chamber junta intercepted it to fund construction of their lair beneath the MAPS Virtucon CC.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    I must confess absolute pure enjoyment at how much angst this page is causing the people of DRED. We have real endorsements from real Progressives with more coming.

    Now they are claiming that this is some sort of fake, moneyed group putting this on instead of the simple group of citizens that we are.

    Always a conspiracy with those folks. It never ends.
    I do appreciate his poor choice of signage layout, "DRE(A)D SHADID MAYOR, VOTE MARCH 4" could have been a slogan for an anti-Shadid campaign. Thinking about referring to him as Councilman Dred after the election till the end of his term.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    The chamber junta intercepted it to fund construction of their lair beneath the MAPS Virtucon CC.
    Going to steal this! Virtucon CC....cracked me up.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Progressives for Mayor Cornett

    Books could be written about this election: "How to Lose an Election and Alienate Friends," by Team DRED.

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