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Thread: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

  1. #26

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    Lots of deadbeat moms out there too. My ex-wife tool off 15 years ago and (fortunately for me) left me with the kids. I came home from night classes in college to find my 4 & 6 year old on the bath tub and my 14 year old in her room watching tv. She was ordered to pay 580.00 per month and has never paid a dime. She owes me over 100000.00 which I will never see. I am ok with hat because I got to raise my kids.
    Unless she is completely unemployed and without any assets or assistance payments, you might consider rethinking your never see any of the funds. It's true that one can not acquire blood from a turnip, but one can squeeze nickles out the nose and toes of some turnip-heads.

  2. #27

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Heaton View Post
    It sure is! Next up...enforcing visitation (HB3001, HB3471 and SB1612) which is a start but not the solution.
    Haven't read those bills, but there are already reasonably decent mechanisms for enforcing court ordered visitation. For what it's worth, in my experience, judges are usually not the least bit fond of their orders being treated like a forum troll, and will often explain rather clearly there is no ignore button to negate a court order.

  3. #28

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Unless she is completely unemployed and without any assets or assistance payments, you might consider rethinking your never see any of the funds. It's true that one can not acquire blood from a turnip, but one can squeeze nickles out the nose and toes of some turnip-heads.
    You can squeeze tax refunds out of them and if they do work you can have their employer send you the support garnished from their pay. And I did not mean to imply that there are only dead beat dads. I know there are dead beat moms too. You do hear more dads complaining about the support they are ordered to pay though. And I understand that handing over money to an ex is not easy. I just don't understand how anyone that brought a child into the world can just walk away from supporting them.

  4. #29

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    Lots of deadbeat moms out there too. My ex-wife tool off 15 years ago and (fortunately for me) left me with the kids. I came home from night classes in college to find my 4 & 6 year old on the bath tub and my 14 year old in her room watching tv. She was ordered to pay 580.00 per month and has never paid a dime. She owes me over 100000.00 which I will never see. I am ok with hat because I got to raise my kids.
    Bro, there's no statute of limitations for child support, so if it's enough years out of time, all I can tell you is hire private counsel and sue the bitch.

  5. #30

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Anecdotal - I have a step sister who is nice enough but has the brains of a retarded squirrel. She married young to a man who was just horrible to her - abused her, cheated on her, etc. They had a son and after 2-3 years they divorced and she kept the boy but dad had him most of the time. Within a couple of years, dad sued and won custody. She was ordered to pay child support but pretty much ignored it and since she never worked a job that made any money, anyway, he only made a few half hearted efforts to collect. When the boy was about 15, he started getting into trouble and was in and out of detention. At 18, he got sent to prison (I don't even remember why but it didn't surprise anyone - he was a mess). He convinced his dad to go after his mom for back child support and dad did - and got a huge award dating back about 15 years. It was in the triple digits and she will never be able to pay it all back. The son has been out of prison for a long time but he still hounds his mom to pay up.

    Dysfunctional family, clearly.

  6. #31

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    I could be wrong but, I thought children had the option of taking legal action against the parents when they became adults if the custodial parent/guardian was unsuccessful at collecting back child support.

  7. Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Bro, there's no statute of limitations for child support, so if it's enough years out of time, all I can tell you is hire private counsel and sue the bitch.
    I never considered that, I just figured that she would never pay. But now that you mention it. She is married to some guy who is getting a5 million dollar law suit from OG&E. Maybe I should do that after they come in to some money.

  8. #33

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by MWCGuy View Post
    I could be wrong but, I thought children had the option of taking legal action against the parents when they became adults if the custodial parent/guardian was unsuccessful at collecting back child support.
    She's in Texas and it was awhile ago so I don't know the law specifics - just that son shakes her down from time to time.

  9. #34

    Default Re: CHILD SUPPORT...Arizona Got It Right

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryOKC6 View Post
    I never considered that, I just figured that she would never pay. But now that you mention it. She is married to some guy who is getting a5 million dollar law suit from OG&E. Maybe I should do that after they come in to some money.
    His funds are not at play, be he a minimum wage worker or a 7 figure income or trust fund baby.

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